How to get rid of facial warts at home

How to get rid of facial warts at home
How to get rid of facial warts at home

Facial warts are safe but not aesthetically pleasing. You can remove them in different ways: laser, "freezing", moxibustion, special means and folk methods. You just need to know the true cause of the build-up and the features of each method of removing it. Content:

  1. Types of facial warts

    • Simple
    • Flat
    • Small
    • Red
    • White
  2. Causes of the appearance of warts

    • Filamentous growths
    • Red wart
    • White wart
  3. Features of the treatment of warts

    • In the clinic
    • Celandine
    • White warts
    • Red warts
    • Medicines
    • Ointment
    • Medicinal plants
    • Folk remedies

Warts are neoplasms, mainly of viral origin, that appear in different parts of the body. Such skin defects are benign in nature, protrude above the skin and in most cases are a purely cosmetic problem, especially if the outgrowths are formed on the face.

Read the review of Papinol remedy for papillomas and warts

Types of facial warts

Immediately, we note that not all skin formations in the facial area are wart. Therefore, we will consider what types of warts and other skin growths can be located on the face, the reasons for the formation and methods of dealing with them.

Simple warts on the face

Common wart on a woman's face
Common wart on a woman's face

Most often, there are 3 types of warts in the face area: vulgar (simple or ordinary), flat (youthful), filiform (papillomas or acrochords). Angiomas (red warts) and milia (white warts) are often mistaken for warts.

In most cases, there are common warts on the face, which have a rounded shape and a diameter of about 1.5-10 mm or more. The color of the outgrowths is pinkish or yellow with a grayish tint, with dark blotches. The surface of the wart is rough, there may be small cracks. They "grow" one by one or in groups, do not cause painful sensations.

Please note: if there is a simple wart on the face, it is possible that its "sisters" are also present on other parts of the body (on the back of the hands, fingers, toes).

Flat warts on the face

Flat warts
Flat warts

Flat warts are specific - the age of their "owners". Precisely because such growths are diagnosed most often on young skin in children and adolescents, they received their second name - youthful.

Typical manifestations of such neoplasms are:

  • Localization - sensitive areas of the skin (face, back of hands and fingers, near nails, neck).
  • Shape - small dense nodules or plaques, flat, slightly raised above the skin (by 1-2 mm), irregular or rounded.
  • Color - flesh-colored, pinkish, light brown, without blotches.
  • The surface is smooth, slightly shiny, without a characteristic “skin” pattern.
  • Size - 3-5 mm, most often located in groups.

Such build-ups do not bring any trouble, except for an unsightly visual picture. Although sometimes itching may appear. An unpleasant factor is that such warts are prone to overgrowth.

Small warts on the face

Acrochords on the face
Acrochords on the face

Another representative of warts, which "took a fancy" to the area of the face, are small, threadlike warts or acrochords. Such outgrowths are the lot of adults. They are found in almost every second elderly inhabitant of the planet and quite often in people over 35 years old.

Such growths are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Localization - thin skin exposed to moisture (eyelids, skin around the eyes and nose, lips, as well as armpit skin folds, in the groin area, under the breast in women).
  2. The shape is a denseish outgrowth of an oblong (filiform) shape, a wart on a leg, in the case of a group arrangement, it looks like a cock's comb.
  3. The color is flesh, without blotches.
  4. The surface is smooth, even.
  5. Size - up to 5-10 mm, can merge.

In the growth stage, such a wart looks like a small nodule or bump, which over time either pulls out into a "thread" or does not change shape and grows on a "leg".

Filamentous warts are painless but can sometimes itch.

Red warts on the face

Hemangioma in a child
Hemangioma in a child

Small, red growths on the face are often referred to as warts or moles. In fact, they have nothing to do with skin growths. The nature of their formation is vascular, therefore they are called hemangiomas. Such a red protrusion on the skin is a nodule of pathologically overgrown vessels, most often capillaries. Hemangioma, like love, all ages are submissive. Therefore, it can form in both a baby and an elderly person.

Distinctive "features" of hemangiomas:

  • Localization - any part of the skin, including the face, scalp.
  • Shape - flat elevations on the skin in the form of a small nodule, plaque or bump, there may be thin "branches".
  • Color - red, with a pinkish or crimson tinge, uniform, briefly "leaves" when pressed.
  • The surface is smooth and even.
  • Size - from 1-2 mm to large spots, solitary.

Hemangiomas, like warts, are benign and do not pose a threat to life. However, in order to avoid bleeding, it is advisable to protect them from mechanical damage.

It is noteworthy that hemangiomas can disappear on their own.

White warts on the face

Miliums on the face
Miliums on the face

Miliums (mildew, white acne, retention cysts) are often called white warts in everyday life. They are cavities (cysts) in the upper layer of the epidermis filled with keratin and can appear on the face at any age.

The main clinical signs of milia:

  1. Localization - face (eyelids and the area around the eyes, cheeks, nose, cheekbones).
  2. Form - point elevations on the skin in the form of a pimple, seals.
  3. White color.
  4. The surface is smooth, even, with clear edges.
  5. Size - from 0.5 to 3 mm, can form groups, do not merge with each other.

Despite the similar appearance of milia and pimples, they are of a different nature. White warts are very difficult to squeeze out. And if this succeeds, then a little white substance, soft in structure, will come out.

These white warts do not hurt and may disappear within a few months (with a change in the epithelial layer).

Causes of facial warts

There are actually few reasons why warty outgrowths appear on the face. In the vast majority of cases, a virus is the culprit for such defects. More precisely - HPV (human papillomavirus). As an "instigator" for the release of a viral infection on the skin, a weakening of immune forces most often acts.

Causes of facial warts and filamentous growths


Ordinary, youthful, filamentous warts are the result of activation in the body of the above-mentioned papillomavirus. Precisely activation, since almost everyone has this virus, but in a "dormant" state.

To wake it up, you need factors such as irritation and microtrauma of the skin, chronic diseases, stressful conditions, hormonal changes, including pregnancy and adolescence, any conditions that weaken the immune system, excessive sweating (for filamentous warts).

You can get a virus from the outside only by a contact method - from a person carrying a virus or through common items. The papilloma virus has many types, but not all of them transform into warts. So, for example, the 3rd, 5th, 8th and 9th types of HPV are "to blame" for the occurrence of filamentous outgrowths.

Why does a red wart grow on the face?

Red wart
Red wart

There is no 100% exact answer to the question of what causes vascular pathologies leading to the formation of hemangiomas. Most doctors and scientific researchers assume that a congenital factor plays a big role here. At the same time, they do not exclude the possibility of acquiring such a "label" during their life.

Among the factors that can presumably lead to the appearance of a red "wart" on the face, appear:

  • Excessive use of ultraviolet light (tanning in the sun and / or in a tanning bed);
  • Hormonal shifts;
  • Liver and / or pancreas problems;
  • Metabolic disorders or disorders in the circulatory system itself;
  • Heredity;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Traumatic injury.

There is a viral theory of the origin of hemangiomas, as well as a version that a red "wart" is a sign of the presence of an oncological process in the body.

What is the reason for the appearance of white warts on the face

Miliums for a century
Miliums for a century

More recently, it was believed that milia are wen, that is, sebaceous glands clogged with sebum. Now the true nature of these formations has been established. In reality, these are not associated with the sebaceous glands and their ducts "bubbles" filled with cutaneous keratin. They are located inside the skin, in the surface layer of the epidermis. Often, such a "bubble" or cyst is formed from a hair follicle.

As in the case of hemangioma, the exact cause of the formation of white "warts" on the face has not yet been established. But there are a number of factors that can make them thrive on the skin. These include hormonal changes, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs and endocrine glands (pancreas, thyroid glands), unhealthy diet, excess ultraviolet radiation, improper skin care, especially in the case of a tendency to fat content.

There is evidence that such "warts" are more often formed in middle-aged and elderly men. And there are studies where it has been proven that milia have no "attachment" to age and sex.

Features of the treatment of warts on the face

Warts are one of the few defects that can self-remove. However, this does not always happen, and if it does, it does not happen as quickly as we would like. Therefore, the reason for removal can be either your desire to get rid of the build-up, or medical indications (itching, rapid growth). There are many methods to remove warts from the face area, but we recommend not using them without consulting a dermatologist. And we add that none of them will defeat the viral nature of these neoplasms by 100%.

How to get rid of warts on the face in the clinic

Removal of a wart on the face in a clinic
Removal of a wart on the face in a clinic

In most cases, the treatment regimen for facial warts includes a course of antiviral or immunomodulatory drugs and a destructive method of removing the build-up. The first will help the body itself to cope with the virus, the second will relieve the external manifestations of a viral infection.

The most effective methods for removing warts in a clinic or cosmetic center are:

  1. Cryodestruction … This method involves exposing the build-up to liquid nitrogen. The freezing process allows you to remove any type of wart in 1-3 times. Due to the difficulty in controlling the depth of "freezing", the maximum effect is manifested in relation to growths with shallow roots.
  2. Laser … The most effective method for removing warts today. It can be used in two versions: carbodioxide and erbium. Small formations are removed in one session lasting 1-2 minutes. Professional performance of the procedure leaves a small "hole" in the affected area, which smoothes out after 10-14 days. An unprofessional approach can leave more serious consequences - scars.
  3. Electrocoagulation … Here, high-frequency currents are directed to remove the wart. They are capable of neoplasms with any depth of penetration deep into the skin. However, for the face area, in order to avoid scar marks, electrocautery is used to remove superficial warts.
  4. Surgical excision … Removing a wart on the face with a scalpel or radio waves is rarely done when other treatment options are ineffective.

The choice of the most suitable method of treatment for you remains with the doctor's specialist. And it is better if he is a professional in his field.

How to remove a wart on the face with celandine

Celandine for the treatment of warts
Celandine for the treatment of warts

Celandine rightfully deserves the title of the most effective remedy for warts. This is even recognized by official medicine.

It can be applied in several ways:

  • Fresh plant juice … This is the easiest method in all respects. It consists in daily two-fold lubrication of the growth with juice, which is released from the cut of the stem or leaves of celandine. The disadvantages here can be considered the duration of removal (up to several months) and seasonality (blooming celandine can be found in May and summer). In addition, there will be orange marks from such treatment, which must be taken into account, because it will be on the face.
  • Ointment … The fresh sap of the plant can be prolonged by making an ointment from it. To do this, it must be mixed with glycerin. Add the latter little by little until the consistency is most convenient for application. It should be used in the same way as fresh juice.
  • Compresses … For this method, you can use dried celandine. Boil 1 tbsp. l. herbs in 1.5 liters of water for 10 minutes, leave to brew for 6 hours. Make compresses with a decoction and apply to the wart, preferably overnight.
  • Pharmacy products … Ready-made tinctures, extracts, balms and ointments based on celandine can also be used to remove warts. But here you need to remember that the concentration of active substances in such forms is much higher. Therefore, apply them on the face very carefully so as not to get skin burns.

The toxic properties of celandine make it dangerous for use in children, pregnant women, people with hypersensitivity and during lactation.

How to get white warts off your face

Milium facial scrub
Milium facial scrub

There are many recommendations for removing white "warts": folk recipes, cosmetics, salon procedures. Let's make a reservation right away that in the case of milia, only an integrated approach gives real results.

Here is a list of the most effective salon methods:

  1. Mechanical removal … It means the excretion of the contents of the white "wart" along with the capsule. This removal ensures that it does not form again at this location. The method is used for single rashes and is performed either by piercing and squeezing, or by scraping with a curette. When applied on the face, requires extreme caution, as it can leave scars.
  2. Electrocoagulation … Cauterization of milia with high-frequency current allows for the most accurate and deep impact. Thus, the risk of damage to healthy tissues is minimized and there are more chances for the complete removal of deep "warts". After the procedure, a crust forms, which requires daily treatment with an antiseptic and disappears by itself after 1-1.5 weeks. If the procedure is not carried out correctly, scars may remain.

What you can do yourself to prevent the white "warts" from reappearing:

  • Peelings … You can use both ready-made peeling products from the store, and do-it-yourselfers. For example, mix equal parts sea salt or regular salt (fine fraction) and sour cream (olive oil). Gently massage the composition into the skin and rinse off after 5-10 minutes. Similarly, you can use a mixture of baking soda (1 tbsp. L.) With soapy foam.
  • Compresses … The most effective here will be chamomile or calendula infusions. It's easy to prepare them: pour 1 tbsp. l. the selected plant with a glass of boiling water, and let it infuse warm for 15-20 minutes. Then blot the compress in the infusion and leave on the steamed face for 10-15 minutes. You can alternate chamomile and calendula, or you can brew them together.
  • Masks … Viburnum-oatmeal and yeast masks have proven themselves very well. The first consists of fresh berry juice (2 tablespoons) and oat flour, applied for 15-20 minutes. Does the second include? packs of yeast (fresh), hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon), honey (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (1 tablespoon). The finished mixture should be insisted in warmth for 10 minutes and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.

How to remove red warts from your face

Treatment of a red wart on the face
Treatment of a red wart on the face

As usual, red "warts" (hemangiomas) on the face do not require any intervention, if they do not spoil the appearance. If, nevertheless, they spoil or are placed in an area of constant mechanical impact (shaving, depilation area), it is recommended to consult a doctor. If they begin to change dramatically (increase, bleed, change color), it is already necessary to go to the doctor without fail.

Another feature of hemangiomas is that they are not treated at home. Safely, the problem can be solved only by removing the "wart" in a clinic, for which the following methods are used:

  1. The laser is the safest and most effective way to get rid of hemangiomas on the face today.
  2. Electrocoagulation - cauterization with current is somewhat painful, but also effective. It is used for small formations.
  3. Cryotherapy - "freezing" well solves the problem of small hemangiomas in the face area. Used more often in children.
  4. Sclerotherapy - the introduction of a sclerosing substance (70% ethyl alcohol) into the formation remains relevant, but is not often used now.
  5. Surgical removal is an old method, but not forgotten. Used in particularly difficult cases.

Medicines for facial warts

Medicines for warts
Medicines for warts

The modern pharmaceutical industry has also mastered the field of combating warts. Therefore, in the pharmacy you can find several drugs in different directions for the removal of this type of growths on the skin.

Let's consider the most popular ones:

  • "Freezing" preparations (Cryopharma, Wartner) … Their action is based on the local effect of cold on the neoplasm. The application time of the applicator to the wart depends on its size and is 10-20 seconds. After 10-14 days, the growth should move away from the skin. If this does not happen, the procedure can be repeated, but no more than 3 times. The use of such drugs is not recommended in the presence of inflammatory processes, irritations in the affected area, as well as in children under 4 years of age, pregnant women and people with diabetes mellitus.
  • Preparations with a necrotizing effect (Ferezol, Verrukacid, Solkoderm) … The composition of such drugs includes components that have a cauterizing effect. They are applied precisely to the wart to avoid injury to healthy tissues. Recommended for use exclusively in a medical institution and strictly according to the instructions. Not used in children and in the presence of sensitivity to the composition of the drug.
  • Keratolytic agents (Kolomak, Salipod, Supercleaner) … Medicines that soften the wart. Kolomak and Salipod - based on salicylic acid, Supercleaner - a mixture of sodium and potassium hydroxide. Kolomak and Superchistotel are available in the form of a solution, Salipod - in the form of a plaster. Given the aggressiveness of the composition, before applying funds to a wart in the face area, the growth must be lubricated with petroleum jelly. Also, the healthy tissues surrounding the formation should be protected. Keratolytics are not used in pregnant women, young children, allergy sufferers and in the presence of renal failure.

The potent components of these drugs can be very harmful if the growth on the skin of the face is not a wart. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them without consulting a dermatologist.

Ointment for warts on the face

Garlic for the preparation of ointment for warts on the face
Garlic for the preparation of ointment for warts on the face

In the fight against warts, you can try ointment forms of medicines:

  1. Viferon … A specific antiviral agent based on interferon containing peach oil and vitamins E, C. Thanks to this, the ointment affects the root cause of warts (viruses) and at the same time helps the skin to recover. Viferon is well absorbed, has no age restrictions, and is effective against any type of warts. Leaves no scars. It should be applied daily 2-4 times from 5 days to a month.
  2. Panavir … Another antiviral drug, the gel form of which can also be used to treat warts. It also stimulates the immune system and skin regeneration. Most often, the gel is prescribed before or after the procedure for removing the build-up (for the prevention of relapses). Can be used on children, waterproof (stays on the skin for up to 3 days). It is recommended to lubricate the formations twice a day.
  3. Oxolinic ointment (3%) … An antiviral agent that protects cells from penetration of a viral agent. The course of treatment is from 14 to 60 days, application is 2-3 times a day. Of the contraindications - only hypersensitivity to the drug.
  4. Garlic ointment … Homemade product based on garlic and pork fat (cosmetic petroleum jelly). Grate a few cloves of garlic and mix it with the melted fatty base (petroleum jelly) in a 1: 1 ratio. Apply an ointment in the form of a compress under the patch at night until the visible effect.

The effect of the use of antiviral ointments will be much stronger if you simultaneously take drugs of a similar action inside.

Medicinal plants for removing warts from the face at home

Wartwood from warts
Wartwood from warts

Despite advances in medicine and pharmacology, folk recipes for removing warts on the face continue to be used. Here are some of the most popular and effective traditional medicines for warts based on medicinal plants:

  • Kalanchoe or aloe … Apply gruel from the leaves of the plant to the wart under the patch overnight.
  • Garlic … You can rub the growth with a cut clove or garlic gruel with the addition of salt. You can mix garlic juice with honey in a 3: 1 ratio. You need to use the method every day.
  • Calendula or Euphorbia … Their daily rubbing with the juice of these plants leads to the removal of outgrowths.
  • Sagebrush … Make a strong infusion of the plant (3 tablespoons of dry raw materials for 1 tablespoon of boiling water) and treat the wart with it 3-5 times a day. Rubbing course - 10 days. After the build-up can be steamed and removed.
  • Rowan or apples … Smearing rowan or very sour apples with juice has a detrimental effect on warts. Daily processing with fresh juice will reduce and dry out the build-up.
  • Onion … Cut a piece slightly larger than the wart from the peeled onion and soak it in vinegar for a couple of hours. Apply the soaked onion to the build-up overnight (under the patch) daily.

Folk remedies for warts on the face

Tea tree oil for warts
Tea tree oil for warts

There are many ways to remove warts at home using "improvised" means:

  1. Salt … You can simply sprinkle the build-up with salt daily, cover with piece gauze or bandage and secure with a plaster. Another option is to mix the salt with horseradish juice and rub the mixture into the wart.
  2. Ammonia … Steam off the build-up (using a cosmetic disc soaked in hot water) and rub with ammonia. The procedure is carried out daily.
  3. Essential oils, vitamins … Rub lemon or tea tree oil into the growth 2-3 times a day. You can also use vitamin E.
  4. Ash … Burn a few matches (no sulfur heads) and grind the coals into ash. Mix it with water until it becomes mushy, rub it over the wart and cover with a plaster. Repeat the ritual every day until the growth dries up.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide (30%) … It is better to use the product in the form of a mixture with petroleum jelly or nourishing cream. The application of such a mixture should be carried out every day for about two weeks.
  6. Acetic acid … You can cauterize the growth daily with essence by dripping from a pipette (no more than 1 drop) or using a cotton swab dipped in acid. You can insist in the essence of lemon zest (from 2 citruses in? Art. Acid for 8 days). Saturate the tampon with the strained infusion and apply to the build-up daily. Considering that warts are located on the face, you need to be especially careful not to get burned. Healthy tissue can be protected with a patch by cutting a hole in it to fit the wart.

How to get rid of warts - watch the video:

Facial warts, for the most part, are a cosmetic problem and do not pose a threat to life. However, if you do decide to get rid of them, start by visiting a dermatologist. And only after that, choose the most appropriate way to remove them.
