Fat in bodybuilding

Fat in bodybuilding
Fat in bodybuilding

Find out what role fatty foods play in a bodybuilder's diet and how to figure out which fat is healthy and which one should be included in the diet. Read it now! All athletes know that fat should be limited and not consumed in large quantities. However, fat is not a lump of fat in bodybuilding and this nutrient is also necessary for the body, like others.

All fats contained in food are broken down into fatty acids, from which cell membranes are then created. They are not only the main element of the cellular structure of the body, but also play the role of prehormones, exerting a corresponding effect on neighboring cells.

Among the fatty acids, arachidonic acid can be distinguished. This substance is an omega-6 polyunsaturated compound found in all animal foods. It is absent in plant products. This substance, under the influence of special enzymes, is capable of converting into parkrin hormones, for example, prostaglandin. One of the substances in this group has a great effect on the growth of muscle tissue cells.

What fats are good for bodybuilders?

Healthy fats in foods
Healthy fats in foods

For athletes using AAS, the body's hormonal response to exercise will not be as effective, but it is possible to increase the susceptibility of tissue cells to steroids if using a diet containing saturated fats. However, it should be noted that at the moment, scientists have poorly studied the effect of saturated fats on hormones and steroids.

At the same time, it is known that these substances can inhibit the action of 5-alpha-reductase and possibly change the androgenic properties of AAS. Also, "chemical" bodybuilders should remember that when using most anabolic steroids, lipid balance also changes significantly. No research has yet been conducted on the effects of low-carb nutritional programs on heart and vascular health when using steroids, and for this reason it makes sense to consume unsaturated fats.

First of all, the conversation is now about omega-3, which is contained in large quantities in fish oil. These supplements are now available in capsule form and are very easy to use. Omega-3s help improve heart performance and help you lose weight. Also, omega-3 is found in olive oil, and this is what many nutritionists explain the beneficial properties of the Mediterranean cuisine for the body.

The main substance found in olive oil is oleic acid. This substance has the ability to quickly penetrate into mitochondria. For this reason, most of the calories found in oleic acid are burned rather than converted to fat. Scientists have also found that oleic acid can increase the number of active mitochondria, which can increase the body's energy storage, as well as burn more calories. It is safe to say that unsaturated fats increase the expenditure of calories, which, as a result, cannot be converted into fat. Almonds contain a large amount of this type of fat. Scientists believe that eating almonds can lead to a decrease in fat mass. Linoleic acid supplements were very popular a few years ago. It was assumed that with their help, you can effectively fight fats. But subsequent research has yielded very conflicting results. Today, two forms of this substance are known, but which one contributes to fat burning has not yet been established.

Effects of saturated fat on testosterone production

Effects of fat on testosterone production
Effects of fat on testosterone production

The effects of saturated fat on the body are still being studied. For a long time, nutritionists have recommended eliminating these substances from the diet. But now it became known that this recommendation was not entirely justified, and primarily for bodybuilders.

Thanks to saturated fat, you can enhance the body's anabolic response to training and increase the supply of the male hormone to muscle tissue cells. If you do not use AAS, then thanks to this you can accelerate muscle hypertrophy. When using anabolic steroids, their effectiveness will increase.

Scientists today know that unsaturated fats are primarily used as an energy source and accelerate the lipolysis process. This is possible due to the special effects on mitochondria discussed above. There is still a lot of time before the end of the debate about the benefits or dangers of various types of fats.

Today, nutritionists talk about the great harm from high-saturated fats, but there is no guarantee that this opinion is correct. Scientists continue to research this issue, and we have to wait for the results of their research activities.

Learn about harmful and healthy fats in bodybuilding from this video: