What kinds of sports are the most traumatic?

What kinds of sports are the most traumatic?
What kinds of sports are the most traumatic?

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Learn what sports to avoid to avoid serious and permanent injury. Professional sports can be very dangerous. This is due not only to the excessive stress experienced by the body of athletes, but also to frequent injuries. According to statistical information, at the moment, from 2 to 5 percent of all injuries received by people are from sports. You may not be impressed by these numbers, but it should be remembered that the percentage of professional athletes from the total population of the planet is also not large. Today we will tell you what the most traumatic sports exist.

The most traumatic sports


We will not compose any tops, and talk about what kind of sport is the most dangerous to do in terms of injuries. It's probably better to just list the most traumatic sports and talk about them in more detail. And today we will talk not only about popular sports disciplines, but also exotic ones.

Let's start with combat sports, namely boxing. Approximately 65 percent of boxers' injuries are associated with hand injuries, which, given the specifics of this sport, is understandable. The metacarpophalangeal joint, joints of the fingers, elbows, shoulders, etc. are injured. Sprains and tears of ligaments in boxers can be considered the norm, and many professional athletes do not even remember all the cases of these injuries. About 18 percent of boxers' injuries are to the face. Also, this should include injuries sustained by the nervous system.

In Taekwondo, leg injuries are the most common and account for about 52 percent of these injuries. Least of all in this sports discipline the person is injured, only 18 percent. In various types of wrestling, the musculoskeletal system is most susceptible to injuries. Most often, this is the knee joint and meniscus rupture is normal for wrestlers.

Basketball should also be classified as a traumatic sport. Here we should turn to the statistics of doctors working in the NBA, since it is the North American League that is the most powerful in the world. The main causes of damage are sudden accelerations and stops, jumps, as well as numerous contacts of players.

Shoulder and knee joints are most often injured, and basketball players can use such a term from sports medicine as "jumper's knee". About 17 percent of NBA players experience knee injuries of varying severity in a season. Sports fans will surely remember Michael Jordan, who was forced to miss a whole season due to such an injury.

Football is the most popular and widespread sport today. Millions of boys all over the world play football. Injuries are not uncommon for professional footballers. While defenders and goalkeepers are most often injured during contact with other players, forwards and midfielders are mostly injured while running. The cruciate ligaments of the knee are most commonly injured, accounting for about 47 percent of these injuries. No less popular are meniscus tears, which mainly occur at the moment of contact of the leg with the ball when hitting the object of the game. Fractures and sprains / ruptures of the ligaments are also very common among football players.

Gymnastics can rightfully be ranked among the most traumatic sports. Moreover, the localization of damage sites largely depends on the gender of the athletes. If gymnasts most often get leg injuries, then in men in the "zone of maximum risk" are the shoulder joints. Many gymnasts and gymnasts are forced to end their careers due to serious spinal cord injuries and various bone fractures.

Cycling may not seem like the most traumatic sport to many, but in practice it is not. Cyclists often injure various elements of the musculoskeletal system. The most susceptible to fractures are tubular bones, which is reflected in the statistics. Quite often, athletes also get injuries as a result of falls from a bicycle. We also note that chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system are very common among cyclists.

Handball is a very contact sport and for this reason it is quite traumatic. At the same time, the reason for the injury is often poor-quality or unusual coverage in the hall. Most often in handball, joints are damaged, and fractures are also observed.

In our country, rugby is not as popular as, say, football, but this sport is also practiced. This is a rather tough sports discipline and players cannot avoid collisions. Often, athletes receive jabs and blows in situations where this is difficult even to expect. Sprains and tears of ligaments are not uncommon in rugby. On average, every rugby player suffers at least two or three injuries per season.

Let's think about a sport like golf. If you watch the competition in this sports discipline, then you don't think about injuries at all. All golfers need to do is hit the ball and walk to the point where it falls. But in practice, golf injuries are not uncommon.

If you look at the statistics, you can grab your head. About 900 golfers die on the course every year! It is completely impossible to believe in it, but it is so. And sometimes the causes of death seem fantastic. What is, for example, death from a lightning strike! Golf competitions take place in any weather and it happens.

Often, athletes hit the head with the ball, which leads to injuries of varying severity. Head bruises or cracks in the skull are not uncommon for golfers. We will not forget about joint injuries, injuries of the spinal column and even knocked out eyes. Cheerleading in the United States is a kind of sport, although in our country it is not widely spread. In every school and university, many girls are cheerleading, supporting the teams of their school. In addition, competitions are regularly held between cheerleading teams. According to statistics, about 25 thousand serious injuries are recorded in this sport throughout the year. With less serious injuries, things are even worse, and over the same period of time there are more than 45 thousand of them.

Motorsport is better known for our sports fans in comparison with the previous sports discipline. Thanks to good quality equipment, the number of deaths in motorsport is not high. But fractures, bruises and sprains have become commonplace.

However, even this is not the greatest danger to the health of athletes. During the race, they experience serious overload, which leads to the rapid destruction of bone tissue and internal organs. In one race, athletes lose about five kilos due to stress.

Horse riding is no less traumatic sport in comparison with those already discussed by us. Over the course of twelve months, athletes receive about 40 thousand injuries. It is quite obvious that the main reason for getting them is to fall from the horse. Moreover, in horseback riding, lethal outcomes are also possible.

Rodeo is purely American fun and sport at the same time. In many ways, the injuries here are similar in nature to horse riding, but dislocations of the wrist, which holds the bull's horn, often occur. Note that in some European countries rodeo is becoming more and more popular.

But hockey has been known for many years in many countries of the world and in ours as well. For many people, this sport is immediately associated with the loss of teeth. The puck can reach such a speed in flight that even the mouthguard is unable to protect the teeth if it hits the face. However, in practice, hockey players often receive other equally and even more serious injuries. These are ligament ruptures, fractures, joint injuries, concussions, etc.

Let's look at sports that are quite exotic for many of our compatriots, which are often called extreme. We admit that it fully lives up to its name. Among them, the most traumatic sport, perhaps, should be recognized as diving. Every year more than eight thousand athletes are seriously injured, after which they remain disabled until the end of their days. The cardiac muscle, lungs and brain are most susceptible to injury. The reason for this may be even a seemingly minor mistake of an athlete or equipment malfunction.

Bungee jumping is even more exotic for our country. This sports discipline involves jumping from structures on an elastic rope, which is most often attached to the legs. There are various situations where an athlete may be paralyzed or even die. Heliskiing is a descent in a hard-to-reach place on skis. The athletes are usually delivered to the starting point by a helicopter. Most often, the descent takes place on a track that is poorly studied or not at all known to the athlete, which is the maximum danger. According to statistics, heliskiing may well compete in terms of risk to life with the diving we have already reviewed.

Base jumping - skydiving at extremely low heights. If the parachute does not open at the right time, the consequences are not difficult to imagine. Note that the parachutes used in this sport are significantly different from the usual ones. The skill of an athlete is judged by the height from which he jumps.

Find out about the TOP 5 most traumatic sports in this video:
