Find out what bodybuilders are hiding to gain clean muscle quickly and easily. We reveal all the secrets of professional athletes. All men want to have relief muscles. Of course, reaching the level of the same Schwarzenegger is extremely difficult, but this is not required. At the same time, wanting to achieve something is one thing, but solving the tasks set is quite another. Now we will talk about bodybuilding in our own way or the secrets of the rocking chair.
If you turn to the Internet for help, you can find a huge number of training methods and programs that can differ significantly in their effectiveness. Often there are specialists in the halls who can talk about their training methods. However, take your time to heed their advice and find out first if steroids are being used.
If an athlete takes AAS, then his training program will not be effective for a natural builder. If experienced athletes train only naturally, then you can heed their recommendations and learn a lot from them. Today we will also reveal to you the secrets of the rocking chair and tell you about bodybuilding in our way, i.e. without the use of a sports farm.
Rocking Secrets

Don't look for training programs from pro athletes as they won't be able to help you. To solve the set tasks, you need to draw up your own program, which will be effective for you personally. In addition, you can use the secrets of the rocking chair, which will now be discussed:
- Information. Perhaps this point will seem strange to you, since for a large number of people, bodybuilding is simple weight lifting. However, in practice this is not the case and you need to train not only your muscles, but also your brain. And now we do not mean the development of neuromuscular connections, although this is also of great importance. The conversation is now about information and its accumulation. To progress, you need to constantly improve your knowledge of bodybuilding, experiment and analyze the results. The more you accumulate knowledge about this wonderful sport, the higher your chances of achieving your goals.
- Self-discipline. Without proper perseverance and discipline, it is impossible to achieve the desired result in any business, and bodybuilding is no exception. Building and maintaining an athletic body takes years of work. You must understand that immediate results in bodybuilding simply cannot be achieved. This is a sport for hardworking and persistent people. It is necessary to train constantly and intensively, without depleting your body.
- An integrated approach to classes. In bodybuilding, to achieve positive results, it is impossible to choose any method and use it in your workouts. In addition to a proper training program, you need to pay attention to your diet, rest and sleep. Only when all these factors are combined can one expect overall success.
- Regular training. If you visit the gym only at will, then you will not see success. Workout should be regular and sometimes you have to force yourself to work. Only regular exercise can bring results.
- Recreation. You may be aware that muscle does not grow during exercise, but when you are resting. It is for this reason that you must give your body enough time to recover. If this does not happen, then do not count on progress.
- Dream. An equally important factor in obtaining the desired results. The body can fully recover only during sleep. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day. If you want to increase your muscle mass, then get ready for the need to adhere to the daily regimen.
- Nutrition program. This is a very large topic and it is difficult to tell something here in a nutshell. During the time of gaining mass, you need to consume a lot of protein compounds and you may not be enough with ordinary food. In this case, it is necessary to use a sports nutrition. Your diet should contain about 30 percent of your total daily energy intake.
It should also be remembered that carbohydrates are the main source of energy. But it is worth giving preference to slow carbohydrates, since fast ones can be converted into fats in a short time. The proportion of carbohydrates in your diet should be about 60 percent.
Be careful with fats and only eat plant-based fats. Eat vegetable oils and nuts, as well as fish. The percentage of fat in the diet is about 10.
That's all we wanted to tell you about bodybuilding in our own way or the secrets of the rocking chair. If you decide to develop your body, then get ready for serious work and do not expect quick results.
Watch the video interview with Dr. Luber below: