Shaking hands at home

Shaking hands at home
Shaking hands at home

Find out a set of exercises that, without visiting the gym, in just 15 minutes a day, will allow you to become the owner of powerful biceps and triceps. Every man dreams of having powerful arm muscles. Often a person begins to visit the gym specifically for pumping his arms and chest. It is these parts of the male body that symbolize strength and masculinity. However, not everyone has the opportunity to train in the gym. Now we will tell you how to quickly pump up your hands at home.

How to quickly pump up your arms?

Hand training
Hand training

Now on the net you can find a large number of ways to train various muscle groups. If you wish, you can easily find video clips in which athletic guys talk about how to quickly pump up your arms at home, even without using sports equipment. Some of them even insist on the possibility of effective training only with the help of pull-ups and classic push-ups. However, most of these techniques raise serious doubts about their effectiveness.

Some guys on profile resources often ask questions why, when performing a hundred pull-ups and push-ups, the muscles of the arms do not increase in size. It turns out that the answer is quite simple, and you should understand that without strength training with weights, you will never build up the muscles of your arms, as, indeed, other groups.

Of course, if you are gifted by nature with excellent genetics, then even working exclusively with your own weight, it is quite possible to gain a decent amount of muscle mass. However, there are very few such people, and most guys need to work a lot and hard with a barbell and dumbbells. According to statistics, most amateur athletes are ectomorphs or, more simply, have a thin physique.

If you are one of them, then push-ups and pull-ups will not be enough for normal muscle pumping. You should know that skeletal muscle tissue is composed of two types of fibers (cells) - fast and slow. It should be admitted that these types of fibers also have their own classification, but it makes no sense to go into the intricacies of physiology.

Slow fibers are distinguished by great endurance, and fast ones are responsible for the power parameters of a person. Under the influence of force loads, the size of fast cells increases most rapidly, but the rate of increase in the size of slow fibers is much lower. In addition to fibers, muscle tissue also has sarcoplasm or intercellular fluid.

To gain muscle mass, you need to not only increase the size of the fibers, but also increase the amount of sarcoplasm. To do this, it is necessary to create certain conditions and now it is already known for sure that for gaining mass, the most effective range of repetitions of each power movement is from 6 to 12.

If you perform fewer repetitions, you will accelerate the growth of fibers, and with a high repetition training mode, the amount of sarcoplasm will increase faster. When the work is in the above repetition range. Then you create universal conditions for the growth of fibers and a simultaneous increase in sarcoplasm.

For the growth of muscle fibers, you need to create a stressful situation, and the sarcoplasm increases as a result of tissue hypertrophy processes. This is why doing even three hundred repetitions of push-ups will fail to build muscle. At the same time, high repetition training has certain advantages and can be an excellent addition to basic strength work.

Thus, so that you are not told from the monitor screen, you cannot do without dumbbells. If you want to know how to quickly pump up your arms at home, then the first thing you should do is purchase sports equipment, at least dumbbells. If you want to get the best results, you will need a barbell as well. It will not be superfluous to have a horizontal bar and parallel bars. However, this sports equipment can be found in any yard or school stadium.

Effective Home Exercises for Hand Training

Barbell Arm Workout
Barbell Arm Workout

So, we have already decided on the sports equipment we need: dumbbells, horizontal bar and parallel bars. If you intend to seriously study at home, then it is advisable to organize your own mini-room. Now you can buy a wall bars at a relatively low cost, complete with a hinged horizontal bar and parallel bars.

Of course, not every apartment has free space for this exercise equipment, but dumbbells certainly don't require a lot of space. Let's find out how to quickly pump up your arms at home. We'll start with exercises for developing biceps.

One of the best exercises in this situation is pull-ups using the reverse grip. At first, it will be enough for you to work with your own weight, but then weights will be required. Reverse grip pull-ups involve not only the biceps, but also a few other muscles. This is a basic movement that is very effective in increasing the size of the biceps.

When you reach a certain level of muscle development, you need to start using weights. These can be dumbbell discs or a special belt (vest) that you can buy at a sporting goods store. Also, in addition to pull-ups for the development of the muscles of the arms, there are two excellent movements with dumbbells - "hammers" and lifts for the biceps.

Both movements have worked very well, but still the hammer looks more attractive, as it involves a few more muscles in addition to the biceps. You can perform these movements while standing or sitting, and this will not change their effectiveness.

For triceps training, the dips are the most effective movement. As in the case of pull-ups, you can start working only with your own body weight, and then you will also need weights. Push-ups on the uneven bars can be performed in several ways, while emphasizing the load on different muscle groups. In order for the triceps to work as much as possible, your body must be located strictly in a vertical plane. Also, to reduce the risk of injury, it is necessary to push up to the position of the elbow joint at 90 degrees. If you go lower, but the load on the joints will increase significantly.

There are also many movements for developing triceps using dumbbells. However, the most effective are the extension of the arms from behind the head. This fact is due to the fact that when performing this movement, all three sections of the triceps are actively involved. Also, in this case, the load on the elbow joint is significantly lower in comparison with the French presses, which are also very effective.

Arm Muscle Development Training Program

The athlete does dumbbell push-ups
The athlete does dumbbell push-ups

So, for the biceps and triceps, we have just selected the effective basic movements on which and on them your training program will be built. The first movement must be performed with six repetitions, working in a power style. The second movement is performed with the number of repetitions from 10 to 12, and the third - from 15 to 20 repetitions. This approach to training will allow you to use the maximum number of fibers and thereby accelerate the muscle growth processes.

If you want to pump only the muscles of the arms, then you should do it once during the week. You can also spread biceps and triceps training on different days. When choosing working weights, you should be guided by the fact that the last one or two repetitions in the set should be performed with difficulty.

A set of exercises on uneven bars, horizontal bar and with dumbbells

Workout on uneven bars
Workout on uneven bars

In one workout, you should perform the following movements:

  1. Pull-ups using a narrow back grip - three sets of 6 reps each.
  2. Hammers - Three sets of 10 reps each.
  3. Supinated Dumbbell Raises - Three sets of 20 reps each.

In the second lesson, do the following exercises:

  1. Dips - Three sets of 6 reps each.
  2. Behind the head extension - four sets of 10 reps each.

A set of exercises with dumbbells

Concentrated dumbbell press
Concentrated dumbbell press
  • Hammers - Five sets of 6 reps each.
  • Supinated Dumbbell Raises - Three sets of 10 reps each.
  • Behind the head extension - four sets of 10 reps each.
  • Push-ups from the ground, narrow arms - three sets on failure.

These sets of exercises will help you build your arm muscles efficiently and quickly at home.

For more on training biceps at home, see this video: