A simple interesting step-by-step photo recipe for cooking in the oven - lamb loin with potatoes in a single culinary rush. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

A restaurant dish, lamb loin with potatoes, is easy and simple to cook in the oven in your kitchen! The combination of lamb and potatoes is always great. Dishes based on these products are satisfying, nutritious and aromatic. Baked and crumbly potatoes are soaked in lamb juice and fat. The taste of the products is successfully complemented by spices and herbs that add charm to the whole dish. At the same time, the dish is not at all difficult to prepare. It is only necessary to peel the tubers, put the products into a mold and bake all this in the oven. The main advantage of the recipe is that you do not need to stand over the stove for several hours. In the recipe for vigorous activity, no more than 12-15 minutes. At the same time, the dish can be safely called festive, it will decorate your table literally in an hour and a half. Therefore, such a dish can be quickly figured out at an unexpected meeting with friends. Make such a meal and you will definitely not regret it, because This is delicious!
It is not necessary to use the loin for the recipe. You can take a piece of any other part of the mascara. Any aromatic herbs and spices are suitable as spices. If desired and free time is available, the meat can be pre-marinated. To do this, you can take soy sauce, tkemali, plum sauce, yogurt, etc.
See also how to cook baked lamb ribs in the oven.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 285 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - 1 hour 15 minutes

- Lamb loin - 800 g
- Ground red hot pepper - 0.5 tsp
- Salt - 1 tsp topless or to taste
- Hops-suneli - 1 tsp
- Dried cilantro with basil - 1 tsp
- Potatoes - 4-6 pcs. depending on the size
- Ground black pepper - a pinch
Step by step cooking lamb loin with potatoes in the oven, recipe with photo:

1. Peel the potatoes, wash, cut into wedges and place in a baking dish. Season it with salt and black pepper and any spices to taste.

2. Wash the lamb loin, dry with a paper towel and place on potato slices. If desired, you can cut the meat by the bones. But it is better to leave it in one piece, so it will be juicier.
Do not swap potatoes with meat. Always put the loin on the potatoes so that the tubers are soaked in the meat juice during baking.

3. Season the loin with spices, salt and pepper. As spices, you can take cilantro grains, crushed cumin, dried tomato powder, etc.

4. Cover the food dish with a lid or wrap with cling foil.

5. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the lamb loin with potatoes to bake for 50-60 minutes. Serve the cooked lamb loin with potatoes in the oven immediately after hot cooking.
See also a video recipe on how to cook a baked lamb loin with potatoes in the oven.