Growth hormone for "drying"

Growth hormone for "drying"
Growth hormone for "drying"

There are many "drying" courses based on different preparations. Find out how justified and effective is the use of growth hormone for "drying". Every athlete using steroids is familiar with the opposite effect. If, during the course, muscle mass is gained and fats are burned, then after stopping the intake of drugs, these processes are reversed. More often, short steroids such as Winstrol are used in the final stages of the AAS cycle. If you use prolonged-release drugs, then this will only postpone the inevitable for a while.

You should be prepared for this, because after the steroids are removed from the body, the level of natural testosterone is very low. This is due to the fact that the body did not need it due to the large amount of artificial hormones. To start this process, it is necessary to send a signal to the hypothalamus.

After an average course, the duration of which does not exceed 12 weeks, the hormonal system is restored on average for at least two months. The longer you take AAS, the longer the recovery will take. The main problem for many athletes here is not even a drop in libido or some problems with erection, but in a sharp drop in the effectiveness of training and athletic performance. The mass that was gained during the cycle begins to go away.

Steroids have been found to be catabolic and very powerful. Thanks to them, the mass is maintained even after severe stress, which is intense training for the muscles. Perhaps the main growth of muscle tissue occurs precisely due to the slowdown of catabolic processes, and not because of high anabolism. After the drop in the level of the male hormone caused by the cessation of the use of AAS, muscle tissue cells begin to deteriorate from high catabolism. You should also remember about aromatization, due to which fluid is retained in the body and fat cells are deposited. If the athlete approached the steroid cycle not responsibly enough, then this can lead to gynecomastia.

Changes in the body after the abolition of the AAS on "drying"?

Athlete demonstrates back muscles
Athlete demonstrates back muscles

After you stop taking steroids, the body's work is significantly different from normal. If an athlete is prone to obesity and has used high aromatizing steroids during a cycle, such as sustanon or the popular methane, then what happens? Along with a decrease in muscle mass, metabolism slows down. The amount of estrogen in the blood rises, and the level of the male hormone falls. This leads to the appearance of new fat stores.

Professional athletes care less about these problems than amateurs. Firstly, it is important for them to come up in excellent shape by the time the competition starts, and, secondly, they rarely take long breaks between courses. In principle, their AAS cycles used by professionals can be attributed to "eternal". More experienced athletes during the "drying" prefer soft drugs that do not exert strong pressure on the synthesis of the natural male hormone, such as Turinabol or Boldenone. But here there may be a problem with the quality of the purchased drugs. Now on the market you can find a large number of fakes and for this reason steroids should be bought in specialized stores.

It will be good if the purchased Oxandrolone turns out to be Methane, because it is not known what the "black market" dealers can sell. For this reason, some athletes consider the use of growth hormone for "drying". Let's talk about this in more detail now.

Growth hormone use in drying cycles

Jintropin (growth hormone) in the form of injection
Jintropin (growth hormone) in the form of injection

Of course, this is not a cheap drug, but at least it has no effect on testosterone synthesis. Many athletes are sure that the use of solo growth hormone cannot bring a positive result, however, when using any drug, it is necessary to select its dosage, training intensity and an appropriate nutrition program.

The most common dosage of GH is 10 IU daily. Given the mechanism of the hormone's effect on the body, it is necessary to adhere to a high-carbohydrate nutrition program. It should be noted right away that when HGH is used in conjunction with a high-carbohydrate diet, the body is full of energy. In most cases, after starting the use of GH, body weight may increase slightly, which is associated with fluid retention in the body. This problem will be eliminated in a couple of weeks, after which the athlete begins to lose weight by burning fat.

It should also be reminded about the anti-catabolic properties of the drug, and when using it, muscle mass will not decrease. It is important to remember that the drug does not start working instantly and the course of its use should last for at least three months. The drug contributes to an increase in strength indicators and during its course, your working weights will increase slightly. At the same time, the dosage of growth hormone remains unchanged and amounts to 10 IU of daily use.

Based on the practical experience of using growth hormone for "drying", we can say that the drug accelerates the processes of burning fat and at the same time contributes to an increase in strength indicators. But once again it should be reminded that the drug is quite expensive and it is still worth using it only when you can complete the entire course.

If you are financially able to purchase a sufficient amount of GH to go through the "drying" cycle, then you will definitely get a very good result. Of course, one should not count on a miracle. However, growth hormone will be useful to those athletes who are preparing for the start in doping control competitions or simply do not want to once again introduce an imbalance in their hormonal system. You should also be aware of the long-term effects of GH on the body. The peak of its activity falls on the second month from the moment of the start of admission.

For details on the use of growth hormone on the "drying", see this video:

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