What products can replace meat

What products can replace meat
What products can replace meat

The benefits and harms of not eating meat. Features of the transition to a diet without proteins. What foods can replace meat. Eating meat-substituting foods is a great opportunity to improve your health, reduce your risk of cancer, and lose weight. Meat protein is replaced by food that has less energy value, but leaves a feeling of fullness for a long time. And in order for a protein-free diet to bring only benefits, it is necessary to monitor the diversity of the diet.

Benefits of not eating meat

Vegetable dish
Vegetable dish

Many chronic diseases such as kidney disease and obesity are a good reason to say no to protein and start eating meat and fish substitutes. It is generally known that vegetarians do not suffer from obesity and rarely get type II diabetes and coronary heart disease.

Replacing meat protein in the diet with other products normalizes a lot in our body, thanks to this, it happens:

  • Unloading the digestive organs … Meat takes a long time to digest, contributing to the formation of toxins and toxins in the intestines. When it is not in the diet, it becomes easier for the body - after all, there is no heavy food.
  • Elimination of edema and lowering of blood pressure … This happens due to an increase in diuresis - the liquid is excreted naturally, with urine. And a decrease in its amount leads to a decrease in blood pressure.
  • Improving the excretion of lactic acid … From its excess, muscles ache after physical exertion, general weakness appears, sometimes even the temperature rises. But at the same time, our organisms need this under-oxidized decay product for various biochemical processes. Those who do not eat meat are deprived of the source of the appearance of lactic acid from the outside and begin to receive it from their muscles. If in moderation, then such a process is beneficial for a person.
  • Weight loss … For many, this is the most desirable outcome of a protein-free diet. Weight loss occurs naturally: fewer calories and excess fluid in the body means less weight.

Need to know! There are three protein-free diet options: strict, fish-based, and non-strict. For those with high cholesterol levels, as well as for diabetics, the first option is recommended, that is, the complete absence of animal proteins in the diet. For those who are obese and complicated by thyroid problems, it is best to switch to a fish diet. And for general recovery, a non-strict vegetarian diet is perfect, in which you can eat dairy products, eggs, and fish.

The harm of lack of meat in the diet

Lack of iron in the body
Lack of iron in the body

It is not recommended to switch to a diet that restricts the consumption of animal protein or categorically excludes proteins for no particular reason. The desire to lose weight is not a strong argument for such a diet, because, in addition to benefits, it can harm and cause problems such as:

  1. Protein deficiency and breakdown of own tissues and organs … Animal protein (also called complete) is involved in many processes in the human body: it transfers nutrients from cell to cell, renews and rejuvenates the skin, and is involved in the production of hormones and enzymes. Vegetable protein is poorer in composition, and therefore cannot completely replace it. For example, some essential amino acids are found only in animal products and cannot be produced by our bodies on their own. And if the body does not receive what it needs from the outside, that is, from food, it begins to look for reserves hidden in itself - and the person "eats" himself. For a while, this process can be beneficial, but if you permanently switch to a protein-free diet and eat only foods that replace meat protein, it will harm your health.
  2. Iron-deficiency anemia … This condition is caused by a lack of iron and leads to disruptions in the process of hematopoiesis and the formation of enzymes that we need for the normal functioning of cells. Yes, this substance is also found in plant foods, but it is in meat that it is found in an easily digestible form. Compare: if you eat a piece of veal, you will assimilate 17-21% of the iron in it, you will get 9-11% from fish, 5-7% from bean lobio, and only 1% from rice porridge!
  3. Disturbances in the nervous system, immunodeficiency states … All this is due to the deficiency of B vitamins (primarily B12 and B6), which we obtain by consuming animal products. They support the body's defenses, stimulate hematopoiesis, enhance protein synthesis, without them normal functioning of the nervous system is impossible. Even a slight lack of such vitamins leads to depression and increased fatigue, headaches and dizziness develop, and mental and physical development may be delayed in children.
  4. Slower growth, hair loss, worsening skin condition … These problems begin due to zinc deficiency, the main source of which is also animal products (pork, beef, eggs). This trace element is involved in all types of metabolic processes, is a part of most enzymes and the hormone insulin, as a growth stimulant, it is involved in the formation of protein and nucleic acids.
  5. Rickets, fragility of bones, deterioration of the condition of the teeth … Vitamin D in plant food is practically absent and enters the body either from the animal (herring, fish oil, cod liver, milk, butter, eggs), or is formed in it under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from our Sun. Its lack, especially in autumn, winter and spring, can lead to rickets in children and brittle bones in adults, to a decrease in immunity and dental problems.
  6. Reproductive disorders (eg, amenorrhea), vision problems … And all this is due to insufficient cholesterol. It is not good if it is in excess, but its deficiency is also bad, which is often observed in vegetarians. This fat-like substance performs several key functions in our bodies: cell components are built from it, it participates in calcium-phosphorus metabolism and the synthesis of hormones, for example, cortisone.
  7. Unattractive appearance and bad mood … Due to protein deficiency and deficiency of various vitamins and substances we obtain from animal food, the skin becomes pale, dry and inelastic, hair becomes thinner and falls out, apathy begins, efficiency, libido and immunity decrease. A couple of weeks of a protein-free diet, of course, will not lead to such disastrous results, but a prolonged absence of proteins will significantly worsen well-being.

An extreme manifestation of a lack of animal protein is kwashiorkor disease. It is common in the poorest countries of Africa, where babies, after weaning, eat mostly plant foods and do not receive animal protein. They are delayed in physical development, emaciated, edematous, their skin pigmentation changes, the absorption of nutrients from the intestines is impaired, and mental disorders appear. Typical external signs: a swollen large abdomen and thin arms and legs.

Remember! Do not experiment on your own and do not give up protein foods of animal origin without the advice of your doctor. It is recommended to start with a lax option in order to prepare the body for a new diet. You can stick to this diet for no longer than two weeks. If you need to continue, take a two-week break.

Contraindications to switching to a meat-free diet

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

Despite the certain benefits of a protein-free diet, there are categories of people for whom it is completely contraindicated:

  • Children, especially under 4 years old … Deficiency of animal protein leads to a decrease in immunity, disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems, and, as a result, to a delay in physical and mental development. The duty of adults is to provide their child with a complete balanced diet, this is legally enshrined in the UN Convention. And its principles are approved by the WHO (World Health Organization) on the basis of scientific research, according to which a vegetarian diet cannot be used constantly as a baby food system, since it is not physiological.
  • Pregnant and lactating … All of the above in the previous paragraph applies to this category as well. For the correct development of the fetus, good nutrition for the baby, as well as for the sake of maintaining the health of a woman, a full diet is needed, otherwise health problems are guaranteed.
  • Patients with a chronic disease in the acute stage … Before starting any diet, you should definitely visit your doctor and find out his recommendations.
  • People of normal build … The protein-free diet is designed for the obese person. Only in this case it makes sense to deprive your body of food of animal origin for some time, and with it - essential amino acids and vitamins. For those who want to lose 3-5 unnecessary pounds, it is better to choose another method that, with a limited amount of calories, will provide a balanced diet.
  • Feeling unwell … During the diet, did you begin to feel weak, apathy and dizziness appeared? Listen to how you feel and choose another way to lose weight and tidy up your health, even if a meat-free diet is recommended by your doctor.

Remember! Those who do not eat meat are called vegetarians. There are several options for such a diet: lacto-ovo vegetarianism, when they do not eat meat, but eat eggs and dairy products; lacto-vegetarianism, when you can eat dairy products; ovo vegetarianism when eggs are allowed; and also the strictest option is veganism, an absolute rejection of all animal products, including gelatin, honey, eggs, milk and its derivatives.

What foods to use to replace meat

There are many foods that can be used as an alternative source of protein. Check out the basic options and use them if for some reason you can't eat protein for a while.

Plant food

Legumes as an alternative to meat
Legumes as an alternative to meat

When avoiding food of animal origin, plants are the main source of protein:

  1. Legumes … These are the well-known lentils, beans and peas (it is believed that their protein is of the highest quality), almost exotic maize, rank and chickpeas, as well as soy - the most popular protein substitute. There is more than 30% of it in it, and almost completely (by 80%) it is absorbed by the body. By the way, soy is useful for allergy sufferers and people with lactose intolerance, it acts like the hormone leptin, suppressing appetite. It also increases metabolism and accelerates fat burning, but it also negatively affects overall well-being, a feeling of fatigue and lethargy appears. And due to the content of phytosterols in it, it can be dangerous for men, since it has an estrogen-like effect (there is a risk of getting an effeminate figure and a drop in libido). Therefore, soy should be eaten in moderation, and so that the body assimilates everything in the best possible way, along with some vegetables.
  2. Sunflower seeds … They contain amino acids, fats, proteins, carotene, vitamin C, as well as vitamins of group B. True, you need to eat them no more than 100 g per day, the excess simply will not be absorbed.
  3. Nuts … The largest amount of protein is found in cashews (26%), almonds and walnuts (15 to 18%), slightly less in hazelnuts and pine nuts (11%), but, according to nutritionists, all nuts are useful. Eat 4-5 each day, ideally chopped and added to salads.
  4. Vegetables, fruits and herbs … They contain the least protein, but it is still found in figs, asparagus, zucchini, potatoes, cucumbers, Brussels sprouts, and avocados.
  5. Cereals … This is a good source of vegetable protein (on average 7%), but buckwheat is especially good in this regard (over 12%).

Carefully! 1% of people suffer from celiac disease - an intolerance to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley.



Not many people remember from the school course in biology that mushrooms are not plants, but a separate kingdom, whose representatives have the properties of both plants and animals. In composition, they are similar to vegetables, but they contain many times more protein, it is not for nothing that they are called forest meat! Fresh contain 2-9%, and dried 16-25%.

By the way, from dried mushrooms, ground into powder in a coffee grinder, you can make an excellent gainer for athletes - a mixture of carbohydrates and protein, which gives energy and enhances muscle growth, but without fat deposits. Stir the powder in water, add some cinnamon and cocoa and enrich with sugar.

There is less protein in chanterelles and champignons than in boletus and porcini mushrooms, and the concentration is higher in the lower part of the cap. Mushrooms are low in calories (30 kcal per 100 g), but they are quite difficult to digest, but their insoluble fiber, chitin, removes cholesterol from the body.

They should not be consumed daily, preferably once a week. And given that the daily norm of protein from mushrooms can be obtained only by eating 1-2 kilograms of them, it becomes clear that they cannot be the main source of this substance. Only additional, but irreplaceable if you want to make your diet balanced, because mushrooms contain amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements (phosphorus, copper, zinc, iodine).

Interesting! From the point of view of chemistry, the composition of mushrooms, poor in methionine (an essential amino acid that is not synthesized by the human body, but obtained only from the outside), can be improved if they are consumed together with potatoes. The ideal ratio is 1.5 kg of potatoes to 3 kg of mushrooms. Apparently, it is no coincidence that many folk recipes combine these two products!

Animal products

Fresh seafood
Fresh seafood

If you are not on a strict diet, then the list of foods that replace meat protein can be expanded with the following:

  • Fish and seafood … Protein from them is very easy to digest and is in no way inferior to meat, nutrients, vitamins and amino acids in it. Seafood is best consumed fresh, but if this is not possible, then choose those that have been dry-frozen. Red fish has more calories than white fish, and it contains more protein (30 g and 20 g of protein per 100 g of product, respectively). It has a positive effect on the immune system and the cardiovascular system, but white fish is perfect for those who want to lose weight.
  • Eggs … They contain an easily digestible protein that is quickly and completely digested. A favorite product of athletes and bodybuilders. Eggs are best eaten by boiling them soft-boiled, so more nutrients are retained and there is no risk of catching salmonellosis. For dietary nutrition, chicken is most preferred, since goose and duck contain a lot of fat, and quail are too small in size. The average egg contains about 7 g of protein, of which 2 g is in the yolk.
  • Milk and its derivatives … It is a good source of protein as well as calcium, but there are some difficulties with the assimilation of milk. With age, the human body processes it more and more difficult, so the best option is cheese, cottage cheese and dairy products. 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese contains 17-18 g of protein. It should be eaten in that amount (if more, then the metabolism will slow down), once a day, and at night. Cheeses contain less protein, and even rich in fats, and in kefir and yogurt there are only 3.5 g of proteins per 100 g of product.

Please note! You should get 50-175 g of protein per day. The higher the fat content of cottage cheese and cheese, the less protein they contain and vice versa. And after heat treatment, the protein is absorbed better.

Rules for switching to a meat-free diet

Bowl with vegetables
Bowl with vegetables

The transition to meat-free food should be gradually, starting with a non-strict option, accustoming the body, which is accustomed to receiving animal protein, to other food. And to avoid stress, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Eliminate meat gradually … Start with one day a week, during which you do not eat meat and products from it. After a while, do two such fasting days. And always buy chilled, frozen, semi-finished meat, or even a microwaveable dish to be spared the temptation to grab a quick snack on the go.
  2. Reduce your salt intake … Please note that swelling may occur during a meat-free diet. In order not to aggravate the situation with water retention in the body, reduce the amount of salt you eat. Completely give up marinades and pickles, remove sausages and sausages from the diet.
  3. Forget about tea and coffee for a while … Or at least reduce their use, as they are not very useful for the rebuilding body. Give preference to plain water or mineral water without gas.
  4. Cut back on sour cream, butter, and cheese … First, replace fatty foods with less fatty ones, and then reduce their number in your menu.
  5. Eat a balanced diet … Do not just replace meat protein with any plant products, but try to provide your body with the same amount of trace elements, vitamins and other nutrients that are found in meat, from the corresponding plant food with a similar composition. Eat not only vegetables and fruits, but also nuts, legumes, dairy products and seafood to diversify your diet.

Here is a sample menu of a protein-free diet: eat rice porridge for breakfast and wash it down with rosehip decoction. Before lunch, have a snack with a baked apple with honey, for lunch borscht with sour cream, eat steamed broccoli. Have an afternoon tea with buckwheat bread and jam. For dinner, indulge in vegetable stews and fruit jellies. What products can replace meat - watch the video:

There is no consensus whether it is useful or harmful to completely abandon meat. Both an excess of protein and a diet completely devoid of proteins are harmful. Follow the doctor's recommendations, not fashion, and look for an alternative. It is up to you to decide which foods to substitute for meat, the main thing is that the diet is balanced, this is the key to success!
