How to build a relationship with your ex, what they can be, what you need to do and what you can't do to return your ex-loved one. Important! Before you establish communication with your ex, analyze his actions and attitude towards you. If he makes contact, is sincerely interested in you and everything that happens in your life, does not refuse help and does not avoid communication - there is every chance of success. Otherwise, it is better to direct all efforts to new, more promising relationships.
Basic prohibitions in relationships with ex

If you still decide to change your anger to mercy, or vice versa, are not going to give up your happiness to another and want to restore the relationship, remember the patterns of behavior that can interfere with the implementation of your plans:
- Inadequate ex … Ignoring his presence, being rude and hysterical are steps that will only distance you from reuniting with your ex-loved one. Moreover, clarification of relations, including in public, by phone and in a not quite sober state. Controlling your feelings of jealousy will require special attention. Especially if the ex has a new relationship (or the new relationship is the reason for the breakup). In this case, no discussion of the rival and jealous attacks in his direction. You are the very courtesy and attractiveness. If he is still alone, you should not go to the other extreme and, regretting, constantly remind him of this.
- Unhappy Juliet … Another way women use to get back in touch with their ex is through pity. Rather, behavior that is aimed at arousing pity in a man. Constantly notifying your ex about how difficult, lonely, and problematic you are can put you in a status of a burden. Although the goal was simply to show how much you need it. Moreover, you cannot blame him for your troubles.
- Irrepressible activist … Excessive activity is also unacceptable - limit your interest in his life to measures of decency. There is no need to offer him your service in any form (cooking, cleaning, washing, treatment, etc.), arguing such services by the fact that he is alone, and it is not at all difficult for you. The same applies to frequent phone calls - control is no longer appropriate. Moreover, you should not try to bind him to yourself with financial "ties", work or business, you will either receive aggression in response, or you will pull everything on yourself.
- "Kind fairy … Do not hide your anger or resentment from him, he should know that at this stage you do not have the most positive feelings towards him. “Speak out” these emotions - with a psychologist, friends, relatives. If you can't tell him to his face - write a letter. If you can't send it, just burn it. The main thing is to let these feelings out, to live them. Therefore, it is a big mistake to put on a mask of welcoming and caring, if resentment gnaws inside.
How to communicate with an ex - watch the video:

Relationships with an ex or an ex is a tricky issue. You yourself must find the answer to it, since a lot depends on why you separated and how you did it. But the main thing that you must do in any case is to forgive your "ex", no matter what he has done, and to let go. And then time will tell.