Pepper ratunda

Pepper ratunda
Pepper ratunda

Composition and calorie content of ratunda pepper. Useful and harmful properties of a vegetable, recipes for its preparation. The most curious facts about gogoshar. Important! The great benefit of ratunda pepper lies in the fact that it is one of the lowest calorie vegetables. That is why this inhabitant of the garden is more relevant than ever during the period of weight loss and in therapeutic diets.

Harm and contraindications to the use of ratunda pepper

Stomatitis in a girl
Stomatitis in a girl

Canned and fried fruits are much more dangerous than raw fruits. In such forms, they can cause a worsening of the situation in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with the kidneys and bladder, in patients with diabetes mellitus. Neither option can definitely be chosen for small children, since the vegetable is quite spicy, although it has a sweet taste. Care should be taken to treat him and pregnant women, since they are most susceptible to allergies to the substances in the composition.

It is not recommended to use ratunda in large quantities in the following cases:

  1. Launched coronary heart disease … Here, contraindications apply to both raw and canned, and fried, stewed and baked vegetables.
  2. Increased stomach acidity … In this case, it can increase dramatically, which increases the risk of developing an ulcer and opening bleeding. This is especially dangerous if there is a product on an empty stomach, raw, without eating anything.
  3. Colitis … The peel of the pepper irritates, "scratching" the intestinal mucosa, which is already inflamed with such a disease. As a result, this can result in sharp abdominal pains, nausea, and constipation.
  4. Inflammation in the mouth … We are talking about sore throat or stomatitis. The limitation should be introduced in case of violation of the integrity of the gums. In the case of bleeding and wounds due to the acid contained in the product, the mucous membrane can be pinched and baked.

Even if the contraindications of ratunda pepper do not concern you, you should not abuse the product, with an excess it can cause fermentation in the intestines, colic and nausea. This is a rather heavy food, which takes a long time to digest.

Recipes with ratunda peppers

Ragout with ratunda pepper
Ragout with ratunda pepper

The vegetable should be cut strictly before use, as it quickly "fizzles out". In this case, its taste and partially useful properties are lost. To soften the coarse peel, the fruits can be soaked in warm water with soda for 1-2 hours. Only the peel is suitable for eating, the seeds are always taken out during cleaning, and the tails are cut off.

With ratunda pepper, excellent preservation is obtained in combination with carrots, onions and other vegetables. It is used for making salads, stews, stuffing. It lends itself easily to frying, cooking, stewing. Separately, it is worth noting the possibility of baking it on the grill.

Here are just a few recipes for the simplest and most interesting dishes:

  • Stew … Pour boiling water over and soak in water 1 kg of basic vegetables. Then peel them and cut into rings. Add to them diced carrots and onions (2 each), potatoes, cut into strips (2), fresh peas (100 g) and 2 tomatoes. Salt and pepper all this and fry in oil. Next, put the mass in a saucepan, cover with water, salt and pepper, throw in the pulp of 3 cloves of garlic and simmer over low heat until tender, about 30 minutes. The stew should be juicy and soft, without burnt particles.
  • Canning … Wash and peel the seeds (15 gogoshars), then cut in half and let stand for 10 minutes. Then chop them into strips and put them in a saucepan, add chopped onions (3 pcs.), Carrots (4 pcs.), Pulp of 3 cloves of garlic. Pour all this with water so that it completely covers the mass, salt, pepper and sugar to taste, add vinegar (2 corks) and simmer for an hour. At this time, wash and sterilize glass jars with metal lids - they will need to be filled with gruel and rolled up. As a result, it turns out something like lecho, which can be served with potatoes and any other side dish.
  • Stuffing … Peel the ratunda (7-10 pcs.) From the tails and seeds without cutting in half. Then pour boiling water over the vegetables and let them stand for 1-2 hours. In the meantime, prepare the filling, which will serve as a mixture of fried mushrooms (200 g), tomatoes (150 g) and cheese (200 g). Do not forget to salt and pepper it, season it with garlic. Next, fill the pepper with minced meat, put it in a saucepan, put it, and pour the gravy. To do this, fry two grated carrots and onions, drenched in tomato. Simmer the dish covered for about an hour.
  • Baked pepper … You will need to wash, peel and divide it in half lengthwise (5 pcs.). Then boil 3 eggs, rub them and processed cheese (2 pcs.), Salt and pepper. Then add chopped green onions and dill (150g). Then put the gogoshars on a baking sheet, greased with vegetable oil, and hold in the oven for about 30 minutes.
  • Salad … The most popular option with the addition of a ratunda is Greek. To prepare this dish, you need to chop feta, preferably goat (80 g), white onion "Sterling" (1 pc.), One pink tomato and the pepper itself (about 3 pcs.) All this should be decorated with rings, except for cheese (cubes) and stacked in layers in the order shown. Then add 30 g of olives and olive oil, sea salt to taste and a little lemon juice.
  • Pete … 3 hours before cooking, soak the chicken in the sauce (150 ml milk + 10 g tarragon and 50 ml mustard). Then dry it, cut into small pieces and fry in unrefined corn oil. Then add 2 sliced peppers and diced hard cheese to the pan. Salt and pepper all this. Place the combined ingredients in a half-cut flatbread and garnish with parsley sprigs.
  • Potatoes with pepper … Boil vegetables, and then salt and pepper them, add garlic to taste and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Top with chopped dill and sour cream. It is eaten warm along with various salads (Greek, vegetable, meat).

Note! You can also use pepper in its pure form, raw it is much healthier and at the same time quite tasty. It is recommended to cook gruel from it using a blender.

Interesting facts about ratunda pepper

Pepper got the name "Gogoshar" because it has a round shape. This served to the fact that among the people he is also known as "kolobok".

Fresh ratunda pepper
Fresh ratunda pepper

Unlike conventional varieties, ratunda is more suitable for conservation and stuffing. It cooks a little faster than its "congeners" and has a pronounced taste. His aroma is also much stronger, so it is quite easy to recognize him among the “competitors”.

The fact that the vegetable is fresh is indicated by its rich color. If the peel is shiny, then this indicates the dishonesty of the manufacturer or distributor - the fruits were rubbed with wax for greater attractiveness. This also allows you to increase their shelf life. It is also important that the pulp is always thick and dense, and the tail is elastic. Shrinking of pepper is unacceptable, it is a consequence of long-term storage of the product.

In winter, it is almost impossible to find such a vegetable, since it is rarely grown in greenhouses, and it is unprofitable to bring it from China, and for a long time. On the way, it simply withers quickly and takes on a completely unmarketable look. Therefore, most often on store shelves you can find ordinary bell peppers, which are quite similar to their counterpart.

How to pickle ratunda peppers - watch the video:

This is not to say that the recipes for ratunda pepper abound in variety and can somehow surprise or "hook", but it is definitely worth trying to cook some dish with this vegetable. Even if it does not become a crown and does not cause much delight, it will add a taste experience that is sometimes so lacking for a sophisticated culinary specialist!
