Find out how professional bodybuilders eat when they are gaining muscle mass and preparing for a competition. Today, people are increasingly talking about proper nutrition, which is quite fair. If your diet is not compiled correctly, then this can lead to the development of various diseases. The nutritional program is of particular importance for athletes as well. The athlete's diet must be formulated correctly for two main reasons:
- High energy costs compared to ordinary people.
- High physical activity requires the intake of more nutrients.
It is very important that athletes eat a healthy and varied diet. Only in this case can one count on achieving high results.
The basic principles of organizing the athlete's diet

To achieve their goals, athletes need to correctly dose the loads in the classroom, as well as ensure the fastest possible recovery of the body after them. It is the last factor that affects the diet of the athlete. Only food can supply the body with the necessary energy and building materials, without which regenerative processes are simply impossible. The athlete's nutrition program should be drawn up taking into account the following features:
- It is necessary to supply all the nutrients to the body.
- Activate and speed up metabolism.
- The ability to regulate the body weight of the athlete.
- Provide the ability to change the morphological parameters of the athlete.
The specificity of sports is such that athletes are forced to expend a huge amount of energy in order to maintain the normal functioning of all body systems in conditions of heavy physical exertion. This can be achieved only if the athlete's diet is composed correctly. It is also important to use both animal and plant foods for food.
The nutritional program for athletes should be drawn up only taking into account their individual characteristics and training conditions. The peculiarities of pharmacological support should also be taken into account, without which it is difficult to imagine modern sports today.
The qualitative composition of the athlete's diet should be as close as possible to the following indicators:
- Protein compounds - about 30 percent of the total energy value of the nutrition program.
- Carbohydrates make up about 60 percent of the total calories in the diet.
- Fat - at least 10 percent of the total energy value of the nutrition program.
In addition, it is important to take into account the body's need for micronutrients, which can be supplied to the body with conventional food and sports supplements.
Protein compounds

This is one of the most important elements of the diet of athletes and its importance for the body is very great. Here are just a few factors according to which protein compounds must be present in the required amount:
- All body tissues are synthesized from protein compounds.
- These substances are catalysts for many reactions in the body.
- All metabolic processes depend on specific enzymes, which are protein structures.
- Protein compounds are constituent elements of hormones, including some anabolic ones.
- Carrying out a transport function.
- Most antibodies are proteins, and with sufficient amounts of them, the effectiveness of the immune system increases dramatically.
Protein compounds are found in all foods and can differ in terms of their amino acid profile. Complete proteins are found in dairy products, white and red meat, fish, eggs. However, this does not mean at all that plant sources of proteins, for example, legumes, can be neglected when composing an athlete's diet.

This nutrient is the fastest source of energy for the body. For the activation and subsequent course of any reaction in the body, energy is needed. It is quite obvious that in conditions of high physical exertion, carbohydrates are actively consumed and the task of an athlete is to restore energy resources as quickly as possible.
When drawing up an athlete's diet, first of all, it is necessary to focus on complex (slow) carbohydrates. They are found in cereals, black bread, fruits, and vegetables. But the amount of consumed simple (fast) carbohydrates should be kept under control. We recommend replacing sugar with honey, as this product is high in micronutrients.

Fats perform two main functions in the body at once: construction and energy. Therefore, athletes should in no case give up the use of fats. The membranes of all cellular structures are composed of fats. In addition, the energy obtained from these substances is used to nourish the brain.
It is very important to use only healthy fats. We have already noted that the athlete's diet should be varied and you should consume not only vegetable fats, but also animal fats. This will provide the body with all types of healthy fats. When composing a nutrition program, it is important to take into account the tasks set. If during weight gain the energy value of the ration should be high, then during drying this indicator needs to be reduced. The gender of the athlete is equally important in the preparation of the diet. The nutrition of girls has its own characteristics and this must be remembered.
In the diet of athletes, plant fibers (fiber), monounsaturated fatty acids, and slow carbohydrates must be present. The nutrition of athletes should be fractional, regardless of gender. Aim to eat every three hours. It is very important that you do not go hungry at the meal, but at the same time do not overeat.
Nutritional Features for Beginner Athletes

If you are just starting to play sports, then you should adhere to certain rules when drawing up a nutrition program. During the first 1.5 months of regular exercise, you need to gradually remove unhealthy foods from your diet: sweets, carbonated drinks, animal fats, confectionery, etc. It is very important that this process takes place in a planned manner. If you abruptly give up the previous diet, then it will be difficult for the body to readjust to the new mode of operation.
Often, rejection of a large number of foods that cannot benefit the athlete is painful enough. Many people are accustomed to using various semi-finished products, for example, sausages. The first time after giving up them, novice athletes may get confused, not understanding what can be used. However, you should get through this time and very soon you and your body will get used to the new healthy food. The body is able to adapt to any conditions of life. If you start to gradually reduce your salt or sugar intake, you can quickly be able to consume food that previously seemed tasteless. For at least one first month of exercise, you should increase the amount of protein compounds consumed to 1.5 grams for each kilogram of your body weight.
At the same time, it is important to remember about carbohydrates, because without this nutrient, you simply cannot fully train with the required intensity. We have already said that you should give preference to slow carbohydrates, and you may be surprised how many foods there are containing these substances. We guarantee that finding the right products for you in practice will be much easier than you previously thought.
Try to avoid using store-bought juices. These foods are very often of questionable quality and also contain a lot of sugar. But natural juices made from fresh fruits on their own are very useful. Try to use bran bread or wholemeal flour. All the fats your body needs are found in vegetable oil, and in addition, you can consume a limited amount of butter. Do not forget about nuts and fish, which contain valuable omega fatty acids. The proportion of this nutrient should be 10 to 20 percent in your athlete's diet.
If you adhere to the above proportion when drawing up a nutrition program, you will be able to control your weight. If you are going to gain muscle mass, then it is worth increasing the amount of carbohydrates contained in the diet. If you are conducting a drying course or just want to get rid of excess weight, then reduce the energy value of the diet due to carbohydrates. Moreover, during the period of weight loss, carbohydrates can be consumed only in the first half of the day.
At first glance, all the recommendations outlined in this article may seem complicated enough to translate them into reality. However, this is only the first impression, which will dissipate very quickly. It is always difficult to start, and especially in cases where you have become accustomed to a certain way over the years. But after switching to a healthy diet, you will feel much better very soon, and training will begin to bring better results.
Also remember to consume certain nutrients at the right time. Now we are talking about nutrition before classes and after their completion. However, this is a fairly broad topic and for a start, you should simply switch to proper nutrition, eating healthy foods.
Straight bodybuilder Alexei Schroeder tells more about super-relief nutrition in the following video: