Transcarpathia - nature, clean mountain air, and, of course, traditional cuisine. All establishments serve branded pancakes in the form of pancakes or pancakes. We will learn how to cook our own potato pancakes in Transcarpathian style with fried onions and scrambled eggs at home.

A simple and very tasty dish - potato pancakes, have many names and methods of preparation in many world cuisines. In Ukraine, these are potato pancakes, Belarus - pancakes, Czech Republic - brambraki, Lithuania - zeppelin, Germany - Kartoffelpuffern, Switzerland - R? Sti, Israel - latkes … In Transcarpathia, such pancakes have several names, depending on the region and nationalities. These are kremzliks, and googles, and kiyzliks, and ryylyovaniks. Simply put, all these types are raw potato pancakes. Let's prepare one of the favorite dishes of the Transcarpathians - potato pancakes. In Transcarpathia, this dish is prepared with minced meat, stewed vegetables, cabbage, zucchini, mushrooms, etc.
Today I will introduce you to potato pancakes with fried onions and scrambled eggs. They turn out to be excellent, tasty and juicy. Delicate and soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. It should be borne in mind that this is a very fatty and high-calorie dish. When serving, if desired, a bowl of cold sour cream can be served with the potato pancakes. Although potato pancakes can be served in your own way. Today I am sharing a delicious step-by-step recipe with a photo of potato pancakes in the version of the Lviv tradition, which I tried in a small tavern.
See also how to make Jewish latkes or potato pancakes.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 425 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - 45 minutes

- Potatoes - 500 g
- Salt - 2/3 tsp or to taste
- Eggs - 1 pc. for pancakes and 2 pcs. for scrambled eggs
- Vegetable oil - for frying
- Garlic - 2-3 cloves
- Onions - 2 pcs. for pancakes and 2 pcs. for scrambled eggs
Step-by-step cooking Transcarpathian potato pancakes with fried onions and scrambled eggs, recipe with photo:

1. Peel and wash potatoes, onions and garlic under running water.

2. Grate potatoes with onions on a fine grater. If you have a food processor, use it to speed up the cooking process.

3. Transfer the vegetable mass to a fine sieve, which is placed on a deep plate.

4. Leave the mixture for 5 minutes to let all the juice come out. Press down with a tablespoon to make the liquid come out faster.

5. Transfer the potato and onion mixture to a deep bowl and pass the garlic through a press.

6. Add raw egg, salt and black pepper to the food to taste.

7. Stir the dough well to distribute the food evenly. The potato pan dough is ready.

8. For scrambled eggs, peel two onions, wash and chop into thin quarter rings.

9. Heat vegetable oil in a skillet. If you like fatty foods and there are no contraindications in their use, replace the oil with lard. Cut it into medium-sized pieces and melt in a skillet over medium heat.

10. Send chopped onions to the pan.

11. Saute the onion until tender and release the raw eggs into it. Cook the eggs until the protein coagulates, and the yolk should remain runny. Therefore, do not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise the yolk will fry and become dense.

12. Heat the oil in another skillet. Spoon the dough with a tablespoon and pour it into the pan. Shape the pancakes into a round or oval shape.

13. Fry potato pancakes on both sides over medium heat until golden brown.

14. Put the finished pancakes on a paper towel so that it absorbs all excess fat. After that, serve the pancakes in Transcarpathian style with fried onions and scrambled eggs.
See also a video recipe on how to cook potato pancakes with meat.