How and why do athletes use insulin in bodybuilding? Does this hormone really contribute to mass gain and increase muscle performance? Today, big sport cannot do without sports pharmacology. This concept also includes illegal drugs. While a wealth of information can now be found on steroid use, athletes continue to seek other means to improve athletic performance. One of them is insulin.
It should be said right away that although insulin is not prohibited, it simply cannot be detected, if used improperly, an athlete can cause quite serious damage to health. It is very important to use it correctly and be careful. Today we will talk about insulin therapy in bodybuilding and powerlifting.
The mechanism of action of insulin on the body

Insulin is synthesized by the pancreas. This organ is divided into two sections, the largest of which produces digestive enzymes. A small department is responsible for the synthesis of hormones, which produces glucagon, insulin, somatostanin, gastrin.
Today, the article will often mention the term "sugar", which from a scientific point of view has a broader concept than in the common sense. There are several types of sugar that differ in their chemical structure. The most complex compounds are called polysaccharides, and the simplest ones are called monosaccharides.
Glucagon is designed to break down polysaccharides into glucose, which is a simple sugar. After that, glucose in the form of glycogen accumulates in the tissues of the muscles and liver, as it is one of the sources of energy and the body creates a supply of this substance.
The body strives to maintain the balance of all systems, including blood sugar levels. If this level decreases, then people feel hungry. After a meal, the amount of sugar in the blood rises and the body begins to produce insulin. This hormone helps accelerate the penetration of glucose into cells, and its level begins to decline. This process starts after every meal.
In a healthy body, the pancreas always synthesizes the required amount of insulin, the level of which is measured in units - a special unit. The rate of insulin production averages from 40 to 50 units throughout the day. The sugar level also varies in the range of 3.3–7.0 mol / l. Professional athletes use insulin in combination with various drugs, thereby raising the anabolic background. Insulin affects the metabolism of carbohydrates and together with it, AAS, growth hormone, Cytomel (a hormone produced by the pancreas) are used, which affect the metabolism of protein compounds and fats. When a healthy person injects insulin, blood sugar levels drop dramatically, leading to hypoglycemia. This condition causes general weakness, trembling in the legs, possibly impaired visual function and even loss of consciousness.
With the correct use of insulin, moderate hypoglycemia occurs, and the body begins to produce growth hormone in response. The level of this hormone can increase quite significantly. If at this time the athlete uses steroids, then the effect of exogenous insulin increases. There is a sharp increase in the metabolism of protein compounds, as well as the synthesis of RNA and DNA. Also, the penetrating ability of cell membranes increases, and they receive more amino acid compounds, glucose and all the necessary trace elements.
It should also be noted that the use of insulin triggers strong processes of synthesis of adipose tissue throughout the body. This is due to the fact that in the presence of a high level of insulin in the body, as well as an incorrect nutrition program and a large amount of simple carbohydrates, special enzymes begin to be produced. With their help, glucose is converted into glycerol, which is the basis of adipose tissue.
To reduce the processes of fat deposition, it is necessary not only to eat right, but also to use fat burners. Most often it is Clenbuterol and Cytomel. It is also recommended to use growth hormone to slow down the formation of body fat.
Insulin use

Before starting a conversation about the ways of using insulin and its dosages, a few words should be said about what you need to pay attention to before purchasing insulin:
- Manufacturer - there are many names of the drug, but it is preferable to purchase Western products.
- Type of hormone - insulin can be obtained from several sources, it is better to use human insulin.
- Duration of exposure to the body - in sports, short-acting insulin is used to increase the anabolic background. This is very important.
- Packaging form - the hormone can be packaged in vials and a syringe is used for its introduction, as well as in a syringe pen. The latter is more convenient to use, but it also costs a little more.
A conventional insulin syringe is designed to inject a maximum of one milliliter of hormone, which corresponds to 40 units. Injections must be given subcutaneously in the abdomen.
Athletes use insulin dosages in the range of 4-12 units once or twice a day. It depends on the body's sensitivity to the hormone and is chosen strictly individually. Be careful when choosing the required dosage of the drug. Now, here's an example of the insulin therapy cycle used by professionals in bodybuilding and powerlifting:
- Steroids - 200 milligrams
- Short insulin - 6 units twice a day.
- Cytomel (triiodothyronine) - 100 to 150 micrograms 2-3 times throughout the day.
- Growth hormone - from 4 to 6 units 2-3 times during the day, and the injection is done 60 minutes after the injection of insulin.
- Chromium picolinate - 500 to 10,00 micrograms once or twice during the day.
For more information on insulin and its role in the body, see this video: