Learn a technique that will help you improve your posture and get rid of harmful body positions while walking at home within a short period of time. Correct posture not only makes you beautiful, but is also one of the ways to prevent diseases of the spinal column. Very often people do not pay attention to this and remember about posture only when pain appears in the spinal column. Today you will learn about home posture exercises.
Effects of posture on health

In our society, very little attention is paid to posture, which is a gross mistake. Posture directly affects the work of all organs, and, therefore, is essential for human health. This is primarily due to an improvement in blood flow, which contributes to the normal functioning of internal organs.
The vertebral column consists of twenty-six vertebrae. If at least one of them is pinched, then the blood flow rate will sharply decrease. This, in turn, can lead to disruptions in the work of internal organs.
If you hunch over due to poor posture, then your muscles are forced to be in constant tension. In addition, the intervertebral discs are compressed, and their diet is disrupted. All this leads to the fact that during the night's rest, the body is not able to restore the constant growth of a person. If you pay close attention to your posture from childhood, then your height can increase by another fifteen centimeters.
Posture also matters for a person's mood. Please note that people with poor posture smile much less often. This fact has been proven in the course of scientific research. This is due to the fact that when posture is disturbed, more efforts must be made to perform any action, which increases energy consumption.
How to maintain correct posture?

A person's gait, as well as his posture, you can learn a lot of interesting things. Self-respecting people will never allow their shoulder joints to be often lowered, the stomach to be relaxed and drooping. In the presence of these signs, we can safely say that a person does not want to take care of himself or does not know how to behave correctly in public.
If you want to be successful in any business, then the posture must be monitored, as this is one of the signs of self-confidence. Here are a few rules you must follow to maintain correct posture:
- The back should always be flat, but you should not try to bend it too much.
- Straighten your shoulder joints, but do not lift them very high.
- The head should be a continuation of the line of the spinal column. Make sure that it is not too far back or tilted forward. The chin should be slightly raised and the gaze should be directed forward.
- Always keep your abdominal muscles tense so that your stomach does not hang down.
- In a standing position and while walking, the legs must be straightened.
Exercises to strengthen the muscular corset

Before talking about exercises for posture at home, it should be noted that the muscular corset must have sufficient strength. This will make it easier for you to maintain correct posture. To strengthen the corset of muscles, you should perform the following set of movements:
- Lie on your back and stretch your arms out to the sides. Begin to raise your head as high as possible and at the same time pull the socks towards you. Hold this position for 10 seconds. In total, you need to perform five repetitions with an interval of half a minute.
- Sit on a chair and put your hands behind your head. Bend your back as far back as possible and, counting to five, relax the muscles. Do five repetitions.
- Take a standing position and putting your hands behind your back, close them in a "lock". After that, tense the muscles of the arms and relax them. In total, you need to perform 10 repetitions.
- Take a supine position with your arms extended along the body. Use the efforts of your back muscles to try to lift yourself up. In this case, the legs should be located on the ground and cannot be torn off. Hold your breath while lifting. Do five to ten repetitions.
- Get into a prone position. Take your legs with your hands and begin to pull them in the direction of the head. In this case, the knee joints should not bend. In the extreme upper position, you should linger for ten seconds. Do five to ten repetitions.
Home exercises for posture

The set of exercises for posture at home offered below is very simple and it will not be difficult for you to master these movements. The only condition for effective training is regularity and adherence to the technique of performing movements. It will be just great if you additionally start doing water aerobics. Such an integrated approach to solving the problem will significantly speed up the achievement of the task.
Posture exercises at home are best done near a mirror so that you can control your technique. Each exercise of this complex should be performed at least ten times.
- Take a standing position and begin to lift first the right shoulder joint, lingering for a few seconds in the upper position of the trajectory, and then the left.
- In a standing position, you need to take both shoulder joints forward at the same time, and then back. It is very important that the back remains level when performing this movement.
- Place your hands behind your back and without bending your elbow joints. Start lifting them as high as possible.
- After inhaling and bringing the shoulder blades together, draw in your stomach and begin to bend back. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
- Sit on a chair and stretch your arms up. Then join your palms into a "lock" and bending the elbow joints, bring them back. After a pause for a couple of seconds, return to the starting position.
- Do two sets of classic push-ups of 10-15 reps each.
- Take a prone position, and your arms and legs should be directed in opposite directions and spread to the level of the shoulder joints. Begin to arch your back, lifting your legs and arms up. In the upper position of the trajectory, hold for 15 seconds.
- The starting position is the same as the previous movement. In this case, it is only necessary to raise the body and arms, which must be brought together behind the back.
- Take a prone position with your arms extended forward. Begin to lift the opposite arm and leg. Repeat on the other side.
- Get into a position on all fours, keeping your back straight. Inhale and then exhale and arch your back as you exhale.
Other ways to improve your posture

Today, many professions are associated with computer work. In addition, we often spend our leisure time with our favorite PC. It should be remembered that a long time spent at the monitor screen not only impairs vision (read about Vision Plus to improve vision), but can also ruin your posture. The most common cause of poor posture is a high load on the spinal column.
To reduce it, you need to pay attention to the computer chair. It is advisable to purchase a chair equipped with a special orthopedic back that exactly repeats the correct curve of the back. In this case, it is important to ensure that your lower back is always pressed against the back of such a chair. This is the only way you can reduce the load on the spinal column.
If you don't have the opportunity to play sports, then you should definitely start going to the pool. Go swimming several times throughout the week. Remember that swimming will not only help you improve your posture, but it will also improve your health. There is one old method to train yourself to maintain your posture. You need to put a book on your head, which should not be heavy. Use a kerchief to prevent the cover from sliding over your head. After that, walk around the house and can even perform simple movements, such as squats or twists, making sure that the book does not fall over. This is a great way to teach yourself to keep your back straight. After a certain period of time, an even back will become the norm for you and you will no longer need a book.
Another no less ancient method that was used by the nobles during the upbringing of children. You need to tie a plank to your back, placing one end of it in the lumbar region. Do not take it off all the time while you are at home. Sit at the computer, watch TV, move around the house, but at all times there should be a plank attached to your back. It will also develop the habit of keeping your back straight.
Find out six exercises to help straighten your back at home in this video: