Delicate liver cutlets with onions and oatmeal

Delicate liver cutlets with onions and oatmeal
Delicate liver cutlets with onions and oatmeal

A step-by-step recipe with a photo of liver cutlets with onions and oatmeal at home. Benefits and nutritional value. Cooking technology, calorie content and video recipe.

Ready-made liver cutlets with onions and oatmeal
Ready-made liver cutlets with onions and oatmeal

In our life, an important role is played by offal, which some do not even use or do not know how to cook deliciously. And in vain! Today's recipe focuses on veal liver. You can make a huge variety of delicious and healthy dishes from it. We will cook juicy and tender liver cutlets with onions and oatmeal. This dish is able to provide a daily dose of properties necessary for the body, such as vitamins A, group B, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc and many amino acids. And thanks to oatmeal, cutlets are even more useful.

If you want to experiment and cook something new for your family, make these liver cutlets. Their taste is not inferior to meat cutlets. Moreover, the technological process is very simple and fast. The main thing is not to rush, and to stand the minced meat so that the oatmeal swells a little. Then the pancakes will turn out juicy and tender, and in the pan they will easily turn over.

These liver cutlets will be a wonderful lunch or dinner. It is enough to supplement them with a salad of fresh vegetables and there will be a full meal. They can even be called pancakes, which children love very much. Indeed, in their shape and the similarity of the cooking process, they very much resemble pancakes.

See also how to cook veal liver cutlets with pumpkin and semolina.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 255 kcal.
  • Servings - 15
  • Cooking time - 45 minutes


  • Liver - 300 g (any variety)
  • Eggs - 1pc.
  • Salt - 1 tsp or to taste
  • Instant oat flakes - 70 g
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Spices and herbs (any) - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - pinch or to taste

Step by step cooking liver cutlets with onions and oatmeal, recipe with photo:

The liver is twisted
The liver is twisted

1. Liver for the dish is suitable for any kind, so take the one you like the most. This recipe uses veal, but pork, beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey and other types are suitable. If you feel bitterness in the liver, first soak it in milk for half an hour to get rid of it. Usually pork and beef varieties are bitter.

Wash the selected offal under running cold water and dry with a paper towel. Remove films with vessels and baffles. Install the meat grinder and twist it through the middle wire auger.

The bow is twisted
The bow is twisted

2. Peel the onions, wash them under running water, dry them with a paper towel and also pass them through the grill.

Onions and liver are twisted
Onions and liver are twisted

3. If desired, add garlic passed through a press to the minced meat.

Eggs added to the minced meat
Eggs added to the minced meat

4. Add raw egg to food.

Spices added to minced meat
Spices added to minced meat

5. Then season the minced meat with salt and black pepper and add any spices and herbs. Ground nutmeg, suneli hops, Provencal herbs, dried ground garlic, etc. are well suited.

Oatmeal added to minced meat
Oatmeal added to minced meat

6. Add oatmeal to food. You can use wheat flour or semolina instead. Also, so that the liver mince is not very liquid, you can finish off the steamed oatmeal into it.

Minced meat mixed
Minced meat mixed

7. Stir the minced meat well and leave it to stand for 15 minutes so that the oatmeal swells a little, is saturated with liquid and increases in volume. The same should be done when adding semolina. If you use flour, the pancakes can be fried right away.

Cutlets are fried in a pan
Cutlets are fried in a pan

8. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat well and heat to moderate. Take a portion of the dough with a tablespoon and pour it into the pan, forming a round or oval pancake.

Ready-made liver cutlets with onions and oatmeal
Ready-made liver cutlets with onions and oatmeal

9. Fry liver patties with onion and oatmeal on both sides until golden brown and brown. Roasting time on each side takes no more than 5 minutes. They fry very quickly, so be careful not to burn.

Serve ready-made pancakes with any side dish: mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, porridge, vegetable salad … You can also make an appetizer of them in the form of a liver cake, only in portions.

See also a video recipe on how to cook cutlets with oatmeal.
