Yarg cheese: benefits and harms, recipes

Yarg cheese: benefits and harms, recipes
Yarg cheese: benefits and harms, recipes

Making English Yarg cheese. Calorie content and composition of the product. What beneficial properties does it have and who is it harmful to? Cooking use, history.

Yarg is a semi-hard English cheese made from pre-pasteurized cow's milk. The main production is concentrated in Cornwall, so the cheese is often called Cornish. Yarg's heads have a classic round shape and an average weight of about 3 kg, but, nevertheless, they are remarkable - during the manufacturing process they are wrapped in nettle or wild garlic leaves, and therefore the ripened cheese looks like a real emerald. The texture of the flesh varies with the ripening time and can be soft, pliable and elastic, or hard and loose. Nettle and garlic leaves give not only a distinctive look, but also a subtle mushroom hue, thanks to which gourmets will recognize Cornish cheese from thousands of others. Yarg is served as an appetizer for white dry wine or cider and is used in the preparation of a wide variety of culinary dishes, it goes especially well with potatoes and fish.

Features of making Yarg cheese

Yarg cheese production
Yarg cheese production

For the preparation of the product, high-quality milk from cows of our own production herd is used. In many ways, the recipe for Yarg cheese is similar to the schemes for preparing other cheeses: first, the milk is heated, then various starters are added to it, then the whey is separated and the cheese is sent for salting and pressing.

However, after all these standard steps, one unusual follows: before sending the cheese to ripen, the heads are wrapped in nettle or garlic leaves. Yarg is matured for 1, 5-3 months.

Yarg cheese varieties Peculiarity
Yarg Cornish cheese Wrapped in nettle leaves
Wild gerlig yarg Wrapped in wild garlic leaves
Heart Shaped сheese Heart-shaped cheese, can be wrapped in both nettle leaves and garlic

It is noteworthy that manufacturers came up with the idea of wrapping heads in nettles in the absence of the opportunity to create the most comfortable conditions for the ripening of the product. As a result, the crust did not dry out and the quality of the cheese did not deteriorate.

Today, this is no longer necessary, professional equipment can easily create the required temperature and humidity. However, without nettle, Yarg will no longer have the same taste for which it is appreciated by gourmets around the world, despite the fact that it is produced in a very limited edition - about 200 tons per year and mainly by the Lynher Dairies enterprise.

Not so long ago, a new Yarga variety appeared: nettles are crushed and added to the cheese mass, which makes the taste even more interesting and significantly increases the usefulness of the product.

Composition and calorie content of Yarg cheese

Yarg Cornish cheese
Yarg Cornish cheese

The calorie content of Yarg cheese is 300-350 kcal, typical for semi-hard cheeses, the fat content is 45%

The useful components of cheese are, first of all, protein. It is complete, that is, it is optimally balanced for the human body in terms of its amino acid composition. In addition, the protein in cheese is absorbed better than the protein in meat products.

Fats in Yarg cheese are saturated, their intake into the body is necessary, but their abuse is dangerous to health.

There are practically no carbohydrates in the product, but if you eat a piece of Yarg with, say, rye bread, which is a good source of carbohydrates, you get a great balanced snack.

The vitamin and mineral composition of the product is rich, it is especially worth highlighting the increased content of calcium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins A, B2, B9.

See the composition and calorie content of Cachocavallo cheese

Useful properties of Yarg cheese

Wild Gerlig Yarg Cheese
Wild Gerlig Yarg Cheese

Cheese is a healthy food product if it has been prepared with strict quality control. Yarg belongs to those, manufacturers use only high-quality fresh milk, and the product itself consists of only two ingredients - milk and salt, there are no flavors, dyes and other substances toxic to the human body in it.

Let's take a closer look at the nutrients that provide the benefits of Yarg cheese:

  1. Highly digestible complete protein … It is a critical nutrient that does more than just the structural function of maintaining and growing muscles. Many enzymes in the body are proteins, and without them, a large number of biochemical reactions are impossible. There are also transport proteins, for example, hemoglobin, which carries oxygen, is of a protein nature. In general, it is possible to list the functions of a nutrient for a long time, but one thing is clear, a person needs it every day. However, it is important to get it from quality sources - Yarg cheese is one of them.
  2. Calcium and Phosphorus … Two essential elements of skeletal integrity are present in a good ratio in the product. Calcium is the main mineralizer of bones, phosphorus in hard tissues also contains quite a lot, but to a greater extent it ensures the absorption of calcium. In addition to serving the skeletal system, these minerals are also involved in other biochemical processes: for example, calcium promotes the conduction of nerve impulses, and phosphorus stimulates the production of energy by cells.
  3. Zinc … This mineral, also found in large quantities in Yarg cheese, plays an important role in the effective functioning of the immune system and its activation when the body is infected with various bacterial and viral infections. In addition, the nutrient is important for the health of the skin, it fights well against inflammation, preventing acne, acne, dermatoses.
  4. Vitamin A … It is called the vitamin of vision, since it participates in the synthesis of the complex protein rhodopsin, without which, in turn, adequate work of the retina of the eye is impossible. The vitamin is especially important in the prevention of night blindness. In addition, the nutrient is responsible for the health of the skin and mucous membranes. Thus, it prevents dry eye syndrome, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genital organs.
  5. Vitamins B2 and B9 … All B vitamins mainly work as coenzymes, that is, catalysts for various biochemical processes. So, B2 stimulates the metabolism of fats, the synthesis of hemoglobin, glycogen, some hormones and vitamins. Vitamin B9 is involved in the processes of protein synthesis and cell division, which is why it is so important for pregnant women.

These are just the main benefits of Yarg cheese, considered based on the main components of its nutrients. In reality, the benefits are more extensive, since other vitamins and minerals are also present in the product in less significant, but important for the overall balance, quantities.

Read more about the benefits of Robiola cheese

Contraindications and harm of Yarg cheese

Overweight girl
Overweight girl

Due to the fact that cheese is almost half, or more precisely, 45%, consists of fat, and, as we have already mentioned, we are talking about saturated fatty acids, its amount in the diet must be carefully dosed. The norm for a healthy person is 60-80 g per day. This limitation has another reason, since during the manufacturing process cheese is soaked in a salty solution, it contains a large amount of sodium salts, which can disrupt one of the most important body balances - sodium-potassium.

In addition, Yarg cheese can be harmful when:

  • Overweight - in the diet of people prone to obesity, it is better not to include foods so rich in saturated fats.
  • Lactose intolerance - if there is no lactase enzyme in the intestine that digests milk sugar - lactose, cheese, like all other dairy products, is prohibited. However, if the enzyme is present, but in small quantities, it is occasionally allowed to consume a couple of slices of the product.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases involving a therapeutic diet - in this case, the introduction of cheese into the diet is discussed individually with the attending physician.

It is especially important to regulate the content of cheese in the diet for heart patients and people with potassium deficiency, since disturbances in the sodium-potassium balance are especially dangerous for them.

Allergy sufferers and people with weakened immunity - pregnant and lactating women, young children, and the elderly - should try Yarg cheese with caution.

Yarg cheese recipes

Yarg cheese pie
Yarg cheese pie

The British consider Yarg to be a universal cheese, which is equally good both as an independent snack and as part of a dish. It goes well with potatoes and fish, and is also often used as a filling for pies.

Let's take a look at some interesting recipes:

  1. Jacket baked potatoes … Rinse the potatoes thoroughly (4 pieces), rub with vegetable oil, salt and pepper. Fold into a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 200OC. Depending on the oven and the size of the tubers, it can be baked for 1-2 hours. Meanwhile, prepare the filling: chop the garlic (4 cloves) and finely chop the onion (1 head), fry in a pan until soft. Transfer the onion and garlic to a bowl, when cool, add grated cheese (200 g), chopped parsley and green onions (to taste), and sour cream (2-3 tablespoons). Mix well. Cool the finished potatoes and cut into halves, remove the pulp, mix it with the filling. Put the filling in each half, a small piece of butter (100 g) on top and place in the oven for another 10 minutes.
  2. Cheese cake … Pour wheat flour (1, 5 cups) into a bowl, add salt and diced butter (100 g). Knead the dough with your hands until smooth, add water (6 tablespoons), knead the dough. Roll out and place the dough in a mold greased with vegetable oil and sprinkled with semolina. The dough should cover the bottom and sides. Prepare the filling: fry the leeks (100 g) in a pan until soft, transfer to a bowl, and put the diced cheese (100 g) there. Place the filling into the dough. Beat eggs (2 pieces) with milk (130 ml) separately, salt and pepper to taste, pour this mixture over the pie. Bake at 200OC for half an hour. This pie goes well with green salad.
  3. Vegetables in a creamy sauce … Broccoli (400 g) and cauliflower (400 g) disassemble into inflorescences, boil in salted water for 10 minutes. In a saucepan, melt the butter (1 tablespoon), fry the flour (1 tablespoon) on it for a couple of minutes. Add cream (500 ml), bring to a boil and add grated cheese (150 g). When the cheese is melted, turn off the heat and cover the sauce. Place vegetables in a baking dish, cover with sauce and bake for 20-30 minutes at 180OWITH.
  4. Pink salmon baked in foil … Cut the fish (1 piece) into steaks. Cut several squares from foil, each piece has its own. Rub the pink salmon with salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with lemon juice (3 tablespoons) and olive oil (4 tablespoons), leave for 10 minutes. Place the fish in foil, brush with sour cream (5 tablespoons) and sprinkle with cheese (300 g). Wrap the foil, bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 180OWITH.
  5. Chicken rolls … Cook chicken fillet (700 g) and eggs (4 pieces). Tear the breast into fibers, cheese (300 g) and grate eggs. Finely chop the greens (to taste) and mix with the eggs. Spread the pita bread on the foil, brush it with sour cream (70 g), spread the breast. Put another pita leaf on top, brush it also with sour cream (70 g) and put eggs with herbs. Finally, add another pita bread sheet, sour cream (70 g) and cheese. Roll the roll tightly and wrap in foil, send to the oven, preheated to 180OC for 7-10 minutes.

Serve light dry white wines, fortified desserts and cider with Yarg cheese dishes.

Interesting facts about Yarg cheese

Cheese Heart Shaped сheese
Cheese Heart Shaped сheese

The product has a long history, researchers believe that it was first prepared in England more than a thousand years ago, but the first discovered written document with a recipe dates back to the 13th century. One way or another, Yarg is one of the most ancient cheeses.

In the 17th century, the English Housewife magazine named the product one of the most popular cheeses. However, in subsequent years, its popularity began to decline. And only in the XX century, the spouses Allan and Jenny Gray revived it, establishing modern cheese production according to old recipes. By the way, it was at this time that the cheese received its modern name Yarg. This is a kind of palindrome - if you read Gray's surname on the contrary, you get just Yarg.

In the company Lynher Dairis, which produces the bulk of Yarg cheese, there is a tourist center where everyone can taste cheese and learn the secrets of its production.

Yarg is the original English cheese, the heads of which are wrapped in nettle leaves. Thanks to such an unusual solution, it has a unique taste that gourmets recognize from thousands. In addition, emerald heads look very original and beautiful. However, the cheese is not only beautiful and tasty, but also healthy. However, before introducing it into the diet, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the contraindications. Yarg can be consumed as an independent snack and used as an ingredient in various dishes, especially vegetables and fish.
