Using a salt scrub

Using a salt scrub
Using a salt scrub

Learn how to make at home and use a salt scrub for your face and body. Salt is a unique and very useful mineral that is of natural origin. Without this substance, life on Earth is simply impossible. Salt is found in vegetables, fruits and plants. To ensure the normal functioning of the human body, it is necessary to regularly replenish the salt supply. The most important thing is to maintain a balance, since not only a lack of salt, but also an excess of salt, negatively affects your overall health.

With an excess of salt, there is a risk of developing hypertension, the appearance of excess weight, and in case of its lack, the correct sodium metabolism is disturbed, which is manifested by such signs as severe drying of the skin, muscle weakening begins, and a sharp decrease in body weight is observed. The human body receives salt not only in its pure form, adding it to food during cooking, but also from food.

Cosmetic properties of sea salt

Sea salt
Sea salt

This natural mineral has a positive effect on the skin, which is why salt is widely used in the field of cosmetology:

  • intensive skin whitening is performed;
  • mechanical gentle cleansing is carried out;
  • skin cells are saturated with natural and beneficial minerals;
  • there is a pronounced antiseptic effect;
  • excess fat and moisture are gently removed from the skin.

Today, salt is found in a variety of scrubs, tonics, peels, and exfoliating masks made by modern pharmaceutical companies. This natural remedy is widely used in spa salons during various cosmetic procedures designed for skin care. However, the most affordable and simple use of salt is a special scrub that can be easily and quickly prepared on your own at home, adding simple and natural ingredients.

Using a salt scrub

Applying a salt scrub to the body
Applying a salt scrub to the body

Regular use of a salt scrub will only be beneficial if you follow a few simple rules:

  1. Salt scrub should not be applied to the skin around the lips and eyes. Massage the décolleté area with special care.
  2. A face scrub will be much more effective if the composition is applied to pre-heated skin. For this purpose, you can use a simple compress, which is done as follows - a terry towel is moistened in warm water and applied to the skin for about 6-8 minutes. Thanks to this procedure, the skin becomes more receptive to the beneficial substances that make up the scrub.
  3. It is recommended to use a salt body scrub after taking a hot bath or shower.
  4. It is forbidden to carry out a cosmetic procedure using a salt scrub if there are abscesses, dermatitis or acne on the surface of the skin. Otherwise, such actions can provoke skin infection or significantly increase the existing inflammatory process.
  5. The optimal option for using a salt scrub is the following frequency - for problematic and oily skin once a week, for dry and normal skin 2-3 times a month.
  6. When applying the product to the skin, you must be extremely careful. On the face, the product is applied strictly along the massage lines, on the body with soft circular movements. It is not recommended to use force, as there is a risk of injuring delicate skin.
  7. At the end, the remnants of the salt scrub are washed off with plenty of warm water. Be sure to moisturize the skin with any nourishing cream or cosmetic milk.

Salt facial scrub

Salt scrub on the face
Salt scrub on the face

It is impossible to get delicate, smooth and velvety skin without regular, and most importantly, proper cleansing. Decay products released by the epidermis during metabolic processes, as well as dead cell particles, should not remain on the surface of the skin.

To obtain high-quality cleansing, simple hygiene procedures will not be enough, which is why cosmetologists have recognized the need and benefits of scrubbing. The most popular product for effective scrubs is simple salt. Today, two types of salt are used in cosmetology - table salt and sea salt.

Sea salt is a natural product obtained by evaporation from sea water. Thanks to this method, sea salt retains all the valuable trace elements and nutrients that are in the sea moisture.

A salt scrub based on sea salt nourishes the skin with valuable sea minerals. When choosing this product, it must be remembered that it should not contain additional dyes or fragrances. When making a homemade sea salt scrub on your own, you must first grind it with a coffee grinder or blender.

Simple table salt, which is mined in underground mines, is also a natural product. Unlike sea salt, it has a more modest composition, but at the same time table salt has certain advantages - it has a pronounced antiseptic effect, it is also hypoallergenic.

Salt face scrub recipes

Salt scrub with coffee
Salt scrub with coffee

Today, you can buy a ready-made salt scrub for skin care at almost any store, or make it yourself using the recipes below.

Scrub for problem skin

  • For cooking, take salt (1 tsp.), Baking soda (1 tsp.), Natural yogurt or sour cream (1 tbsp. L.).
  • All components mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • To care for very oily skin, you can use boiled water instead of sour cream.
  • The ready-made composition is applied to damp skin, and problem areas where blackheads are located are gently treated.
  • The exposure time of this scrub is 5-6 minutes.
  • After completing the cleansing procedure, a slight reddening of the skin may appear, but this is a completely normal reaction.
  • With a little nourishing cream, you can quickly soothe your skin.

Toning scrub for combination to normal skin

  • To prepare a scrub, you will need to take fine salt (1 tsp), olive oil (1 tsp) and lemon juice (1 tbsp).
  • All components are thoroughly mixed. This is a homemade acid peel.
  • Lemon juice combined with salt provides effective skin cleansing and whitening.
  • During the procedure, you must be extremely careful, as there is a risk of provoking severe skin irritation. That is why the duration of the procedure should not be longer than 10 minutes.

Scrub for sensitive and dry skin

  1. To soften the effect of the salt scrub, you can add a little flour to the product. It is best to grind rice or oatmeal in a coffee grinder, but plain wheat flour can also be used.
  2. To prepare a scrub, you need to take fine salt (1 tbsp. L.), Milk or water (1 tbsp. L.), Flour (2 tbsp. L.).
  3. The liquid is mixed with flour until a gruel is obtained, to which fine table salt is added.
  4. Use immediately and do not refrigerate.
  5. The scrub is applied to damp skin and a gentle massage is done for a few minutes.
  6. The product remains on the skin for about 5-6 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Salt body scrub

Applying a salt scrub to your back
Applying a salt scrub to your back

Thanks to the use of a salt scrub, dead cells and skin particles are removed from the surface of the body, and excess moisture is removed. As a result, the skin becomes firm and perfectly smooth.

Certain components can be added to the composition of the salt scrub, due to which the signs of cellulite, stretch marks and other skin irregularities are eliminated.

The cosmetic composition must be applied to clean and pre-moistened skin, after which a massage is performed using a special washcloth or simply with your hands.

The exposure time of the salt body scrub is 10 minutes, after which the residues of the product are washed off with plenty of warm water, but without the use of detergents. The body is gently blotted with a towel, and then smeared with a light baby cream.

The following main ingredients are added to the body scrub:

  1. Sea or common table salt.
  2. Various additional components that improve the effect of the composition - for example, oat flour, ground natural coffee, honey, citrus peel, dry green tea and herbs.
  3. Essential oils can be added to the scrub, which not only give the skin a pleasant and light aroma, but also have a healing effect. You can add no more than 5-6 drops of oil, otherwise there is a risk of provoking a strong allergic reaction.
  4. When adding oil, it is necessary to use only the product that is ideal for the specific skin type. If a large amount of a scrub is being made, which is planned to be stored for some time, almond oil should not be added to its composition, since it has the ability to quickly oxidize. An excellent option would be burdock or olive. Massage oils are also suitable, since they not only can be stored for a long time, but are also adapted for the skin. You can use sunflower, corn, grape seed, or peach oil.

Best Salt Body Scrub Recipes

Applying a saline scrub to the abdomen
Applying a saline scrub to the abdomen

Depending on the problem at hand, the initial condition of the skin and its type, you can choose the perfect recipe for a salt scrub for body care.

Moisturizing salt scrub

  1. To prepare a scrub, table salt (0.5 tbsp.), Olive oil (3 tbsp. L.), Favorite essential oil (2-3 drops) are taken.
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed.
  3. The scrub can be used immediately by applying to previously moisturized skin.
  4. This product can be stored for some time in the refrigerator in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.

Orange body scrub

  • This remedy has an excellent tonic effect. After using it, the skin becomes firm, velvety and soft to the touch.
  • Instead of orange peel, you can use lemon or grapefruit peel.
  • The scrub contains table salt (2 tablespoons), orange peel (1 tablespoon), chopped on a grater, olive oil (1 tablespoon), orange essential oil (2-3 drops).
  • All components are mixed, after which the scrub can be used immediately.

Honey body scrub

  1. To prepare a scrub, take coarse salt (1 tbsp. L.), Natural liquid honey (1 tbsp. L.), Cinnamon (1 tsp.), Olive oil (1 tsp.).
  2. All components are mixed, then the composition is applied to moisturized skin, a light massage is done, the remnants of the product are washed off with warm water.

Honey has a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the skin, saturating the cells with a mass of useful substances. Also, this product has a regenerating and bactericidal effect. Thanks to the use of such a scrub, the skin becomes supple and soft.

Regardless of which recipe for a salt scrub for face or body skin care will be used, the main thing is to carry out such cosmetic procedures regularly. After all, using the product once a month will not have a positive effect.

How to make a salt scrub, see this video:
