Caramel candies

Caramel candies
Caramel candies

Do you want to treat yourself and your family with delicious sweets, without the desire to buy sweets in the store? Then I propose to make sweets at home on your own. There is no sweet "chemistry" in them and you will know the whole useful composition of the product.

Ready-made caramel candies
Ready-made caramel candies

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Caramel sweets are a simple and interesting treat. To obtain them, it will be enough to put sugar in a hot liquid, wait for it to melt and thicken the mass. That's the whole secret of making caramel sweets. But speaking of a reliable and trouble-free way of making caramel sweets, you still need to understand the terms. So, the word "candy" traces its history from the Latin word "confectum", which means "made." So this word is firmly and stuck with sweets.

Lollipop, filled hard candies, monpensier - these are all varieties of caramel familiar from childhood. The sweet and viscous caramel mass has been cooked for a very long time. Today, caramel is the most affordable and popular type of candy from a huge amount of its variety. It is a hard and plastic caramel mass, which consists of sucrose or glucose and is obtained by heating sugar. In production, the following 2: 1 ratio of sugar and molasses is usually used. At home, caramel is cooked from water / milk / sour cream and sugar, and the ratio of products is taken - st. granulated sugar and 3 tbsp. liquids. Although this is all individual.

Caramel can be boiled for a short time so that there is a liquid consistency. This is used to decorate sweet salads, desserts, cakes, fruits, ice cream. And if you boil it for a longer time, you get real sweets. We will talk about them below.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 382 kcal.
  • Servings - 250-300 g
  • Cooking time - Half an hour for the mass to boil down, plus 1-2 hours for the caramel to harden


  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • Sugar - 250 g

Step by step preparation of caramel sweets:

Added sugar to milk
Added sugar to milk

1. Pick up a heavy-bottomed saucepan. In it, the mass will not burn and heat will spread evenly. Pour milk and sugar into it.

The milk is brought to a boil
The milk is brought to a boil

2. Place on the stove and boil. When you see bubbles, reduce the temperature to medium and continue to boil the mass.

The milk is boiling
The milk is boiling

3. The liquid will boil and bubbles will form all the time. It can rise with strong heat, then lower the temperature so that the milk does not escape. For the same reason, select a larger pan so that if the milk rises, it will not run out of it.

Milk is boiled down
Milk is boiled down

4. As the milk boils down, it will thicken and acquire a caramel color. Depending on how long you will boil it, the candy will be of this color, from light beige to brown. In addition, keep in mind that when solidified, the mass will become even denser and harder. At the end of cooking, add vanillin to the mass and stir to dissolve completely.

Caramel is poured into molds
Caramel is poured into molds

5. Pick up the candy tins. It is desirable that these are special small silicone molds, because it is easy to extract the finished product from them. Gently pour the milky thickened liquid over them and send to cool in the refrigerator.

Ready sweets
Ready sweets

6. When the mass thickens and becomes firm, then the candies are ready. Remove them from the mold and serve. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired.

See also the video recipe on how to make caramel candies with peanuts.
