How to do laser face peeling

How to do laser face peeling
How to do laser face peeling

Features, types, pros and cons of laser face peeling. Indications and contraindications for the procedure. The course of its implementation, the effect obtained and the rules of skin care after that. The use of a laser allows effective cleaning of the skin from microbes accumulated on it. Every day, the dermis is attacked by hundreds of parasites that cause many problems - itching, irritation, redness, inflammation, acne, etc. The gels used to perform laser peeling of the face have a powerful antibacterial effect, and the thermal effect only enhances it.

Contraindications to laser peeling

Infectious disease in a girl
Infectious disease in a girl

Before sitting down in a chair to the beautician, the patient tells him about his state of health. Special attention is paid to complaints regarding dermatological problems. This is due to the fact that the laser interacts directly with the dermis, which can aggravate the course of urticaria and other skin diseases. To avoid this, a thorough examination of the face is carried out for the presence of the described defects. Extensive pigmentation, which simply cannot be corrected, can also cause concern.

Among the problems with "internal" health, the culprits of refusal from the procedure can be:

  • Epilepsy … Heat and laser exposure increase the risks of a new attack, and in fact, with this disease, the slightest irritants that can worsen the situation are excluded.
  • Diabetes … In this case, the reason is slow tissue regeneration and wound healing, which may well remain after using the laser.
  • Elevated temperature … With such a problem, heating of tissues is strictly prohibited, which can cause even more severe chills. If the patient's body temperature rises above 37 ° C, he will no longer be accepted.
  • Pregnancy … Electromagnetic radiation can cause anxiety in the baby, slow down its development, and for the mother, it can lead to severe itching of the skin.
  • Severe chronic diseases … These include heart disease, renal, pulmonary and hepatic failure, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.
  • Infectious diseases … Peeling should be postponed until better times for angina, bronchitis, influenza, ARVI, pulmonary tuberculosis.

The use of a laser beam is not able to smooth out very deep wrinkles, remove strong age spots and serious scars. Here you can no longer do without the intervention of a surgeon. This is due to the fact that radiation acts only on the upper layers of the skin.

How to do laser face peeling

How is laser peeling of the face done?
How is laser peeling of the face done?

A week before visiting a beautician, it is required to exclude a visit to the solarium and stop sunbathing. On the day of the procedure, you must thoroughly cleanse the skin with a scrub. An appointment with a specialist begins with the application of an anesthetic cream that reduces the sensitivity of the dermis. Next, the patient is placed on a couch, so that his head is slightly raised.

The procedure is carried out in this order:

  1. Special glasses are put on a person's eyes to protect them from light.
  2. If we are talking about the carboxylic method, then a test for sensitivity to the corresponding acid is carried out. To do this, the doctor lubricates the skin on the elbow with it - there should be no reaction.
  3. The beautician chooses the depth and length of the laser beam.
  4. If carbon peeling is performed, then a mask of fine coal and mineral oils is applied to the face, it is left to dry for 2-3 minutes.
  5. The specialist drives the tip of the device over the skin for about 5-10 minutes.
  6. The face is wiped with an anesthetic solution to remove any exfoliated particles.
  7. The laser beam is activated again, only now it penetrates even deeper.
  8. For the third time, the skin is treated with an anesthetic and finally re-exposed to it with a light beam.
  9. At the end of the laser peeling of the face, the remnants of the carbon mask, if applied, are removed from it, and the skin is lubricated with a soothing cream. After absorbing it, apply a special mask soaked in anti-inflammatory compounds.

Undesirable effects of laser face peeling

Redness of the skin after laser peeling
Redness of the skin after laser peeling

The most dangerous complication is the opening of internal bleeding as a result of damage to the capillaries on the face. It manifests itself in the form of a pronounced blue mesh, large bruises and spots. In this case, you will need to urgently consult a doctor.

Another possible scenario for the development of the situation is the appearance of small and large bubbles in the area of laser action. They can be scattered throughout the site and filled with blood or lymph, usually when the depth and diameter of the beam are inaccurate.

Very often, in the first 2-3 days after the procedure, there is a slight swelling, itching and redness. These are quite normal phenomena that usually go away on their own. If this does not happen, anti-inflammatory and soothing ointments are needed. Apizartron and Bom-Benge are helpful here.

What does the face look like before and after laser peeling

Laser peeling of the face: before and after
Laser peeling of the face: before and after

During the day after visiting the beautician, you should not wash your face with water. For another 3-5 days, it is worth avoiding the use of powder, eye shadow, foundation and any care products. It is especially important to avoid alcohol-based sprays and lotions as they can irritate already stressed skin.

It is recommended to treat the face with chlorhexidine for about 2-3 days, wetting a cotton swab in it and wiping the skin with it. It will allow you to avoid blood poisoning through microtraumas, which in any case take place.

Cosmetologists focus on the need to give up tanning for a week, both artificial and natural. Considering this, it is worth postponing the use of sunscreens. If the skin is very hot, it will be possible to lubricate it with Levomekol, creams with silver sulfadiazine and petroleum jelly. Usually, this does not happen, and it takes no more than 10 days to fully recover.

More or less vivid results are noticeable after a week: the skin rejuvenates, looks fresher and healthier, acquires a beautiful color and smoothness. Such effects persist for 3-5 years, after which it is recommended to undergo a second course.

Real reviews of laser peeling

Reviews of laser face peeling
Reviews of laser face peeling

As a rule, to achieve a pronounced result from a laser skin resurfacing procedure, several sessions are required. On the Internet, you can find a lot of reviews about both fractional and carbon peeling with a different number of procedures.

Evgeniya, 34 years old

A couple of years ago I raised money and decided on a course of laser post-acne elimination. I was warned in the salon that the effect would not be immediately noticeable, I would have to undergo several treatment sessions (very expensive, by the way!). In addition, the skin needs to recover after the procedures for a few more months. I would be happy with a 50% result, so I agreed to all the conditions. Peeling was performed using a Palomar apparatus. The manipulations themselves are quite painful - each laser pulse is like a bee sting. But for the sake of future beauty, I was ready and not to endure that. For four months of treatment, I underwent five procedures. During this period, it seemed to me that the scars became less noticeable and the skin smoothed out. However, as it turned out later, it was the impression of a general edema, which simply pulled the skin. The miracle did not happen in my case, alas. Neither a month, nor six months, nor a year later I did not see the smooth promised skin. The whole course cost a thousand dollars, and the result is zero! I think the only achievement is that I have stopped crawling out small painful pimples. The cosmetologist tried to convince me that I needed to undergo a few more procedures and then the result would be visible, but I was tired of throwing money down the drain and refused further "treatment". Maybe in vain, but not seeing even half of the promised result, I lost all desire to trust this procedure …

Maria, 35 years old

I have poor heredity and enlarged pores on my face. If in youth it was still little noticeable, then with age, when the skin lost its elasticity, the pores became even larger. In addition, they began to clog, and comedones spread all over the face. I tried various procedures in salons, but they all had a short-term effect. I had to constantly use foundation or powder. And they clogged the pores even more. In one salon, they advised me to do fractional peeling with a laser, and not TCA, as I had planned right away. The laser has fewer side effects, it works deeper, and the skin regenerates faster. I will say right away - the skin burned very much. My tears rolled down like a hail from under my glasses, and all this torture lasted about half an hour. I don't even know, maybe it was worth doing a chemical peel? After the session, the face was swollen, and by the evening it became crimson-red. I smeared with Bepanten, nothing else is allowed, and even touching is forbidden for the first couple of days. Then the skin began to darken and peel. The face was cleared only after three weeks. The result is noticeable: the tone has evened out, the skin as a whole has refreshed, the incipient flabbiness is gone. Like a baby's skin did not become, but in principle I am satisfied.

Karina, 23 years old

Since childhood, I have a small burn scar on my face in the chin area. I have long dreamed of getting rid of it and finally decided on fractional laser peeling. It came out to me relatively inexpensively, because I treated a small area of skin, not the whole face. It didn't hurt, the session itself was quick - a few minutes, that's all. True, the cosmetologist warned that three or four procedures would be required to achieve the desired effect. There will be no result from once. I had to go through three sessions a month apart. During the recovery period, the skin must be carefully looked after and moisturized. I want to say that there is a very noticeable effect. The burn mark did not completely disappear, but the borders were smoothed out, the relief is gone and the scar is practically invisible. Overall, I am satisfied!

Photos before and after the laser peeling procedure

Face before and after laser peeling
Face before and after laser peeling
Skin condition before and after laser peeling
Skin condition before and after laser peeling
Before and after laser face peeling
Before and after laser face peeling

How laser face peeling is done - look at the video:

We can definitely say that by choosing both fractional laser face peeling and carbon peeling, your skin will be seriously transformed - it will shine with a beautiful shine, will delight you with cleanliness and perfect smoothness!