How to make a paraffin facial mask

How to make a paraffin facial mask
How to make a paraffin facial mask

Description and composition of the mask with paraffin for the face, its useful properties and contraindications, as well as the rules of application and home recipes. A paraffin facial mask is a common skin care product. Cosmetological procedures refresh and tone the epidermis and also have a rejuvenating effect. They can be done both by a beautician and at home.

Description of the mask with paraffin for the face

Paraffin mask on the face
Paraffin mask on the face

Paraffin is a wax-like mixture of white hydrocarbons, inert to many chemicals, which is obtained from petroleum products. The name of the substance is derived from two Latin words: parum, which means "little", and affinis, which translates as "related." This name was given to paraffin neutral to reagents by Karl von Reichenbach, a German chemist and naturalist who discovered it.

Paraffin wax for medical and cosmetic procedures is sold in pharmacies and is a white bar that is soft to the touch. The color can vary depending on which beneficial components were added to the original substance. Cost - an average of about 2.5 dollars. for 500 ml. Paraffin cream for a cold mask - more expensive, about 7, 5 dollars. for 300 ml.

The melting point of paraffin is low (45-65 ° C), in contrast to its heat capacity. Such features make this substance very successful for medical and cosmetic procedures - it does not react with fortified and other useful components added to it, giving them to the body, and keeps pleasant heat for a long time, creating a kind of greenhouse effect over the skin.

The latter helps to open pores and increase perspiration. Moisture under paraffin cannot evaporate and is absorbed back, but the toxins released with it on the surface of the skin remain, that is, detoxification and cleansing occurs. Cooling down, the paraffin decreases in volume and shrinks, thereby massaging and smoothing the dermis, which it covers, which increases the elasticity and tone of the latter, edema and fine wrinkles disappear.

For those who are unable to endure contact with a very warm substance, a variant of the procedure has been invented, when a cold layer of paraffin is applied to the skin and the substance gradually melts while on it.

The course of paraffin therapy is usually 15-20 procedures - 1-2 times a week. Then, once a month, you can do a paraffin mask to maintain the achieved result.

Useful properties of a paraffin mask for the face

Improvement of facial skin after paraffin mask
Improvement of facial skin after paraffin mask

Most often, paraffin masks are made for the skin of the face. Cosmetologists recommend this procedure to their clients as it brings undeniable benefits. Namely:

  • Moisturizing the dermis … Paraffin masks regulate the moisture balance of the skin and moisturize it.
  • Removal of edema … After removing the mask from the face, the swelling of the skin disappears.
  • Cleansing … Paraffin treatments temporarily expand the pores, soften their contents and cleanse, thereby preventing the formation of acne. Also, masks with it activate the outflow of lymph, which clears the dermis of decay products, salts and lactate.
  • Toning … Such masks, stimulating blood circulation, help to improve cell metabolism and renew the epidermis, the skin becomes fresh, soft and elastic, acne spots disappear. Regular use of paraffin masks is also the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks and double chin.
  • Removing defects … Paraffin masks, acting with warmth on the deep layers of the skin, help to resorb seals on it, for example, sebaceous horny plugs or deep acne. They also eliminate flaking and redness in case of cold allergies.

Contraindications for facial paraffin treatments

Couperose on the face
Couperose on the face

The facial paraffin procedure has contraindications. Before carrying out it, be sure to consult a doctor who will objectively assess the condition of your skin and give his recommendations.

There are many health problems for which paraffin masks should not be applied. For example, with problems with the skin (rosacea, rosacea, pustular eruptions, weeping eczema, warts, papillomas, many moles on the skin, hypertrichosis); with the respiratory system (bronchial asthma); with the heart and blood vessels (coronary artery disease, hypertension, heart attack, poor blood clotting, nosebleeds, dilated blood vessels and veins).

It is contraindicated to use paraffin wax in cosmetic procedures during pregnancy.

Also check yourself for allergies. Perhaps you have an individual intolerance. It's easy to do: smear on the skin of your wrist and wait 15 minutes. If everything is in order, then paraffin masks are not contraindicated for you.

Keep in mind that you may also be allergic to additional components that are part of the paraffin mask - bee products, aromatic oils, vitamins, etc. Some people do not tolerate contact with a hot substance (heated paraffin).

Recipes for paraffin masks at home

If you have no contraindications and want to improve the appearance of your skin, use one of the following recipes for masks for paraffin therapy at home.

Mask with paraffin and essential oils for the face

Clove oil
Clove oil

A rich selection of aromatic oils and their ease of use determine their popularity in various cosmetic procedures, including paraffin therapy.

Recipes for masks with paraffin and essential oils:

  1. With peach or rose … To improve complexion and become velvety skin, add 2 drops of any of these oils to the paraffin.
  2. With cloves … This aromatic oil added to a paraffin facial mask (2 drops) will help fight acne.
  3. With anise or ylang-ylang … The beneficial ingredients of the aromatic oils ylang-ylang and anise will rejuvenate sagging skin. It is required to add 2-3 drops of one of them to the mask.
  4. With tangerine, lemon, grapefruit or orange … Citrus essential oil, added to the mask with paraffin (2 drops), will refresh the tired dermis, remove excess grease, and normalize the work of the glands. This procedure is great for oily skin.
  5. With rosemary … If the skin requires restoration, aromatic rosemary oil, poured into paraffin in the amount of 2 drops, will help.

All the beneficial ingredients should be added to the first layer of paraffin that touches the skin. To do this, you need to melt about 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the substance separately from the rest of the amount into which it is not planned to pour additives.

Paraffin and vegetable oil face mask

Avocado oil
Avocado oil

To nourish dry skin, you can add vegetable oils to a paraffin facial mask.

The following recipes have proven themselves well:

  • With cocoa butter … Put 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter and 2 drops of rose essential oil in paraffin wax. This mask will restore aging skin and get rid of expression and age wrinkles.
  • With olive oil … A paraffin mask with the addition of olive oil (1 tsp) will perfectly improve the condition of dry skin.
  • With avocado oil … Pour 1 teaspoon of avocado oil and half a teaspoon of lanolin into the molten paraffin. This helps to soften the skin of the face.
  • With rosehip oil … Mix 1 teaspoon of rosehip oil with half a teaspoon of spermaceti and pour into the melted paraffin wax. Perfectly removes dry skin.
  • With almond oil … Pour in 1 teaspoon of almond oil, half a teaspoon of spermaceti and cocoa butter each.
  • With hemp oil … 1 teaspoon of hemp oil added to a paraffin mask will cleanse the skin and restore its elasticity and firmness.
  • With flax oil … Combining 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil with paraffin will improve the water balance of the facial skin and its turgor.
  • With shea or coconut butter … To make an anti-aging paraffin face mask that smoothes wrinkles and restores skin turgor, mix 1 teaspoon of coconut oil or shea butter with heated paraffin, add 1 drop each of orange and rose oil.

Facial mask with paraffin and bee products

Honey for the preparation of a paraffin mask
Honey for the preparation of a paraffin mask

If your face is chapped or peeling, use the following recipes that are suitable for any type of skin:

  1. With honey … Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, corn) to the first layer of paraffin, mix and apply to the skin. This paraffin mask has a rejuvenating effect.
  2. With wax … Mix with paraffin, which will be applied directly to the skin, 1 teaspoon of beeswax and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any vegetable oil. This option of paraffin therapy has an antiseptic effect.

Facial mask with paraffin and aloe

Aloe juice for making a paraffin mask
Aloe juice for making a paraffin mask

For aging skin, paraffin therapy with the addition of aloe juice is suitable. Also, this mask nourishes the epidermis and normalizes the hydrobalance, relieves acne.

Recipes with paraffin and aloe:

  • With lanolin … Cut off the aloe leaf and refrigerate for 2 weeks. Then squeeze out the juice and add it (1 teaspoon) to the first layer of paraffin along with 1 teaspoon of lanolin.
  • With tea tree oil … As in the recipe above, prepare an aloe leaf in the same way, squeeze out the juice, mix 1 teaspoon with paraffin wax and 2 drops of tea tree oil.
  • With honey … 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe juice squeezed from a leaf kept in the refrigerator, mix with paraffin and 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • With peach oil. Combine 1 tbsp with paraffin. a spoonful of aloe juice and 3 drops of peach oil.

Please note! If the goal of paraffin therapy is to clear the skin and get rid of acne, use medical paraffin instead of cosmetic.

Facial mask with paraffin and vitamins

Vitamin E for the preparation of a paraffin mask
Vitamin E for the preparation of a paraffin mask

A paraffin mask with added vitamins will smooth the skin, rejuvenate and nourish it, prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. With vitamin E … Take 1 tbsp. melt a spoonful of paraffin, which you will use for the first layer of the mask, and add 2-3 drops of vitamin E. This version of the mask normalizes the water balance of the skin, nourishes it, and eliminates wrinkles.
  2. With vitamin A … Mix 2-3 drops of vitamin A with the paraffin of the first layer. Use this recipe if your goal is to brighten and make the skin velvety.

Know! If several active ingredients are combined in a mask with paraffin at the same time, the effect of its effect will increase.

Rules for applying a paraffin mask to the face

Applying a paraffin mask to the face
Applying a paraffin mask to the face

Here is the correct sequence of actions if you want to independently carry out the paraffin therapy procedure for the skin of the face:

  • Preparatory stage … Melt the paraffin wax in a water bath. Place a colander over a container of boiling water, and a container with a substance on it. 100 g is enough for you to cover your skin in several layers (at least three). Be sure to make sure that no water gets into the dishes where the paraffin melts. It is important! The drops will not dissolve in the total mass and can severely burn the skin when you apply the mask. This point is important for a hot mask, if you are going to make a cold one, in this case, the paraffin cream is not melted, but simply immediately applied to the skin.
  • Skin preparation … Remove decorative cosmetics and dirt, apply a scrub (you can use natural coffee in this capacity), rub your face, neck and wash yourself. Spread the vitaminized cream on your skin. Before applying the paraffin, lie down and relax the muscles of your face and neck - this way the benefits of the procedure will be noticeable. Since it is difficult to lie down and apply the mask at the same time, find an assistant for paraffin therapy.
  • Application sequence … Check the temperature of the applied substance on the skin of the wrist - it should be as warm as possible, but such that you can withstand the procedure without suffering (about 50-55 degrees). Apply paraffin wax to your face with a cotton pad or brush from the bottom up (don't forget about the neck!), Following the massage lines and avoiding the area around the eyes and above the lips. After applying the first layer, put gauze on your face (first make holes in it for the nose, eyes and mouth), press it against the skin, wait a few seconds and apply the next layer. Wait a few seconds again and apply the next layer. Do not make gauze layers any more. Apply a layer of paraffin over and over again. Their minimum number is three, preferably 5-7. Place a terry towel on top for insulation. Cold wax cream is applied in much the same way. The difference is that it is applied directly on top of the gauze mask.
  • Time spending … The paraffin therapy procedure lasts 15-20 minutes.
  • Removing the mask … Pry the gauze underneath and remove the paraffin wax from your face. Then remove the remnants from the skin. Wipe with calendula tincture (if the dermis is oily) or cosmetic milk (if dry or normal). After that, spread with cream, nourishing or moisturizing. While applying it, do a light pinch massage across the wrinkles.

Do not reuse paraffin! You can go outside no earlier than an hour later, this requirement is especially important if the weather is cold.

How to make a paraffin mask - watch the video:

Paraffin therapy for facial skin at home is an excellent and quite economical way to improve its appearance, soften, add firmness and elasticity. This is a simple procedure that improves blood circulation in the dermis, removes wrinkles and prolongs youth.
