Features of outdoor training

Features of outdoor training
Features of outdoor training

Find out what effective outdoor training methods are available for different goals: muscle gain, relief, or general fitness. If you want to do fitness, then you can do it in the gym, at home, or use an outdoor workout program. Of course, training outdoors in winter is not the best option, but in summer there are no questions. To get maximum results, you need to define your goals and draw up a training program on the street in accordance with them.

Before proceeding to the consideration of the question of the organization of the training process, it is necessary to find out what kind of sports equipment we have. There are schools with stadiums near every house. It is possible that the horizontal bars are located right in your yard and in this situation you will not even have to go to the school stadium. First of all, you will need a horizontal bar and parallel bars, and finding them will not be difficult.

Also, there may be other types of sports equipment in the school stadium or in the courtyard, for example, gymnastic rings or pipes for working out the abdominal muscles. However, even in their absence, you can carry out a full workout if you have only the bars and the horizontal bar. For cardio training, you can choose a regular run and there should be no problems with choosing a place for it.

Thus, we have all the necessary sports equipment, it remains only to decide on the purpose of training. You can train to gain mass, develop physical parameters, increase strength endurance, or improve the quality of muscle relief. It is on the goals you pursue that the outdoor training program, as well as your diet, depends.

Benefits of training outdoors

Girl and man push up
Girl and man push up

The benefits of outdoor activities are clear. First of all, of course, the conversation is about the possibility of maximum oxygen consumption, which is important for the processes of fat burning. In addition, you have the opportunity to experiment and feel a sense of freedom.

There are no downsides as such. The only drawback of outdoor training is the prerequisite for good weather. Also note that not everyone can safely go outside and start exercising. At the same time, many people are embarrassed to visit the gym, preferring training at home. But if you want to seriously engage in your body, then you can go in for sports in any conditions.

Strength training outdoors

Denis Semenikhin near the horizontal bar on the street
Denis Semenikhin near the horizontal bar on the street

Having chosen for yourself an increase in physical parameters, you should understand that you will not be able to achieve a huge increase in this indicator. Now we are talking about the fact that you will not be able to compare with representatives of powerlifting, since you will work with your own body weight. But most people do not need this, and it is quite enough just to get stronger.

To achieve this goal, you will need a horizontal bar, parallel bars and subsequently weights. The bar is necessary for performing various types of pull-ups, which will allow you to develop your biceps and broadest muscles and partly your forearms. On the uneven bars, you can increase the strength of the muscles of the chest and triceps.

If at first it is quite possible for you to have enough work with your own body weight, then as the power parameters increase, you will have to think about weights. It can be a backpack with sand or a special belt (vest). If you want to harmoniously develop your body, then you will need weights to train the muscles of the legs almost from the first day of training.

You probably know that to achieve a specific fitness goal, you need to use a different number of sets and reps, and the pause times between sets will also differ. To develop strength parameters, it is necessary to perform the entire movement in a maximum of eight sets with 7 or 8 repetitions each. The optimal time to complete one repetition is 20-30 seconds. The pause between sets is 2-3 minutes. It is also important to maintain a slow pace of movement. The duration of the positive and negative phases should be about three seconds.

Outdoor exercise program for mass gain

Athlete on the horizontal bars
Athlete on the horizontal bars

To gain mass, you need to perform the same movements that were used with increasing power parameters, but the nature of their execution will be different. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

To gain mass, you need to perform the entire movement in eight to ten sets, each of which will have 8 to 12 repetitions. The optimal time to complete one repetition is considered to be from 15 to 25 seconds. The pause between sets is 30 seconds to one and a half minutes. It is also important to maintain an average pace of movement. The duration of the positive phase is about 3 seconds, and the negative phase is 2 seconds.

If, in the development of power parameters, you need to focus on protein compounds in nutrition, then when gaining mass, you can and even need to consume fats. But they should be extremely useful.

Training program for the development of endurance and relief

Pull-ups on the horizontal bars
Pull-ups on the horizontal bars

You are probably wondering why this paragraph contains two goals at once. It turns out that everything is very simple, and to achieve them there are no fundamental differences in the organization of the training program. In addition, these tasks are interrelated and cannot be achieved in isolation from each other. If you want to significantly increase your strength endurance, then you should do CrossFit for this.

However, let's return to the question of drawing up a training program on the street. Exercise, again, remains the same, as does sports equipment. But the load on the muscles should be very powerful.

To achieve the above goals, you need to perform the entire movement in ten to twenty sets, each of which will have 15 to 25 repetitions. If you have the opportunity, then the indicated values can be exceeded. The optimal execution time for one repetition is considered to be at least half a minute. You should forget about the pauses between sets, we said that the load will be powerful. It is also important to maintain a fast pace of movement. The duration of each of the two phases of movement is about one second.

Let's see why you shouldn't pause between sets to increase strength endurance. Everything is very simple here, because in order to achieve the set task, you need to conduct a circuit training. If you are not already familiar with this concept, then circular training involves a quick transition after completing one exercise to the next. Of course, beginners should not immediately work at such a high pace and rest fashionably between circles. In addition, you must choose the optimal number of sets and repetitions in them in accordance with your level of training.

If we talk about the relief, then it will improve as you train. In support of this statement, you just need to look at the CrossFitters. They do not work purposefully on the relief, it appears through training and proper nutrition. By the way, your diet should contain from 5 to 7 grams of carbohydrates per kilo of body weight and from 1 to 2 grams of protein compounds.

Muscle Tone Training Program

Classes on the horizontal bar
Classes on the horizontal bar

If you just want to maintain your muscle tone and pump up your muscles a little, then choose one to three movements and train with moderate stress. For example, you can do dips, hang raises, and pull-ups.

To maintain muscle tone, you need to perform the entire movement in 3-10 sets, each of which will have 5 to 10 reps. The optimal time to complete one repetition is considered to be about 30 seconds. The rest period between sets is at least two minutes. You need to work at an average pace.

You need to remove sweets and flour products from the diet, and also limit the amount of carbohydrates. Try to eat more vegetables rich in plant fiber, meat, seafood, etc.

Outdoor workout program for girls

Girl on the bar
Girl on the bar

Girls can also conduct a full-fledged workout on the street and for this a horizontal bar, wall bars and parallel bars are quite enough for you. These are standard elements of school stadiums. To diversify your activities, you can use a rope, resistance bands, etc. And now we bring to your attention a training program for girls on the street.

1st day - circular training

All movements must be performed for 0.5 minutes without pauses. Do five laps and rest for a maximum of 120 seconds in between. Here's a list of exercises: jogging, forward kicks, planks, squats.

2nd day - supersets

Superset involves the execution of two movements without pauses between them. In total, you need to complete 4 approaches in each superset. Rest for about two minutes between sets.

  • Jumping obstacles and planks - Work for about 40 seconds.
  • Hanging Leg Raises and Squats - Do 10 reps.
  • Standing Forward Bend and Hyperextension - Do 15 reps.
  • Shuttle Run and Crunches - 2 intervals for running and 15 to 20 reps for crunches.

3rd day

Perform the following movements at a medium pace, and rest for a maximum of 60 seconds between sets.

  • Pulling the knee joints (alternately) to the chest - do 4 sets, each of which will have 15 to 20 repetitions in each direction.
  • Lunges - Do 4 sets, each with 10 reps on each leg.
  • Push-ups - Do 4 sets with 12 to 15 reps each.
  • Pull-ups in the horizontal plane - Do 4 sets, each of which will have 12 to 15 repetitions.
  • Hanging Leg Raises - Do 4 sets with 10 to 15 reps each.

For the features of outdoor training, see this video:

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