Grill: benefits, harms, candy recipes

Grill: benefits, harms, candy recipes
Grill: benefits, harms, candy recipes

The composition and useful properties of crispy roasted nuts. How is the treat eaten and are there any contraindications to its use? What recipes with roasted nuts are popular among those with a sweet tooth?

Grill is a very sweet candy that can be soft or very hard. It consists of chopped nuts and frozen sugar syrup. Sweet tooths of different ages love roasted nuts, despite the fact that the delicacy negatively affects the health of the teeth. It is customary to eat sweets in their pure form with tea, but confectioners prefer to add them to cakes, cookies, etc.

Composition and calorie content of roasted nuts

Grill in a vase
Grill in a vase

The standard roasted nuts contain only hazelnuts fried in sugar. The high temperature turns the sugar into a syrup that envelops the nuts and hardens afterwards.

Calorie content, flavor and health benefits of this product may vary depending on the ingredients used. For example, roasted nuts can be made from walnuts, sunflower seeds or almonds. In all cases, the taste of the candy will be different. The good thing about the standard recipe for a treat is that you can endlessly supplement it and create new original sweets.

The most high-calorie is considered to be roasted nuts in chocolate. Next, we will consider the features of sweets prepared according to a standard recipe.

The calorie content of roasted nuts per 100 g is 482 kcal, of which:

  • Protein - 11 g;
  • Fat - 26 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 63 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 3, 6 g;
  • Water - 0.9 g;
  • Ash - 0.6 g;
  • Saturated fatty acids (EFA) - 8, 3 g.

Vitamins per 100 g of product:

  • Vitamin A - 5 mcg;
  • Beta carotene - 3 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 4.8 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.03 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.03 mg;
  • Vitamin PP - 0.6 mg.

Minerals in 100 g of product:

  • Potassium (K) - 227 mg;
  • Calcium (Ca) -46 mg;
  • Magnesium (Mg) - 49 mg;
  • Sodium (Na) - 8 mg;
  • Phosphorus (P) - 108 mg;
  • Iron (Fe) - 3.3 mg.

The calorie content of roasted nuts in chocolate per 100 g of product is 509 kcal, of which

  • Proteins - 5, 30 g;
  • Fats - 26, 50 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 65, 10 g.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 5, 5%, 27, 3%, 67, 2%.

Useful properties of roasted candies

Woman eating a cake with roasted nuts
Woman eating a cake with roasted nuts

The delicacy contains a lot of fat, fiber and protein. The human stomach will need to produce many enzymes to digest these substances. Therefore, if you eat several of these candies at a time, prepare yourself for the fact that you will need a rest.

Nutritionists and other medical professionals believe that roasted nuts can improve a person's condition. After all, the delicacy contains a lot of amino acids, without which the body cannot function properly.

There are many oils and proteins in sweets, which take part in the energy and synthetic processes of our body. Sweets made from fruit jam are rich in vitamins, therefore they have a beneficial effect on human immunity.

The benefits of roasted nuts do not end there, consider other medicinal properties of the delicacy:

  1. Optimizes digestion, eliminates and prevents constipation - nuts fill the human stomach with a large amount of indigestible fiber. Because of this, the walls of the stomach are often forced to contract in order to push it through themselves. This process leads to the optimization of the stomach and intestines.
  2. Protects against atherosclerosis and the appearance of other problems associated with an excess of cholesterol in the body - this process is provided by the same fiber that prevents the absorption of cholesterol in the human body.
  3. Promotes the production of insulin, provided that the pancreas functions correctly - sugar, entering the human blood, has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and stimulates it to produce insulin.
  4. Tones up, saturates with energy - like any sweetness, roasted nuts are high in calories, therefore they are suitable for quick snacks during working hours.
  5. It normalizes blood pressure, increases hemoglobin levels, strengthens bone tissue, normalizes hormonal levels - all of these properties are related to roasted nuts with fruit syrup. Such a product contains a lot of vitamins that can withstand boiling. These substances have a beneficial effect on almost all internal human systems.
  6. Retains youthfulness thanks to the antioxidants found in nuts.
  7. It has choleretic properties, optimizes brain function - this applies only to almond candies.

Interesting! Grillage is considered to be a distant relative of halva prepared according to the recipe of traditional Persian cuisine. Historians suggest that French pastry chefs borrowed the idea of roasting nuts from their eastern counterparts.

Contraindications and harm to roasted nuts

Caries treatment in a girl
Caries treatment in a girl

Before you eat crispy candy, you should find out what is the harm of roasted nuts for the human body. Many manufacturers use refined sugar for its preparation, which provokes the formation of refractory fats in the body. Such substances are poorly absorbed by our digestive system, therefore they contribute to rapid weight gain … In addition, poorly absorbed fats provoke the leaching of B vitamins and calcium from the body.

Dentists are quick to notice that brittle is dangerous for teeth and excessive consumption of it can lead to the development of tooth decay in both children and adults. In addition, the candy is very hard and can cause mechanical damage to the tooth.

The softest and safest sweetness is considered, in which sugar is replaced by jam. To experience only the benefits of roasted nuts, experts advise using it in limited quantities.

The delicacy is contraindicated people suffering from diabetes … The roasted nuts contain a lot of sugars, which can provoke metabolic disorders in the human body with a diseased pancreas. This can lead to a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure and even loss of consciousness.

How to make roasted candies?

Roasting nuts
Roasting nuts

The preparation of roasted nuts in production is a complex technological process, consisting of the following stages:

  • The bottom of a huge cooking pot or frying pan is moistened with water and sugar is loaded into the bowl.
  • Further, the heating mode is switched on in the boiler, and the sugar begins to melt.
  • All the remaining roasted nuts are added to the slightly melted sugar: crushed nuts, butter and other components provided for in the recipe.
  • When the preparation for future sweets reaches a temperature of 140 ° C, it is thoroughly mixed and laid out on a special table for further cooling.
  • Chilled roasted nuts are cut using an automatic mechanism.
  • The resulting candies are packed and packaged.

On a note! Real high-quality sweets should have the following properties: crunchy structure, lack of bitterness and other off-flavors, which indicate the low quality of the raw materials used to prepare sweets, moderately viscous consistency (sweets should not get stuck in the teeth).

If you like to pamper your loved ones with homemade treats, you just need to learn how to cook roasted nuts in your home kitchen.

Especially for housewives who do not have a lot of time for cooking, we provide a simple step-by-step recipe for instant roasted nuts:

  1. Fry 130 g of your favorite nuts without adding oil. All types of nuts are ideal for sweets equally - almonds, walnuts, etc. If you decide to cook a delicacy from almonds, peel them long before roasting. To facilitate this work, soak the nuts in boiling water for 5-10 minutes and easily peel off the peeled skin.
  2. Peel and husk the nuts and grind them in a blender until almost smooth. At the same time, do not try to grind the ingredients to a flour condition. It is optimal when pieces of nuts of different sizes are felt in sweets.
  3. Boil the syrup, for this you will need 110 ml of water and 380 g of granulated sugar. When it boils, add 1 tsp to it. lemon juice and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove the syrup from the heat as soon as it darkens.
  4. Mix the nut mass with the syrup and put it on a prepared surface to harden - parchment, a board or a baking sheet, greased with special odorless vegetable oil. Use a rolling pin dipped in water to flatten the mass on the mold.
  5. As soon as the candies are frozen, they can be broken into pieces and treated to relatives. Such a delicacy should be easy to chew, crunch on the teeth and resemble the taste of kozinaki.

Ready-made candies can be additionally decorated. Poppy, coconut or chocolate sprinkles, as well as thick fudge, are suitable for this. Even if there is no lemon juice in the roasted nuts recipe, you can always add it for a smoother candy consistency.

Note to the pastry chef! To find out for sure if the caramel is ready, do the following: drip the syrup on a piece of ice to freeze it quickly, then try to bite into the drop, it should be moderately soft and brittle.

Grilled recipes

Biscuits with roasted nuts
Biscuits with roasted nuts

Despite the fact that roasted nuts are usually eaten in their original form, they are often used as an integral component of other desserts. We present to your attention three difficult but popular recipes for delicious desserts among pastry chefs:

  • Cake with peaches, cottage cheese and roasted nuts … Knead the dough: sift 100 g of wheat flour, add 65 g of butter, 30 g of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt and 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour. Then grease the baking dish with fat or butter. Preheat the oven. Roll out the dough, put it on a mold and pierce it with a fork in different places. Bake the crust in the oven for at least 20 minutes. In the meantime, soak the gelatin and start preparing the cream. Take 3 chicken eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Add to the yolks 20 g of sugar, the juice of one lemon and a little zest, chopped on a grater. Add to the yolk mass 510 g of cottage cheese, 200 ml of egg liqueur and already dissolved gelatin. Put the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. When the cream hardens, add 200 ml of whipped cream and whites, which must also be whipped with 30 g of granulated sugar. Cut 300g peaches into wedges and start shaping the cake. Place the sides on the baking dish with the prepared crust and put all the cream and some chopped fruit on the dough. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 4 hours, then remove the side from the mold and decorate the finished cake with the remaining peaches and 2 tbsp. l. crumbled roasted nuts.
  • Roasted biscuits … Sift 300 g of wheat flour, add 100 g of granulated sugar and 200 g of soft butter to it (if the butter is hard, grate it or cut into cubes). Pour 1 tbsp into the resulting mixture. l. water, add 1 chicken egg and knead the dough. Next, wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour. Roll out the chilled dough so that you get a crust no more than 5 mm thick. Use a glass or a special notch to squeeze circles out of it. Bake the pieces for 10 minutes. While the dough is in the oven, tinker with the cookie filling. In a saucepan, combine 50 g of honey and 40 g each of sugar, cream and butter. Cook the roasted nuts over low heat for 4-5 minutes. Add 100 g of sunflower seeds and 150 g of chopped walnuts to the hot mass. Put the roasted nuts on the baked cookie cutters (1 tablespoon per piece). Bake the cookies for another 7 minutes.
  • Roasted cake … Make a biscuit. To do this, beat 4 yolks with 50 g of granulated sugar, lemon zest (to taste) and a pinch of salt. In another bowl, beat 4 egg whites with 50 g of sugar. Combine the whites with the yolks. Sift 60 g of flour and 20 g of starch into the resulting mass. Add 30 g of chopped almonds to the dough. Stir the mixture thoroughly and transfer it to a baking dish, the bottom of which is already lined with parchment paper. Bake the crust in the oven for 30 minutes. While the dough is in the oven, prepare the impregnation: mix and bring to a boil the juice of one orange, 3 tbsp. l. water, 30 ml of cognac, a small amount of lemon and orange peel. Soak a ready-made biscuit generously with juice and start making cake cream. Boil 250 ml of milk mixed with 2 tsp. vanillin and 40 g of sugar. Whisk 2 egg yolks with 25 g starch and 2 tbsp. l. hot milk. Whisk 2 whites with 40 g of sugar until a thick foam. Pour the beaten egg yolks into the boiling milk and simmer for a few minutes. Remove from heat and add whipped egg whites immediately. The cream is ready! Lubricate the sponge cake with it on the top and sides. Wait for the cream to harden. Sprinkle the finished cake generously with chopped roasted nuts. Bon Appetit!

Interesting facts about roasted candies

Different types of roasted nuts
Different types of roasted nuts

There are legends that the roasting was invented by the famous Scheherazade, the main character of the beloved fairy tale "1001 Nights". However, real facts say something else: for the first time, the world learned about how to make roasted nuts from a resident of France. The details of this event are not known to historians. Linguists note that in translation from French the word "roasted" means "fry".

Modern chefs prepare roasted nuts according to different recipes that differ significantly from the classic one. Initially, hazelnuts and sugar were included in the standard delicacy. Now confectioners prepare roasted nuts even from fruits, make them hard or soft, add honey to sweets or dip them in chocolate.

The industrial production of roasted nuts in chocolate was established about 80 years ago at the Rot Front factory.

In the USSR, confectioners called roasted nuts all sweets that included nuts and sugar - cakes, pastries, etc. However, it is correct to call roasted nuts directly to the nut-sugar mixture, but not the whole dessert in which there is a crunchy delicacy.

How to cook roasted nuts - watch the video:

Roasted candies are a delicious dessert that can benefit the human body if consumed in reasonable amounts. The only group of people who are strictly prohibited from their use are diabetics. It is believed that the most useful type of roasted nuts is a fruit dessert - it contains less harmful sugars and more vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In addition, such a product has a softer consistency, it is easier to chew and does not injure the surface of the teeth.
