Filo dough

Filo dough
Filo dough

Filo dough or filo is the most famous in Mediterranean cuisine. It is the basis for the preparation of many national dishes, moreover, it can be frozen. We are learning to make a stretched dough that is no thicker than paper.

Filo dough
Filo dough

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Unleavened thin filo dough or as it is also called stretched dough is very popular in Mediterranean countries. The layers of dough are so thin that they are almost transparent. In our country, it is most often called stretched dough. It is much thinner than classic puff pastry. Of course, it is sold in supermarkets, and I will not argue that it is easier to buy it than to cook it yourself. Since this is a very laborious process. But after all, any homemade dough is much better than the purchased one.

In addition, it can be prepared in a large batch, divided into layers and frozen for the future for a period of 6 months. And when needed, defrost a specific batch and prepare the desired dish. In order to freeze the dough, you just need to roll it up, wrapped in plastic wrap and send it to the freezer. It should be defrosted for a long time, because it is very brittle. It should also be remembered that you cannot freeze it twice. Therefore, before cooking, clearly determine how much you need it. And you can cook many different pastries from filo dough, both sweet and hearty. For example, strudels, pies, baklava, rolls, bagels, etc.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 441 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - 6 Sheets
  • Cooking time - 2 hours


  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Drinking water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp

Step-by-step recipe for filo dough:

Salt dissolved in water
Salt dissolved in water

1. Dilute salt in water of 50 degrees. Stir to dissolve completely.

Flour sifted into a sieve
Flour sifted into a sieve

2. Sift flour through a fine sieve into a bowl for kneading the dough.

Salt water added to flour
Salt water added to flour

3. Next, pour in warm salt water.

Added butter to flour
Added butter to flour

4. Then add vegetable oil.

Soda added to flour
Soda added to flour

5. Add baking soda.

The dough is kneaded
The dough is kneaded

6. Start kneading the dough. At first it will seem that there is not enough liquid and you will want to add it more. But you should not rush, in the process of kneading the dough will acquire the desired texture and stop sticking to your hands.

The dough is kneaded
The dough is kneaded

7. When the dough becomes elastic, form a ball out of it and beat it well on the table about 10-15 times. To do this, lift the dough up and throw it back with force.

The dough is divided into parts
The dough is divided into parts

8. Divide the finished dough into equal 6 parts and form them into a round shape.

The dough is covered with polyethylene
The dough is covered with polyethylene

9. Put the dough in a bowl, cover with cling film and refrigerate for an hour.

The dough is rolled out with a rolling pin
The dough is rolled out with a rolling pin

10. After this time, remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it warm up to room temperature. After each bun of dough, form a layer with your hands, and then roll it out as thinly as you can with a rolling pin. It is most convenient to roll it out on a table covered with a tablecloth and sprinkled with flour.

The dough is stretched by hands
The dough is stretched by hands

11. Continue the process of work with your hands. Transfer it to the back of your hands and stretch the dough by the edges, turn it over and pull again. Spread your arms to the sides, or hold one edge of the sheet on the table, and stretch the other, which hangs down.

The dough is stretched
The dough is stretched

12. If desired, place the finished dough on parchment and trim the edges with a knife. But you can leave it in an oval shape, if this does not bother you.

The dough is rolled up
The dough is rolled up

13. Transfer each finished dough sheet with parchment and roll it up. Cover with a damp towel to keep it from drying out. If you will freeze it, then wrap it with cling film and send it to the freezer. If not, then after 15 minutes unfold the dough and start baking. To do this, unfold each sheet and brush with melted butter using a cooking brush.

See also a video recipe on how to make filo dough.

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