Exercises for the inner thigh

Exercises for the inner thigh
Exercises for the inner thigh

Find out the most effective exercises to work your inner thighs and strengthen your thigh ligaments. Many girls at some point have to face the problem of poor pumping of the inner thigh. Most of the movements aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs actively involve the front or back of the thigh. In turn, the inner surface is "forced to be content" with the residual load.

At the same time, everyone understands that in order to have slender and sexy legs, they must be fully worked out. In this article, we will look at the most effective movements to help you achieve the desired result.

Most Effective Inner Thigh Exercises

The athlete trains the muscles of the inner thigh
The athlete trains the muscles of the inner thigh

Sumo squats

Girl Performs Sumo Squats
Girl Performs Sumo Squats

The movement can be performed with or without weights. Use a wide leg stance with your toes turned out to the sides. Begin to slowly descend until the knee joints form a right angle. It is necessary to ensure that the back remains level throughout the movement. After that, start a slow movement in the opposite direction.

At first, you can do the exercise without weights, but then you still have to start using dumbbells. As you squat, you should feel the muscles in your buttocks and thighs tighten. Note that sometimes there may be problems with maintaining balance, since the position is not the most stable. To avoid falling, you can lean your back against the wall or rest your hands on a chair (table). It is necessary to perform three sets of 15-20 repetitions each.

Side Rolls (Squat Weight Transfer)

The girl performs rolls to the side
The girl performs rolls to the side

This exercise for the inner thigh, like the previous one, can be performed with or without weights. Sit on one leg so that a right angle forms in the knee joint. The second leg should be set as far as possible to the side. The body should be located strictly vertical, and the hands can be placed in front of you or rest them on the hips.

Begin to smoothly transfer your body weight from one leg to the other, while the pelvis should move parallel to the ground. Watch the position of your back and pelvis, which should not rise. Also, do not create sharp angles in the knee joints, as this can lead to injury.

Rolls should be performed in three sets, each of which will have 20 to 25 repetitions. When using weights, the load on the muscles of the inner thigh will increase significantly.

Legs to the sides - lying together

Legs to the sides - lying together
Legs to the sides - lying together

Take a supine position with your arms out to the sides, palms down. Raise your legs so that they form a right angle with the ground, with your feet contracting. Begin to spread your straightened legs wide and return to the starting position. Work should be done smoothly, avoiding jerks. When your muscles are strong enough. Leg weights can be used. It is also important that the lower back is firmly pressed to the ground during the exercise. Do three sets of 20 or 25 reps.

Exercise "clock"

Exercise watch
Exercise watch

Take a supine position with your legs raised perpendicular to the ground. To make it easier to maintain balance, the arms must be spread out to the sides. Begin to draw a circle with each foot in turn, imagining that these are the hands of a clock. Lowering your straightened leg, begin to lead it to the side and up at a minimum distance from the ground.

The second leg at this moment should be directed up. Repeat on the other leg, doing 10 reps each. Then you should change the direction of movement. To do this, lower one leg in the direction of the chest, and then lead it over the side down. Change legs, doing ten repetitions for every.

Hip adduction while lying on its side

Hip adduction while lying on its side
Hip adduction while lying on its side

Lie on your side with the forearm of your lower hand on the ground, and place your other hand in front of you or on your thigh. With your upper leg bent at the knee joint, place her foot on the ground behind the knee of the other leg. Begin to lift your straightened lower leg up, while trying to roll your heel towards the ceiling. In total, three sets should be done with the number of repetitions in each from 20 to 25.

Exercise Tips for the Inner Thigh

The girl measures the volume of the thigh
The girl measures the volume of the thigh

We have considered all the most effective exercises for the inner thigh, and now a few tips should be given to get the maximum result. First of all, your activities should be varied. Every second or third month it is necessary to alternate movements.

During the training, you need to fully focus on the exercises and not be distracted by anything. Also, you should remember that you should train other muscle groups, and not just the inner thigh. Remember to warm up and stretch to reduce the risk of injury.

8 exercises for training the inner thigh, we will consider in this video:
