Is it possible to maintain gains after a course of steroids?

Is it possible to maintain gains after a course of steroids?
Is it possible to maintain gains after a course of steroids?

Every athlete using steroids is interested in maintaining the mass gained on the course. Find out how to keep up to 90% of your results after a course. Everything that will be said today on the topic - is it possible to maintain achievements after a course of steroids, based on personal experience. It should be said right away that it is quite difficult to keep the results obtained during the course. If you do not take the appropriate action, then you can very easily not only lose everything you earned during the cycle, but even lose part of what has already been recruited earlier.

Very often athletes, a couple of months after stopping the use of AAS, fall below the genetic level. Most often this depends on two reasons: an untimely increase in the rate of endogenous testosterone and an incorrect training program outside the course of anabolic steroids.

If, after the end of the cycle, the secretion of endogenous testosterone has not been restored on time or not completely, then the risk of falling below the genetic limit increases significantly. The situation is the same with incorrect training after the AAS course.

You should understand that you will no longer be able to train as intensely without steroids. If you do not make certain changes to the training program, then you will definitely begin to regress.

How to restore the synthesis of natural testosterone after a cycle?

Testosterone products
Testosterone products

For these purposes, it is necessary to use certain drugs. Now we will talk about this.

Chorionic gonadotropin

Chorionic gonadotropin packaged
Chorionic gonadotropin packaged

This drug is indispensable when using long steroid cycles. If after a short, and in some cases, medium cycles, it will be enough to use only antiestrogens, then with a long cycle, Gonadotropin is needed.

The optimal time to start using the drug is the eighth week of the cycle. By and large, Gonadotropin can be used in cycles of three weeks with a pause of a similar duration between them. The second scheme for using the drug is to start using it three weeks before the end of the cycle. If during the use of steroids you do not have a strong atrophy of the testicles (testicles), then you can safely use the second scheme. Although it is always easier to prevent than to cure.

Gonadotropin should be used every third day in the amount of 500 IU. You have probably already seen the information that the drug can only be used during rehabilitation therapy. Do not believe such statements. After the course, Gonadotropin can only slow down the recovery process. This is due to the fact that it directly affects the testicles, forcing the Leyding cells to secrete the male hormone.

If you start using it after a course, then it will inhibit the production of gonadotropic hormones, which regulate the synthesis of testosterone. This must not be allowed.


Tamoxifen packaged - an effective antiestrogen
Tamoxifen packaged - an effective antiestrogen

These drugs are also called selective estrogen receptor modulators. The most popular among them today are Tamoxifen and Clomid. Although you can find more modern and effective drugs.

Antiestrogens not only reduce the concentration of female hormones, but also stimulate the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones, which leads to an increase in testosterone synthesis. You should start using them as part of a course of rehabilitation therapy. Its onset depends on the half-life of the steroids used in the cycle. Let's say that testosterone cypionate is about a week. Therefore, 14 days after the last steroid injection, you can start taking antiestrogens.

Let us consider the scheme of their application using the example of Clomid. This drug is free of Tamoxifen side effects and looks preferable. On the first day of rehabilitation therapy, immediately take from 200 to 300 milligrams of the drug, dividing this dosage into two or three doses.

Over the next seven days, your daily dose of Clomid will be 50 to 100 milligrams. Take 50 milligrams of Clomid every day for the next few weeks.

What needs to be changed in the training program after the AAS course?

Athlete performing deadlift
Athlete performing deadlift

It is important to remember that when using anabolic steroids, the body recovers much faster. If you continue to train in the same mode after the cycle, then you will simply overtrain and lose a lot of muscle mass.

  1. First of all, you need to reduce the number of lessons per week. You should not visit the gym more than three times every seven days. At the same time, you need to listen to your body and in some cases it is worth reducing the number of classes to two.
  2. The training volume should also be kept low. Focus your attention only on basic movements. At the same time, it is quite enough for each muscle group to perform only two exercises. As you probably remember, it is the basic movements that accelerate the secretion of natural testosterone.
  3. Expect one session to last about half an hour or more. Do two to three working sets of 8-10 repetitions each.
  4. Of course, you should not forget about the warm-up. Cardio loads should also be reduced or even eliminated.

It is also appropriate to say a few words about the nutrition program here:

  1. You should consume more carbohydrates to provide your body with energy.
  2. For every kilogram of body weight, consume at least 2.5 grams of protein compounds.
  3. The calorie content of the diet should be such that fat mass is not gained. It is difficult to give specific advice here and you should calculate the calories yourself. By the way, most athletes do not like to do this kind of math, but it is necessary.
  4. After completing your workout, take a weight gainer or a weight gainer mixture with protein powder.
  5. Again, remember that not all athletes will benefit from a gainer.
  6. And, of course, sleep. It is during sleep that the body recovers best and you need to get enough sleep.

Learn in more detail how you can save the mass gained on the course in this video:
