Avellan nut: benefits and harms, recipes

Avellan nut: benefits and harms, recipes
Avellan nut: benefits and harms, recipes

Composition and useful properties of Avellan walnut. What does it taste like and in what recipes is it best to use it? Who better to abstain from eating Chilean hazel?

Avellan walnut (lat. Gevuina avellana) is a plant from the Protein family, the only representative of the Gevuina genus. Alternative names: Chilean hazel, Chilean hazelnut, Gewuina Avellan. Natural habitat - Chile and Argentina, the culture is localized, as a rule, on the hills. It is an evergreen tree, the height of which is 20 m. The leaves are long - up to 40 cm, dark green, complex shape with jagged edges. The plant blooms with white long inflorescences. Fruits are medium-sized, round, pink-red, but turn black as they ripen. The seeds of the fruit are used for food; they taste very much like the hazelnuts we are used to. The seeds can be eaten raw, or they can be pre-fried.

Composition and calorie content of Avellan nut

Chilean hazel
Chilean hazel

The calorie content of the Avellan nut, like any other nut, is above average, this fact is determined by the presence of a large amount of fat in the composition. The seeds of the fruit contain 12% protein, 49% fat and 24% carbohydrates.

However, you should not be afraid of such a high fat content, since we are talking about healthy vegetable fats, they do not contain cholesterol, which means they do not threaten the health of the cardiovascular system, but they are very important not only for high-quality brain function, but also for good external type of hair and skin. That is why fruit oil is actively used in cosmetology.

Chilean hazel is rich not only in good fats, but also in vitamin E and beta-carotene, which in the body is transformed into vitamin A.

Benefits of Chilean Hazelnut

Chilean hazelnut
Chilean hazelnut

Chilean hazelnut, due to its composition, has many beneficial properties. We have already mentioned the importance of fats above, and now we will consider the overall beneficial effect of plant seeds on the body in more detail.

So, the benefits of Avellan nut are as follows:

  1. Improving the work of the cardiovascular system … In this matter, vegetable protein plays an important role, of which about 12% in the composition of the nut. This protein contains the amino acid arginine, which is converted into nitric oxide in the body. This compound gives elasticity to blood vessels, thus preventing many dangerous diseases and acute cardiac conditions. Remember also that nuts contain cholesterol-free fats. Moreover, the nut not only does not add cholesterol, but also helps to destroy its excess, beta-carotene and vitamin E in the complex are responsible for this function.
  2. Normalization of intestinal motility … The product contains fiber, which is necessary for normal intestinal motility. This means that undigested harmful substances move along the gastrointestinal tract faster and are excreted faster. This fact excludes intoxication of the body due to the delay of feces. Regular fiber intake is especially important for people suffering from constipation and flatulence.
  3. Improving the condition of hair and skin … For female beauty, Avellan walnut is a real find. As we mentioned above, firstly, these are healthy fats, thanks to which the skin and hair are absorbed, the water balance is restored, dryness and dullness go away. Secondly, it is vitamin A, which promotes the restoration and renewal of skin cells. Thirdly, the Avellan nut contains vitamin E, known for its antioxidant properties, which means it prevents skin aging.
  4. Prevention of the development of tumor diseases … The aforementioned vitamin E plays an important role in the prevention of the development of cancer. As an antioxidant, it controls the level of free radicals, which, in excess, destroy molecular bonds, forming abnormal compounds and contributing to the development of serious pathologies, including cancer.
  5. Reproductive system support … Beta-carotene and vitamin E in the complex is an excellent support for the health of the reproductive system, both for the female body and for the male. Vitamin A maintains the health of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, creates favorable conditions for the maturation of sperm. Vitamin E affects the likelihood of conception and the harmonious development of the fetus. However, in the post-climatic period, vitamin E does not lose its relevance, as it helps maintain natural estrogen levels without additional hormone therapy.
  6. Improving the functioning of the nervous system … Vitamin E is also very necessary for the nervous system. It has a good effect on memory function, stimulates brain activity. Proven to be effective in preventing Alzheimer's disease, vitamin A also plays an important role in supporting cognitive function.
  7. Increased energy levels … And finally, another important property of vitamin E is the stimulation of blood circulation. Fatigue can often be caused by a decreased supply of oxygen to tissues and organs. Vitamin E enhances blood circulation and oxygen flow.
  8. Prevention of ophthalmic diseases … Beta-carotene is essential for vision. It takes care of the health of mucous membranes, protects against dry eye syndrome, which is common today. Also, the normal intake of this nutrient is the prevention of the development of more serious ophthalmic diseases, including night blindness.
  9. Respiratory tract disease prevention … It has been proven that eating foods rich in beta carotene helps improve lung function and protects against respiratory diseases, from the common cold to asthma and bronchitis.
  10. Stimulating the immune system … Beta-carotene also promotes the activation of the so-called thymus gland, which helps the body build an antiviral barrier.

It is noteworthy that the two main useful components of the product - vitamins A and E - are ideally combined with each other and contribute to better absorption of each other. Even in vitamin complexes, they are always combined.

Contraindications and harm to Chilean hazel

Chilean nut allergy
Chilean nut allergy

Outside the geographical zone of growth, Chilean hazel is rarely found on sale, which means that this product is consumed by a very narrow circle of people. For this reason, the contraindications of fruit seeds have not been adequately studied, but certain recommendations for their use can be given.

If a person does not have health problems, the product will not be harmful if consumed in the recommended doses for most nuts - 20-30 g per day. It is undesirable to exceed the norm, since nuts, despite all their benefits, are a difficult product to digest.

Avellan walnut can harm people with a tendency to allergies. Nuts, in general, belong to products of a high degree of allergenicity, while Chilean is considered exotic for our geographical zone. That is why people who often face individual food intolerances need to try them very carefully.

Since the nut is exotic for us, it is worth limiting its use to people with weak immunity, the elderly, pregnant women, lactating and young children.

The expediency of introducing a nut into the diet of people who are prescribed a therapeutic diet for health reasons is determined on an individual basis. In this case, the doctor must make the decision.
