Types of Trenbolone for relief and increasing strength

Types of Trenbolone for relief and increasing strength
Types of Trenbolone for relief and increasing strength

Trenbolone has long been popular with bodybuilders. At the same time, it became available for a wide range of consumers not so long ago. Find out the secrets of such a powerful steroid. For quite a long time, Trenbolone was not available for domestic athletes. Throughout this period, he was considered a kind of "secret weapon" of professional athletes. Only now you can safely buy it and experience all types of Trenbolone for relief and increase in strength.

What is Trenbolone?

Trenbolone Enanthate For Injection
Trenbolone Enanthate For Injection

The drug is a derivative of the popular Nandrolone, but at the same time it has very significant differences from it in its properties. This is primarily due to the peculiarity of nandrolone, under the influence of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, to convert into a weaker substance - dihydronandrolone, which has practically no effect on the body. In turn, trenbolone is deprived of this feature.

It should be admitted that, just like Fluoxymesterone, Trenbolone is quite different from other AAS produced today. Only in these two steroids were the B and C rings changed. For this reason, Trenbolone cannot be converted to estradiol, but at the same time it is able to independently exhibit progestogenic and estrogenic activities.

Let's say its progestogenic properties are associated with an increase in the number of corresponding receptors. However, these properties of the drug are very weakly expressed, and it does not have the side effects inherent in aromatizing AAS. We can say with complete confidence that the types of Trenbolone for relief and increase in strength are very good and, in comparison with other anabolic steroids, are the most powerful drugs. So, for example, in terms of the duration of stabilization of androgen-type receptors, Trenbolone bypasses both testosterone and nanadrolone. In addition, we note that the drug is able to activate satellite cells and increase the concentration of IGF-1. This leads to acceleration of muscle tissue hyperplasia.

Like testosterone, Trenbolone may actually be the only steroid on the cycle, but it's better not to use it solo for mass gain. Many athletes after solo cycles of the drug have had excellent results, but still it is worth recognizing that it is inferior to the male hormone.

This is due precisely to the peculiarity of Trenbolone not to interact with aromatase enzymes. As you know, in order to gain muscle mass, the aromatization process in certain quantities is necessary. Due to its properties, Trenbolone is perfectly combined with all anabolic steroids, including testosterone esters. Since the drug is not able to convert to estradiol, it does not retain fluid in the body either. It is for this reason that the types of Trenbolone for relief and increase in strength are the best fit, and often it is this steroid that is used in preparation for the competition.

Also note that Trenbolone is more often counterfeited than other steroids. In the best scenario, fake drugs are a weak solution of esters of the male hormone, and in the worst case, they contain only oil. There is evidence of very dangerous forgeries containing third-party impurities. Now let's talk in more detail about those types of trenbolone that are used for relief and increasing strength.

What is Trenbolone Acetate?

Trenbolone Acetate Injection
Trenbolone Acetate Injection

Until recently, Trenbolone Acetate was produced for veterinary purposes only and was called Finadget and Finaplix. The first drug has been discontinued since 188, and the second is still in use. It should be admitted that these drugs practically did not appear on the domestic market. But now you can buy Parabolan.

It is a tabletted AAS containing trenbolone acetate as an active ingredient. It is manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Each steroid tablet contains 25 milligrams of the active ingredient. It should also be noted that Parabolan does not undergo alkylation during production and, for this reason, can be destroyed by liver cells.

To get the desired effect from using the drug, its dosage should be in the range from 200 to 300 milligrams. Trenbolone is a very powerful steroid, but in comparison with Methenolone, its structure is devoid of a methyl group in position 1, which significantly reduces its bioavailability. For this reason, the daily dose of the drug should not be less than 75 milligrams, and the optimal one is from 10 to 125 milligrams.

Compared to other AAS, Trenbolone Acetate has the shortest half-life of about two days. But still, you should focus on one day and when using the drug, use it every day in equal quantities after short periods of time. Although Parabolan has certain drawbacks, it has shown itself to be on the good side. Also, we will soon be able to purchase an injectable version of acetate, all from the same British Dragon Pharmaceuticals Ltd. The manufacturer honestly warns that this drug is intended for veterinary use. But many athletes know the quality of the products of this Thai company and you can be sure that it will not let you down here either. It is necessary to use an injectable steroid in quantities of 50 to 100 milligrams per day. Although, with equal success, it can be administered every second day in the amount of 100 milligrams.

What is Cyclohexyl Methyl Carbonate Trenbolone?

Cyclohexylmethyl Carbonate Trenbolone Injection
Cyclohexylmethyl Carbonate Trenbolone Injection

This ester of Trenbolone was previously produced only by the French company Negma. It was taken out of production a long time ago, but not forgotten. Counterfeits periodically appeared on the market until the Thai company Body Research Co. took up the production of cyclohexylmethyl carbonate.

The steroid is available in injectable form. It should be noted that it is almost impossible to find the drug in our country. For this reason, we will not devote much time to him. Let's just say that the half-life of the steroid is 3 to 4 days.

Learn more about Trenbolone and its use in bodybuilding in this video:
