The mechanism of muscle growth in bodybuilding

The mechanism of muscle growth in bodybuilding
The mechanism of muscle growth in bodybuilding

If you want to gain good muscle mass, you must definitely study all the factors and hormones that contribute to anabolism in bodybuilding. Today, athletes use various techniques aimed at solving all kinds of problems. This article focuses on the mechanisms of muscle growth in bodybuilding. It should be admitted that many techniques were compiled by people who know little about hypertrophy and the mechanisms of this process. It is for this reason that they do not bring the desired effect.

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions around strength training and the fitness industry as a whole, which only prevent athletes from achieving high athletic performance. We will try to bring maximum understanding to this issue.

To begin with, muscle hypertrophy is nothing more than an increase in the size of tissue fibers. All muscles are composed of a huge number of fibers attached to the tendons and form bundles.

The muscle fiber includes myofibrils, sarcoplasmic space, nucleus, mitochondria and other elements. Fiber is a cell that is stretched in length and has the ability to contract. Is this possible due to the presence of two protein structures in it? myosin and actin. The energy sources of the cell are located in the sarcoplasmic space, and these should include creatine phosphate, salts, glycogen, etc.

Muscle fiber types

Explanation of fiber types
Explanation of fiber types

Most often, there are two main types of muscle tissue fibers? fast (type 2) and slow (type 1). Many athletes and even experts believe that slow fibers, by virtue of their name, are used only when performing slow movements. This assumption is wrong, and the classification of fibers depends on the activity of a special enzyme called ATP kinase. The more active the enzyme is, the faster the fiber contracts.

Also, both types of fibers have subspecies, which are formed on the basis of the type of energy consumption - glycotic and oxidative. Already from the name of these subspecies, it becomes clear that glycotic ones are able to work only through the use of glycogen and they can also be called anaerobic. In turn, oxidative energy is provided by the oxidation reactions of glucose and fats, for which oxygen must be used. Fibers of the oxidative subtype are less strong, but at the same time they are hardy. Glycotic ones can work for a very short time, amounting to a maximum of a minute, but they have great power.

Also, the time of their connection to work depends on the type of fibers. Fibers of the first type are used first. It should also be said that the number of working fibers is greatly influenced by the intensity of physical activity.

The mechanism of muscle hypertrophy

The mechanism of slow muscle hypertrophy
The mechanism of slow muscle hypertrophy

We have already talked about what constitutes muscle tissue hypertrophy. Fiber size can be increased due to the accumulation of protein compounds by accelerating their production after exercise. It is also influenced by the rate of protein breakdown. To achieve hypertrophy, only three factors can be used, which we will now talk about.

Mechanical interference

Schematic representation of the structure of the muscles
Schematic representation of the structure of the muscles

It occurs due to the violation of the integrity of the fibers during stretching or generation of force. This leads to the body's response to accelerate the production of IGF-1 and other hormones that regulate protein compounds and to increase mRNA transcription. It is important to remember that this stimulating factor affects the contractile apparatus of all types of muscle fibers, namely myofibrils.


Schematic representation of pain in the muscles of the legs
Schematic representation of pain in the muscles of the legs

Under the influence of physical exertion, the fibers receive microtraumas, the severity of which is largely determined by the intensity of the training. This can be minor damage to a pair of micromolecules of fibers, or serious, say, rupture of sarcoplasm.

Scientists suggest that fiber microtrauma accelerates the secretion of various growth substances, which in turn leads to an increase in the concentration of contractile protein structures, as well as enzymes. Microtrauma can be caused by all types of fibers.

Metabolic stress

Girl eating an apple
Girl eating an apple

This factor arises under the influence of physical exertion, which involve the anaerobic reaction of the synthesis of ATP molecules. This leads to the appearance in the muscle tissue of a large number of metabolites, for example, hydrogen ions or lactate. As a result, growth factors, hormones that activate protein structures and enzymes are activated.

The contractile apparatus of muscle fibers grows over several stages:

  • Physical activity creates an incentive for growth.
  • Under the influence of stimulating factors, the expression of mRNA in tissue cells changes.
  • RNA interacts with the ribosomes of cells, which promotes the onset of accelerated synthesis of protein compounds and, as a result, leads to an increase in the size of the fibers.

It should be remembered that mRNA has a definite lifespan, and ribosomes cannot be in an active state all the time. According to the results of numerous studies, the synthesis of protein compounds proceeds as actively as possible for 48 hours. After that, the rate of protein production returns to normal values.

In addition, muscle hypertrophy is possible under the influence of metabolic stress, due to an increase in glycogen stores, fluid and enzymatic protein structures. This leads to an increase in energy reserves and gives the muscles shape and volume. Note also that the composition of the muscle tissue cell contains about 80 percent of water.

The rate of production of protein compounds depends on the intensity of the session, the amount of training and other factors. In addition, a large amount of energy is expended on the production of protein in the muscles and this should also be remembered.

For more information on the mechanism of muscle growth in bodybuilding, see this video:
