In this article, we will conduct a comparative analysis of boldenone with such popular steroids as methane. The content of the article:
- Boldenone and Methandrostenolone
- Testosterone and boldenone
- Nandrolone and Boldenone
- Steroid use
- Dosages of the drug
Boldenone is very widespread in the West, and came to our country relatively recently. Before, boldenone came to us sporadically, and it was difficult to draw conclusions about its effectiveness. But now times have changed, and this article aims to explain which to choose - boldenone or methane.
Boldenone and Methandrostenolone

Almost from the first glance at the molecules of these drugs, their similarity becomes obvious. This is the reason why boldenone and methane are considered analogs. However, this is completely wrong. Thanks to the methyl group in the 17th position of methane, the structure of the steroid itself changes greatly. It should also be remembered that the drug does not want to part with this group and does it with great difficulty.
Under the influence of aromatase, methane is converted into 17-methyl-estradiol, and boldenone into a significantly weaker estrogen. Although boldenone should undergo aromatization more strongly than methane, in practice it turned out to be the opposite. Thus, the first of the main differences between steroids is the different aromatization rating.
Also, a very important difference is the inability of methane to act on androgen-type receptors. The reason for this again lies in the presence of the methyl group. In turn, boldenone does an excellent job with this task, and here it is very close to nandrolone. The only thing boldenone and methane have in common is their ability to improve appetite.
Testosterone and boldenone

There are many similarities in the structure of boldenone and testosterone. In fact, the only difference is in the presence of a double bond between positions 1 and 2 in the A ring of boldenone. And it is precisely because of this difference that the steroid can be called universal. The double bond makes it impossible for the drug to be influenced by 5-a-reductase. In this regard, it will not be superfluous to recall that this substance ensures the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which is much more powerful than the male hormone.
Dihydrotestosterone not only has a more powerful effect on androgen-type receptors, but also differs significantly in other properties. In fact, 5-a-reluctase changes the properties of the original substance. Boldenone is a milder version of testosterone. They have a similar effect on the body in many ways.
Nandrolone and Boldenone

As mentioned above, boldenone is much closer to nandrolone in its properties. It should be noted that their molecules are quite significantly different, but they have a similar tendency to aromatization. They also have practically the same stabilization time for androgen receptors.
For this reason, it is very common to hear recommendations about the interchange of these steroids. Although this step does not seem entirely justified for the following reason. Thanks to the 5-a-reductase already noted in the article, nandrolone is able to convert to dihydrotestosterone, which is inferior to it in its ability to act on androgen receptors.
Thus, boldenone, which does not undergo this transformation, can be considered a more powerful steroid drug. It also possesses non-genomic activity, which is completely devoid of nandrolone. But on the other hand, nandrolone has progestogenic activity, due to which it is more effective when gaining mass, although only slightly.
Steroid use

Of course, boldenone can also be used in mass gaining courses. However, to use for this purpose a steroid that does not have the effect of aromatization and progestogenic activity does not seem entirely appropriate. Although, when used in combination with long esters of testosterone, the result can be quite impressive.
Still, the optimal application for boldenone is in drying cycles. But at the same time, one should not forget about the ability of the steroid to increase appetite. Due to its properties, the accumulation of excess liquid can be easily avoided. Quite often, the remedy is used by athletes in the second half of the cycle, as a replacement for nandrolone. This is due to the fact that boldenone is less active in inhibiting the synthesis of natural testosterone.
It is also necessary to note another interesting feature - the ability to stimulate the process of synthesis of erythropoietin in the tissues of the kidneys, due to which the content of red cells in the blood increases. Although in fairness it should be admitted that this is more important for those sports where endurance is of great importance. For bodybuilding, this is not so essential. On the other hand, it allows you to increase the vascularity, which is important for athletes.
And in conclusion, what is not a good property is the presence of a very long and super heavy ether chain in boldenone. The steroid already starts working quite late, and here there is also such a ballast.
It has been known for a long time that the use of the drug in the form of undecylenate is highly inappropriate. More recently, the synthesis of boldenone acetate and propionate has begun. These substances seem more promising, but so far they are produced in small quantities and are intended for research. But boldenone acetate and propionate will surely hit the market in the coming years.
Dosages of the drug

The average weekly dosage of boldenone is 300-800 milligrams. The minimum dose will be acceptable for beginners, and for professional athletes it will be between 600 and 800 milligrams. Dosages of 300 milligrams should be adhered to only when used in combination with other steroids.
Although, if we talk about novice athletes, it is still better to start with 150 or 200 milligrams. This will be enough to achieve excellent results. Since the steroid has a long decay period, one injection for a week is quite enough.
Watch the video on which to choose - boldenone or methane:

In combination courses, the choice of other steroids depends on the goals set. If this is a mass-gaining cycle, then testosterone enanthate or sustanon will be the best choice. For drying, stanozol or trenbolone is well suited.