Veal stew with vegetables is a delicious and tender meat sauce that goes well with any side dish. In this review - everything about veal, methods of cooking it, and, of course, the most delicious recipes for dishes from this type of meat.

Recipe content:
- How to cook veal stew - the subtleties and features of cooking
- Veal stew with vegetables in a slow cooker
- Veal stew with zucchini
- Veal stew with mushrooms
- Braised veal with beans
- Video recipes
Veal is a separate type of meat, with its own cooking characteristics that allow it to be made not only tasty, but also healthy and dietary. Although, in fact, veal, it is young beef, but it cannot be called common. It is noticeably inferior to other types of meat in popularity. Although in fact veal leaves far behind other types of meat in many ways. For example, it contains 35% more protein (per 100 g) than beef, while the fat is much less - 6, 8 g versus 30 g in beef. Veal also contains more phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium than beef, the same applies to B vitamins.
How to cook veal stew - the subtleties and features of cooking

The main secret of making delicious veal stew is to make it soft after being cooked. The meat of young dairy calves is much more tender and requires special knowledge. There is a lot of water in the product (100 g of meat has 72 g of liquid, beef has 55 g), while there is little fat. Therefore, veal is easy to tough.
Veal does not have a “blood-roasted” degree of roast; in an undercooked form, a light pink liquid is released from the product together with milk, while being accompanied by an unpleasant taste and smell. In addition, eating such meat is dangerous for the stomach.
Veal is prized for its delicate taste and pale pink color. This lean and low-fat meat is preferred by gourmets looking after health and figure.
Veal is prepared in different ways. It is fried, baked, boiled, grilled and stewed. It is important for different dishes to buy certain parts of the carcass and approach the choice of meat competently. So, good veal has a pleasant smell and appearance. It is moist but not slimy. Color from light pink to creamy pink. The fibers are fine and springy when pressed. The fat is firm and white. The age of the animal can be determined by the color of the meat: the whiter the veal, the younger the calf.
For stewing and cooking, it is best to choose the neck, for frying in a pan - fillet fillet, back or lumbar part, for frying over an open fire - rump, for baking in the oven - rump and rump, for smoking and minced meat - brisket and arable land.
A very important point is the correctly selected bouquet of spices, which will make the food amazing. And even if spices are not indicated in the recipe, you can always saturate the dish with them and experiment. Oregano, basil, peppers, rosemary, tarragon, caraway seeds, thyme, turmeric, mustard seeds, coriander, cloves, marjoram are perfectly combined with veal. Spices should be added to the dish carefully and carefully. Perfectly selected proportions will give your food an exquisite aroma and special taste.
Also, for the softness and juiciness of the product, a marinade is used, which can be any. But the best is sour. For example, vinegar, dry wine, tomato or sour berry juice, dairy products. The main condition is that there should be no salt in the marinade, because it dehydrates protein foods, making them dry and tough. Therefore, it is better to salt the meat at the end of cooking or directly on the plate.
Veal stew with vegetables in a slow cooker

Cooking veal in a slow cooker is very simple. Thanks to such a culinary assistant, the meat is tender and juicy. In addition, it cooks very quickly in just 40 minutes, while it takes much longer to stew in a saucepan.
- Calorie content per 100 g - 70 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - 20 minutes preparation, 40 minutes preparation
- Veal - 400 g
- Onions - 1 pc.
- Eggplant - 1 pc.
- Garlic - 3 cloves
- Carrots - 1 pc.
- Dill - bunch
- Salt and ground pepper to taste
Step by step cooking:
- Wash the veal under running water, pat dry with a paper towel and cut into small pieces.
- In a multicooker, turn on the "baking" mode and fry it for 20 minutes.
- Peel and cut carrots and onions: carrots - into cubes, onions - into half rings.
- Wash the eggplant, cut into cubes, sprinkle with salt and leave for 20 minutes to leave the bitterness. Then rinse and dry.
- Add the vegetables to the multicooker bowl and cook for 10 minutes.
- Pour in a glass of water, season with spices and salt and continue cooking for 40 minutes.
- At the end of the mode, a signal will sound. This means that everything is ready.
Veal stew with zucchini

Veal stew with zucchini always turns out tender, soft and spicy in taste. The dish can always be supplemented with any vegetables to taste and preference.
- Veal - 1 kg
- Bulb onions - 1 pc.
- Zucchini - 1 kg
- Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
- Refined vegetable oil - for frying
- Salt and pepper to taste
Step by step cooking:
- Rinse the meat under running water and cut into small pieces about 1.5 cm thick.
- Peel the onion and chop finely.
- Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skins and beat with a blender or grind with a regular potato crush.
- In a skillet in oil, fry the pieces of meat over high heat until they form a characteristic crust.
- Reduce heat, add onion and tomatoes.
- Boil the food and bring it to almost cooked over low heat.
- Wash the zucchini, peel, cut into long pieces, similar to meat, and fry in another pan in vegetable oil.
- Combine the zucchini with the meat in a large skillet and cook until cooked through.
Veal stew with mushrooms

Veal stew with mushrooms is a very tasty, appetizing and aromatic dish. For its preparation, you can use any vegetables and mushrooms to taste.
- Veal - 500 g
- Champignons - 500 g
- Carrots - 1 pc.
- Onion - 1 pc.
- Refined vegetable oil - for frying
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
Step by step cooking:
- Rinse the meat with running water, dry and cut into small pieces so that it roasts faster. Heat the oil in a skillet and add the veal to fry. Fry it over a coarser heat until golden brown.
- Wash the champignons and blot with a paper napkin. Cut large fruits into 2-4 parts, and leave small ones whole. In another skillet, fry the mushrooms in oil until soft. At first, they will release a lot of liquid, do not evaporate it, but collect it in a glass with a spoon. Then it will come in handy.
- Peel the carrots and onions, cut into strips and fry in a frying pan.
- Combine all products in a large cauldron: meat, mushrooms and vegetables. Pour in the mushroom broth, add tomato paste, spices and salt. Add some water if necessary. Mix the products well, boil and simmer under a closed lid for 40 minutes.
Braised veal with beans

Simple and elementary - veal stew with beans. It is so easy to prepare that the most inexperienced housewife can handle it. It takes a little time, the dish turns out to be very tasty and even elegant, especially if you use beans of different colors.
- Veal - 500 g
- Onion - 1 pc.
- Garlic - 2 cloves
- Carrots - 1 pc.
- Canned beans - 400 g
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Refined vegetable oil - for frying
Step by step cooking:
- Peel the onions, garlic and carrots, wash and chop finely. Place vegetables in a skillet with heated vegetable oil and fry, stirring occasionally until transparent.
- Finely cut the washed and dried meat into cubes with sides of 1-1.5 cm, so that the size matches the beans. In another skillet, fry the veal in oil, stirring occasionally until a light crust forms.
- Combine the meat with vegetables and add the canned beans along with the liquid they were in.
- Bring the mass to a boil, reduce the temperature, cover the pan and simmer the dish for 10 minutes.
Video recipes: