How to use pepper tincture for hair growth

How to use pepper tincture for hair growth
How to use pepper tincture for hair growth

Home or pharmacy tincture of hot red pepper is actively used to accelerate hair growth. The home treatment course is carried out in three stages using various means with the addition of pepper. Read recipes for masks with us. Content:

  1. The benefits of pepper spray for hair
  2. Pepper tincture recipe
  3. Hair restoration masks
  4. Using peppermint at home

    • Using a balsam tincture
    • The use of a pharmacy tincture
    • Home tincture application
  5. Helpful hints

Pepper tincture for hair is a popular folk remedy, surprising in its chemical properties and effectiveness, promoting rapid growth and preventing profuse hair loss. This method does not stop age-related baldness or problems caused by hormonal disruptions, but you can fix a temporary violation. Through the use of aggressive pepper vodka, you can easily achieve results even in cases where other means have turned out to be ineffective. Tincture of pepper is not uncommon, it is sold in any pharmacy, in addition, it will turn out to be prepared at home on your own.

The benefits of pepper powder for hair growth

Pepper for making tincture
Pepper for making tincture

Pepper tincture is considered to be an aggressive remedy, which makes weak, non-growing and falling hairs in good condition. According to laboratory studies, the chemical composition of pepper works well with vodka or alcohol, and as a result of this combination, an excellent cosmetic product is obtained. The reason for this is useful and even miraculous components that stimulate rapid hair growth:

  1. Capsaicin is the most medicinal component of the plant. When combined with alcohol, capsaicin irritates the scalp, thereby causing accelerated blood circulation and metabolism. Hair follicles saturated with oxygen and nutrients contribute to the rapid growth of hairs.
  2. Fatty oils are substances in pepper that prevent skin burns. Also, fatty acids moisturize and nourish with beneficial trace elements.
  3. Vitamins A, C, B6, present in the tincture, promote the regeneration of damaged cells, increase resistance, and increase local immunity. Thanks to the abundance of vitamins, even thin and thin hair can turn into lush and thick hair.
  4. Essential oils of hot pepper strengthen, soothe and protect against aggressive environmental influences. In this condition, hair growth usually accelerates significantly.
  5. Minerals, namely iron, magnesium and potassium, strengthen each hair and saturate with oxygen and reduce the aggression of capsaicin.
  6. Alcohol is one of the best antiseptics. As part of such a tincture, it prevents damage and loss, restores, accelerates growth, fights dandruff, eliminates fungal infections and inflammation.

The abundance of useful biological substances in one product can have a complex effect on the hairs and hair follicles. As a result, damaged and frozen tissues are restored, and growth is accelerated.

Pepper tincture for hair

Making pepper tincture at home
Making pepper tincture at home

Pepper tincture is produced not only for cosmetic purposes. Many use it to relieve neuralgia pain, some use it to increase appetite. But perhaps the most frequent use is hair care. A simple low-component formula of the infusion allows you to quickly prepare it at home, and then use it as part of a mask or rinse aid.

Basic rules for making pepper vodka:

  • To prepare the tincture, it is better to use pure fresh 40% vodka without additives, and not alcohol, as in a pharmacy. It is difficult for an amateur to understand the quality of alcohol, which can negatively affect the properties of the finished product.
  • Hot red peppers can be used both fresh and dried.
  • Until fully prepared, the tincture should stand for at least 10-14 days.
  • The best place for the pepper to stand should be dark and cool. At the same time, storing the product in the refrigerator is considered meaningless.

Among the variety of methods for preparing pepper tincture, there are 2 most popular, time-tested and experience-tested:

  1. In a jar of vodka, with a capacity of 0.5 liters, dip 2 large red peppers from 10 cm long. The container must be tightly corked and left in a dark place for a period of 10 days.
  2. Mix 100 ml of pure vodka 40% and finely chopped medium-sized hot peppers. Store the mixture in a sealed glass container for 2 weeks. At the end of the allotted time, the infusion can be used as a component of hair products.

Hair restoration masks with pepper tincture

Hair masks with pepper tincture
Hair masks with pepper tincture

Careless experimentation with peppercorns can lead to disastrous results. It is prohibited to use such a product separately from other components. Only high-quality recipes for hair growth masks with pepper tincture can give the expected effect:

  • Pepper and oil mask … Cosmetic oils optimally soften the aggressive effect of pepper on the hair and scalp. Jojoba oil, burdock, almond or castor oil is mixed with diluted pepper in a 1: 1 ratio. The mask is rubbed into the hair roots in smooth circular movements, insulated and left for 2 hours. Then they are thoroughly washed off with any herbal decoction. As a result, hair length increases by 4 cm per month.
  • Pepper and honey mask … Honey is another neutralizer of the irritating effect of peppercorns. It also nourishes the scalp with beneficial nutrients. To prepare a mask 1 tbsp. l. peppercorns are mixed with 3-4 tablespoons of honey, heated in a water bath. The mixture is applied to the roots, massaged for 5-7 minutes. It is not recommended to keep this mask longer than 20 minutes. Wash off the honey-pepper mass with warm clean water.
  • Pepper and Herb Mask … An equally effective procedure is a hair growth mask with herbal decoctions. 2 tbsp. l. peppers are mixed with 3 tbsp. l. decoction of chamomile. The resulting liquid is massaged into the hair roots and left in this state for 20 minutes. Then thoroughly rinse the hair with warm water or a light decoction of nettle.
  • Pepper and tomato mask … The tomato mask is considered one of the most versatile. Its formulation is easy to adapt to different hair types. To do this, mix mashed tomato with 2 tbsp. l. pepper tincture. For dry hair add 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil, for fatty and normal - 1 tbsp. l. low-fat kefir. The resulting composition is rubbed into the roots and wrap the head with a towel. After 60 minutes, the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water 2-3 times.
  • Pepper and Beer Mask … An equally popular home remedy with pepper is prepared with light beer. 50 ml of the drink is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. tincture and 1 tbsp. l. almond oil. The solution is slightly heated, rubbed into the roots and kept for 30 minutes. Wash off such a mask with shampoo, then warm water.
  • Mask with pepper and kefir … The recipe for a kefir mask is suitable not only for accelerating hair growth, but also for regenerating damaged hairs. 150 ml of low-fat kefir is mixed with 2 raw yolks and 2 tbsp. l. peppercorns. The resulting mass is rubbed with roots and hairs to the middle of the length. The mixture is left for 20 minutes, then washed off.
  • Multi-part mask … It has a lot of advantages over the previous ones. It not only promotes rapid hair growth, but also heals them, cleanses the scalp, nourishes and fills the cells with oxygen. To prepare such a product, mix in equal proportions: castor oil, hot pepper tincture, calendula tincture, onion juice, cognac, yolk and honey. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, rubbed into the hair roots, left for 15-20 minutes. The multicomponent mask is washed off with shampoo, then the hair is rinsed with a decoction of chamomile.

Using pepper spray at home

It is highly recommended to prepare your hair and scalp properly before starting the pepper infusion treatments. Loose and tired curls can be damaged even more without preliminary preparation. The whole process of treatment and recovery with pepper is best divided into three stages: the preparatory use of balsamic tincture, the use of a sparing pharmacy and thorough care with homemade hot pepper infusion.

Using a balsam tincture

Hair balm with pepper
Hair balm with pepper

The first stage is not the most effective, but the most loyal, and the balsamic tincture is quite easy to prepare and apply on your own:

  1. To prepare a miraculous mixture, you need to take 4 tbsp. l. herbal hair balm and mix it with 2 tbsp. l. ground red pepper.
  2. The ends of the hair should be rubbed thoroughly with olive oil to protect against the harsh effects of the pepper.
  3. The balm mixture should be gently mixed and massaged onto dirty, dry hair. In most cases, an addictive mask is applied only to the roots. Less often - on strands.
  4. On treated hair, it is better to wear a hat or use a terry towel. In a warm environment, the mask is activated and the effect is enhanced. It is better not to touch your hair for the next 15 minutes.
  5. In case of severe burning sensation, the product must be washed off immediately. Perhaps the scalp is damaged or irritated, therefore the balm can cause burns in the places of wounds or scratches.
  6. The mask is washed off by using shampoo and a decoction of any medicinal herb (nettle, burdock, chamomile).

Suffice it 3 such procedures during the week, so that the scalp and hair are prepared for the more aggressive tincture used in the second stage.

The use of a pharmacy tincture

Pharmacy pepper
Pharmacy pepper

The pharmacy product is also not recommended to be used in its pure form, and for proper care it is worth remembering the following tips:

  • Mix 1 tbsp before use. l. pharmacy tincture with the same amount of extra virgin olive oil. The proportion should be maintained, and the dosage can be changed depending on the length of the hair.
  • The process of applying the mixture does not differ from using a balsam tincture, but it is recommended to keep such a remedy on the head a little longer, the allowable period is 30 minutes.
  • At the second stage, the procedure can be carried out every third day. The first results will be visible at the end of the first week. The total duration of the stage is 15-20 days.

Applying homemade pepper tincture

Homemade capsicum tincture
Homemade capsicum tincture

Upon completion of the second, you can proceed to the third stage, which involves the use of homemade products. The most aggressive, but also the most effective procedure also requires strict adherence.

It is worth preparing homemade pepper tincture without deviating from the recipe, but storing it - strictly observing the conditions of temperature and lighting. The long-standing mixture must be carefully filtered and used as a component of multicomponent masks. When starting treatment with homemade pepper tincture, it is recommended to dilute it with filtered water, taking into account the level of skin sensitivity.

How to use pepper tincture: helpful tips

Hair mask with pepper tincture
Hair mask with pepper tincture

The use of pepper tincture for hair growth can cause both amazing results and undesirable consequences. In order to avoid the latter, it is worth considering important nuances and following the instructions:

  1. Do a preliminary trial … Before full use of the mask, apply a couple of drops of the mixture to the sensitive skin area. For example, behind the ear, on the wrist, or on the inside of the bend of the elbow. If an allergic reaction or burn does not appear within 15 minutes, you can use the product without fear of negative consequences.
  2. Observe contraindications … People with diabetes, hypertension or any blood disease should not use such a remedy. It is also not recommended for head injuries, fresh stitches, open wounds and scratches. Another contraindication is considered to be too dry and weakened hair. Aggressive pepper tincture will dry out and damage them even more.
  3. Be careful … Eliminate any chances of getting pepper tincture in your eyes or mouth.
  4. Consider the recipe and time constraints … Masks with pepper tincture in the composition should not be kept longer than the specified time. Half an hour is the maximum period after which the product must be washed off (with the exception of masks with a weak concentration of pepper). Accidental or deliberate overexposure of the mixture on the head does not guarantee hair growth, but hair loss.
  5. Follow the order … Carry out the stages of the treatment course in a strict order, setting aside 1 week for the first stage, and 2 weeks for the second and third. After a full 5 weeks, it is better to leave the hair alone, give it a rest.

How to use pepper tincture for hair growth - watch the video:

[media = v = l02T5ns4t2Y] Pepper tincture has an irritating effect on the peripheral nerve endings of hair follicles, which causes active growth. But do not treat such a tool too negligently. Any deviation from the rules of use can be dangerous.
