Red spotted geneta: features of the content

Red spotted geneta: features of the content
Red spotted geneta: features of the content

The origin and native land of the spotted geneta, representatives of the genus, features of the external appearance, advice on keeping a predator in your home, acquisition. Most people at certain moments in life may have an idea or an irresistible desire to acquire some kind of pet. Someone lives alone in a large apartment or in a house and he really wants to be met from work by his four-legged companion, someone has a child dreaming of a kitten or a dog, vowing that he will take care of her, and some try with the help pets to emphasize their individuality and good taste.

In the period of our time, it is already quite difficult to stand out or surprise someone with a cat or a dog, even if they are of very rare "royal" blood and they were bought at a very high price, since today it has become absolutely customary to get yourself various exotic animals in as a pet.

Some may regard this as nothing more than stupid vanity and another attempt to emphasize their superiority and wealth, while others consider this to be absolutely normal. All people are different and they are all individuals, with their own special tastes and needs, and the choice of a pet is a purely personal matter and whether it is a kitten from the street or some kind of overseas four-legged miracle is up to you.

In the event that you confidently and irrevocably decided that you want to make friends with someone extraordinary, you should turn your attention to such a miracle of nature as the red spotted geneta. This is not just an animal - it is a kind of perfection, looking at this graceful creature, thoughts involuntarily come that this is not an animal, but the finest work of art. You can look at it for hours and just have fun. Bringing this beauty into the house, you will undoubtedly never regret it, since she is not only capable of pleasing the eye, but will also become your faithful friend and companion.

If you are ready to follow some basic rules for caring for a geneta and give it the necessary amount of your attention, this graceful creature will pay you double with its affection and friendliness. Genetta is an animal that is a pleasure to take care of, but in order not to have certain questions and difficulties, you should get to know her better.

Relationships and habitats of the animal in the wild

Genetta for a walk
Genetta for a walk

Genetta (Latin Genetta) is a mammalian animal, the geneta genus originates from the large Viverridae family. Scientists have attributed this pretty creature to the order of predators.

Traveling around the world, it is possible to meet this fabulously beautiful little animal in many parts of the world. Its main habitat is considered to be the territories of hot Africa, mainly countries such as Ethiopia, Congo, Namibia, Nigeria, Gabon, Kenya, Mozambique, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, the only exception is the Sahara Desert. She also lives in the Middle East and Southwest Europe.

Variety of species of red spotted geneta

Two geneta
Two geneta

According to general estimates, the genet genus consists of 12-14 representatives. The most famous of them are presented to your attention:

  1. Spotted geneta - Genetta maculata;
  2. Comb geneta - Genetta cristara;
  3. Common genetta - Genetta genetta;
  4. Ethiopian geneta - Genetta abyssinica;
  5. West African geneta - Genetta thierryi;
  6. Forest geneta - Genetta pardina;
  7. Tiger geneta - Genetta tigrina;
  8. Angolan geneta - Genetta angolensis;
  9. Serval geneta - Genetta servalina.

Description of the appearance of the geneta

Spotted geneta on the closet
Spotted geneta on the closet

Seeing this animal of extraordinary beauty, it is impossible to take your eyes off it. In its exterior, all the finest qualities are very harmoniously combined, this is both a fabulous appearance and a graceful, elegant demeanor. It is safe to say that the geneta is the very cream of society only in the big world of animals, such a lady with a proud bearing.

The length of her charming body is approximately 90-100 cm, if you take into account the tail, separately the body grows on average 43-49 cm, and the tail, respectively, 40-50 cm. The body weight of this magical animal is approximately 1, 4–3 kg.

The superb body of the spotted geneta is very slender, lithe and squat, despite the fact that at first glance it seems that it is very fragile, the body of this African beauty is very strong.

If you don't look closely at this predatory magic, you can see a huge similarity with all your favorite cats. Indeed, they have something in common, but the muzzle of the spotted animal is more elongated and narrower. The ears are also different, they are larger in size and have a slightly rounded shape. The hallmark of the genet is their teeth, especially the incisors - they are very sharp.

The entire beautiful body of this pretty spotted animal is wrapped in beautiful thick fur, which is stiffer and shorter on the body, and noticeably lengthens towards the tail, which gives the animal an even more refined appearance. It is the tail that serves for this delightful little animal not only as a harmonious decoration, but also as a kind of blanket, because during the rest period, the animal rests in its home, wrapped in its most beautiful fluffy body element.

The forelimbs are much shorter than the hind ones. The claws are similar to the claws of an ordinary domestic cat, only this predator does not know how to completely hide them, as cats do.

At a time when this spotted beauty is in a good mood, it tends to purr, as do all familiar domestic cats, if she is angry, it can begin to hiss. Closer to the base of the caudal process, the red spotted geneta has anal glands that secrete a secret - musk. This liquid has a pungent specific odor. There are two pairs of nipples on the abdomen.

Body color. Each representative of a large geneta geneta is an individuality, for this reason both the color of the fur and the ornament on the body are unique. The color scheme is very diverse, it can be a pale yellow color, and gray tones with a sandy or reddish tint, or light brown shades. The entire surface of the beautiful body of this animal is decorated with spots of various shapes, which are located in regular horizontal rows. These jewelry are most often decorated by nature in black or dark brown colors.

Features of the behavior of geneta in the natural environment

Spotted geneta at night
Spotted geneta at night

Since the red-spotted geneta is a predatory creature by its nature, then, like many of its relatives, it leads a predominantly nocturnal or twilight lifestyle. In the daytime, this graceful predator prefers to rest and sleep in some secluded corner, it can be cozy crevices of rocks, alien holes or hollows of trees. When darkness begins to wrap the ground, the geneta goes in search of food. Agility, attention and speed in the process of hunting, this, at first glance, cute animal, can be the envy of the most ferocious predators.

During the foraging period, this adorable mammal shows itself in a particularly beautiful manner. Its extremely flexible body allows it to move silently and gracefully in search of prey, carefully listening to any rustle and studying all the smells. If the geneta suspects that even the smallest animal has appeared nearby, it attacks without thinking, gracefully jumping, and with all its beautiful body strangles the prey, while it tends to emit a smug grumbling. When this red-haired perfection climbs stones or tree branches, her torso resembles one straight line, and with each subsequent movement, one can assume that her body is formed by thousands of joints and hundreds of muscles, so skillfully she owns it.

As for food, then, despite all its pride and superiority, it does not make any special demands. She does not disdain rodents, small reptiles, birds and their eggs, sometimes she can feast on various fruits.

For the reason that spotted geneta very often choose a habitat closer to human settlements, then poultry farmers have a hard time. At night, they often attack agriculture, destroying poultry, in this regard, in their homeland, they are classified as a pest. Although, as some sources say, in ancient times, people tamed the genet to rid their possession of various rodents.

This excellent animal has another similarity to the domestic cat - they are both very shy. With each release of stress hormones in both the cat and the geneta, the fur rears up, and the anal glands begin to intensively produce a secret with a specific musky smell.

Despite the fact that this creature is quite attentive, nimble and careful, various dangers also do not bypass him. In an open nature, this creature with stunning external data has not so few enemies, among them there are larger predatory animals of the feline family, large birds of prey, wild and domestic dogs, as well as snakes.

But there is another serious problem that burdens the life of a small beautiful geneta - this is a person. For the reason that this sophisticated cunning makes invasions of rural chicken coops with enviable regularity, people often catch and kill beautiful pests. In addition, in the native lands of this animal, the locals hunt it not only to protect their possessions, but also for the sake of obtaining meat and beautiful fur, from which some original wardrobe item will soon be sewn.

Continuation of the genus of red spotted geneta

Ginger geneta
Ginger geneta

By its nature, this spotted animal is a creature that does not need company and feels quite comfortable alone. Females and males of this species begin to coexist only for the period of reproduction of offspring.

The reproduction of these extraordinary representatives of the world fauna occurs approximately twice a year, the most favorable period for this is considered to be spring or summer. The duration of pregnancy in the female half of the genet is approximately 10-12 weeks, after this period, from one to four deaf and blind babies are born. A week later, hearing appears in newborns, and eyes open. The female constructs her own “birth hall” on her own from soft dry grass.

The spotted mother geneta feeds her cubs with mother's milk for 5-6 months, gradually starting to accustom them to adult food. Malts live in the parent's nest for up to one year, and upon reaching 2 years of age they become fully adult and independent and their mother lets them go into absolutely free "swimming".

Keeping spotted geneta at home

Red-haired geneta in a hammock
Red-haired geneta in a hammock

Looking at the photo of the red-spotted geneta, one involuntarily gets the impression that this excellent animal, which came to us from Africa, requires royal living conditions and that an ordinary person is simply unable to satisfy all the requirements and whims of this graceful beast. Perhaps such conclusions suggest themselves because of its unusually beautiful exterior or because of the usual considerations that exotic pets will require appropriate exotic care.

But when you bring such a fabulous creature to your home, you will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised. Caring for a spotted mammal in general consists of two basic rules - proper and regular nutrition and daily cleaning of its vital products.

  1. Personal space. By their nature and behavior, spotted geneta are extremely similar to all beloved domestic cats. Keeping them in a city apartment, they will feel quite comfortable walking around your living space. They can rest on the sofa next to their owner and in a soft cozy house for cats purchased at a pet store (only the size of its crib should be larger than for an ordinary cat). If you move to a summer cottage in the summer and want to take your African companion with you for the company, a spacious aviary located on the territory of your garden will serve as the best housing for him. Of course, this original pet must be allowed out for walks from time to time, so that he can walk and frolic in an open area, because no matter how tamed and domesticated he is, his love of freedom is at the genetic level. It is necessary to install his personal utensil set in his home, which you will fill with various delicacies every day, as well as a container with clean drinking water. Also, on the territory of personal square meters of an attractive animal, it is imperative to design a soft and comfortable recreation area.
  2. Hygienic procedures. This unearthly beauty animal is by nature very clean, the geneta carefully cares for its luxurious coat, combing and washing it every day. If the animal is in a good mood, you can also help him take care of his body, there are times when this inimitable representative of the large animal world happily allows himself to scratch, while emitting a joyful and satisfying purr. But if your pet got up "on the wrong foot" today, it is not recommended to violate his comfort zone, it will not end well, except for the aggression of your furry companion. Due to natural need, the red spotted geneta, even in open nature, is used to walking to the same place, for this reason you can safely buy a cat tray. It is not difficult to train her to the litter box, the technology is the same as that of kittens, and the result in most cases will be crowned with success. The tray needs to be cleaned regularly, since this cleanliness may refuse to use a dirty toilet, then it is common for her to break her habits and relieve her needs in any convenient place for this. You are unlikely to like this.
  3. Nutrition. The diet of this slender graceful beauty should be varied and balanced. As a main dish, spotted geneta will be quite fond of regular cat food purchased from a pet store. Only they alone will not be enough for you. Your African tenant should also be fed low-fat meats, chicken, turkey, rabbit are good, and you can give beef. Also, we must not forget about fish, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the good development and good health of your friend. In no case will this animal refuse various fruits, it can be given dried. And also live foods, such as rodents, if there is such an opportunity - do not exclude them from her menu. It will be good to periodically give the geneta useful vitamin complexes.
  4. Precautions. If your pet eats raw meat, you should regularly prevent helminthiasis.

Purchase and price of red spotted geneta

Spotted geneta on a branch
Spotted geneta on a branch

Today, these delightful creatures are gaining more and more popularity and demand in Russia, so it is not difficult to buy it. On average, the price for one individual of the geneta ranges from 70,000 to 130,000 rubles.

What a red spotted geneta looks like, see the video:
