How to use mint for your face

How to use mint for your face
How to use mint for your face

Benefits of mint for the face, contraindications for use, options for cosmetics that can be prepared at home. Peppermint is one of 25 plant varieties found in many beauty products. The most popular ingredient in skincare products is essential oil, which is abundant in the leaves and flowers of the herb. It is thanks to him and menthol, another main component, that fresh, dry and even frozen mint refreshes and tones the dermis well, as well as smoothes wrinkles.

Benefits of peppermint


The fresh aroma of this green plant is known to everyone, so mint is often used in cooking, many people like to brew tea from it. Also, this plant is used in pharmaceuticals: it is part of toothpastes, lotions for rinsing the mouth, pain relievers and anticancer drugs. Today, this herb is considered an indispensable component for creating various cosmetics.

Peppermint is widely used for its amazingly extensive list of health benefits:

  • Cleanses the dermis from toxins … The working components of mint penetrate deeply into the tissues and push out harmful substances, cleansing the pores well. Due to this, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, excess shine leaves.
  • Has an antiseptic effect … Peppermint is often included in care products for problem skin, as its components fight acne, irritation, and hypersensitivity. The plant soothes the upper layer of the epidermis, eliminates redness, promotes rapid healing of wounds, and reduces itching in various skin diseases. For this purpose, a lotion or decoction is suitable, which you need to regularly wipe your face.
  • Tones up … If you use mint products every morning, then the result will be noticeable in a few days not only to you, but also to the people around you. The complexion will improve, problems with edema will become a thing of the past. The working components of the plant start metabolic processes in the cells, saturating them with oxygen and nutrients.
  • Stimulates blood circulation … Through the cells, entering the circulatory system, peppermint improves the functioning of blood vessels, strengthening their walls. As a result, the face shines from the inside, emitting healthy light.
  • Tightens … The natural composition of mint, when used correctly and regularly, fights skin aging. In particular, the active substances fill the space in the tissues, improve the production of collagen and remove fine and fine folds around the eyes and near the mouth.

Contraindications to the use of mint

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

Like any medicinal plant, mint can negatively affect the human condition. It is not recommended to use it in any form if:

  1. The person has high blood pressure. This herb stimulates blood circulation, after its application, a sharp jump in blood pressure can be observed.
  2. The woman is in position or breastfeeding. Essential oils and other components of peppermint can cause high blood pressure, heartburn, drowsiness, and decreased lactation.
  3. The person suffers from varicose veins. Peppermint can reduce the tone of the veins, which is fraught with exacerbation of varicose veins.
  4. There is an allergic reaction to this plant.
  5. The person is taking drugs that cause drowsiness. This plant aggravates this condition.

If a person has a chronic illness of any nature, it is better to ask a specialist for your specific situation before using this medicinal plant.

It is believed that it is better to use it in courses so as not to cause an overdose.

Important! Peppermint should be used especially carefully when caring for a baby! In the worst case, this plant can cause respiratory arrest in the crumbs.

Peppermint composition and components

Peppermint for face
Peppermint for face

Due to the unique natural composition, peppermint for the face is a valuable plant, all components of which are completely absorbed by the skin, fighting against imperfections.

Let's take a closer look at the composition of this aromatic herb:

  1. Menthol … This is the number 1 working substance, which gives anesthetic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Vitamin C … It is pure vitamin C that gives the face a smooth and fresh look while deeply nourishing the dermis.
  3. Carotene … Vitamin, which is responsible for the elasticity of the dermis and provides a tonic effect. Due to it, mint has a rejuvenating effect.
  4. Flavonoids … Unique natural ingredients responsible for a healthy looking skin. They work in several directions at once: they promote cell renewal, saturate the dermis with microelements, moisturize, prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles, improving the state of natural collagen.
  5. Tannins … Promote the rapid absorption of the working elements that make up the mint. They also fight acne, accelerate the healing of the dermis.
  6. Peppermint essential oils … They are responsible not only for a characteristic pleasant smell, but also eliminate inflammation, oily sheen.

For cosmetic use, it is best to harvest the mint leaves before flowering. During this period, more of the active substance, menthol, is concentrated in them. And the inflorescences contain more essential oils. Leaves and flowers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Options for using mint for the face

This beneficial herb will help women quickly deal with skin problems ranging from acne and flaking to deep wrinkles. For each option, you should choose the appropriate recipes, fortunately, there are a great many of them based on mint. The main advantage of any of them is the availability and ease of preparation of the product.

Mint Facial Lotion

Dry mint leaves
Dry mint leaves

You can buy dried mint leaves at the pharmacy, or you can easily prepare it yourself. To do this, simply pick off the leaves and inflorescences, rinse with water and dry, preferably in the sun. The main thing is that during drying they do not lose their color much, otherwise they will lose some of the useful properties. Also, the grass can be frozen - this way the healing properties will be preserved in their original form. Only use special vacuum bags for freezing.

You can charge the cells of the dermis with useful microelements, saturate it with vitamins, give an invigorating effect using a special toning lotion, which can be easily prepared at home. To achieve several goals, it is recommended to combine mint with other ingredients.

Mint tonic recipes:

  • With lavender … This lotion is suitable for women with oily and combination skin. Natural components of mint will solve the problem with oily sheen, make the skin matte. Take one tablespoon of dried mint and lavender leaves and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Let the liquid sit for 30 minutes, and then send it to the fire and bring to a boil, cool.
  • With cucumber … Suitable for all skin types. This lotion cleanses, accelerates cell renewal and protects against harmful environmental influences, including UV rays. Put 5 fresh mint leaves in 50 ml of boiling water, let the liquid infuse for 2 hours. Remove the leaves of the plant and add the juice of one cucumber prepared with a blender to the mint water.
  • With chamomile … The combination of classic medicinal herbs gives a powerful effect: the skin is cleansed, receives nutrients, and inflammatory processes pass faster. Chop 7 fresh mint leaves and combine with 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers dry or fresh. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the collection and cover with a lid.

In order for the tonic to retain its beneficial properties, it must be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days. Use the product twice a day, rubbing the skin with a cotton swab or sponge.

Steam bath with mint for the face

Steam bath
Steam bath

The steam bath is an effective cosmetic procedure aimed at deep cleansing of the dermis. The steam opens the pores, and all accumulated dirt comes out from there, blood circulation improves, oily sheen and flaking are eliminated, the skin tone becomes lighter.

Most often, such procedures are prescribed as a course for women with oily skin. However, once every two weeks, the bath will be useful for women with any type of dermis.

To make a mint-based steam bath, use a glass bowl and a clean towel to cover your head comfortably while bent over the dish of steaming liquid.

To prepare the bath itself, you will need: 5-7 fresh mint leaves, three drops of the essential oil of this plant and a glass of boiling water. For women with thin, dry skin, linden flowers can be added to the mint leaves for an additional soothing effect.

First of all, pour boiling water over the leaves of the herb, leave for five minutes and add oil. Sit over the bath for five minutes. During the procedure, the pores open up, so after it you need to close them so that dirt does not immediately get there. To do this, after the bath, make a mask or use a tonic.

Mint mask recipes

Applying a mint mask to the face
Applying a mint mask to the face

To give your skin a healthy look, as well as get rid of imperfections and enjoy it, do a mint mask once a week. The aroma of the herb will soothe and make you relax during the procedure. It is better to prepare the product from fresh or frozen plant leaves. Depending on the additional ingredients, these masks can help deal with the most common problems. Consider popular recipes:

  1. From pimples … The mask tightens pores, removes impurities and dries the skin. Existing acne heals faster after this procedure. Take a few sprigs of mint and 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal. Place the ingredients in a blender and grind, then pour 50 ml of warm water.
  2. Softening … Ideal for dry skin, removes irritation, improves color, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Finely chop 15 g of fresh herb leaves and mix with 15 ml of natural yogurt, and add 15 g of powdered milk to thicken.
  3. Vitamin … This is an effective summer treatment that gives a deep moisturizing effect in a short time, leaving the skin velvety and smooth. Suitable for any type of dermis. Finely chop 10 mint leaves and combine them with the pulp of three softened berries of your choice - strawberries or strawberries.
  4. Rejuvenating … Well tightens the oval of the face and fights fine wrinkles. To prepare the mass, you will need mint oil for the face, lemon juice, the protein of one egg, and cornstarch. Whisk in 1 tsp. lemon juice with protein and add 3 drops of peppermint oil, and then slowly add a teaspoon of starch.
  5. Nutritious … Penetrating into the skin, saturates it with fats and natural microelements. Pour 10 leaves of grass with 50 ml of boiling water, let it brew for at least an hour, add 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream and 1 tsp. semolina. The tool also has a light scrubbing effect.

The working time of the above masks is 15-20 minutes. To tone your skin, wash your face with cool water after the procedure.

Peppermint masks are popular for their lightning-fast effectiveness. After the first use, a woman will see that her skin has acquired an even healthy color, minor problems in the form of rashes and irritation have diminished.

Peppermint oil for facial skin

Peppermint oil
Peppermint oil

Peppermint essential oil is a concentrated substance that is obtained as a result of distillation with water vapor of inflorescences and leaves of a plant. This product has a pronounced menthol aroma and a rich supply of vitamins and microelements, therefore it is used to prepare creams with a toning, mattifying or soothing effect. However, there are other methods of using it.

Ways to use peppermint essential oil:

  1. It is added to basic creams for daily use. The oil enhances the main effect of the cosmetic product and also gives a unique aroma.
  2. Tonics and lotions are made on its basis. Add 8 drops of oil and a tablespoon of alcohol to 100 ml of mineral water. Wipe your face in the morning and evening. The product cleanses and dries the dermis. Alternatively, this toner can be sprayed onto your face from a special bottle. This will help freshen up the dermis at any time of the day.
  3. Create oil blends. Special oil masks deeply nourish and saturate the cells of the dermis. For example, a good result is given by the classic compound - 1 tbsp. l. cold-pressed olive oil and three drops of mint. Stir the oils and brush on your face with a special brush. It takes 30-40 minutes for the mixture to "work" and give away all the useful microelements. Then remove the oil with a dry napkin and wash with soapy water.
  4. Used in pure form. Thanks to the drying and antiseptic effect of the oil, you can get rid of acne in a couple of days. To do this, you need to lubricate the inflamed tubercle with it several times a day. Make sure that the oil does not come into contact with the skin near the eyes, as this may cause irritation.

Peppermint oil allows you to quickly prepare any cosmetic product, while the benefits of such products will not be lower than from their counterparts with fresh mint leaves.

Mint compresses for the face

Mint compress
Mint compress

To enhance the beneficial effects of mint, you can use this herb to make special compresses. To do this, you need to make the following broth: 4 tbsp. l. dry mint, pour 200 ml of water and put on fire, let it boil for five minutes, then let it brew for half an hour. How to use it further depends on the goal pursued by the woman.

Mint compresses are of two types:

  • Hot … Relaxes muscles, dilates blood vessels, cleanses the dermis, freeing it from dead cells and toxins. The temperature of the decoction for such a compress should be 38-42 ° C. The duration of the product is 3-5 minutes.
  • Cold … Tones up, improves complexion, removes redness and irritation, tightens pores. It can be kept for up to ten minutes, the temperature of the broth is 20-22 ° C.

To make a compress of any kind, in a decoction of a suitable temperature, wet a napkin made of natural dense fabric and put it on your face. You can achieve the desired result if you do the procedures in courses - once a week, and only five such compresses are needed.

Ice cubes with mint

Face mint ice cubes
Face mint ice cubes

Mint ice cubes refresh and tone the dermis, energizing it in the morning and soothing in the evening. Mint ice is being prepared for the face from a simple decoction of the plant. To prepare it, you need 3 tbsp. l. dry mint or a bunch of fresh herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew under a tightly closed lid. When the liquid has cooled down, it must be poured into a special mold and placed in the freezer. These ice cubes can replace your morning wash or evening lotion. They will help remove oily film, shrink pores, and cleanse the dermis. This recipe is ideal for all skin types except dry skin.

In the latter case, it is better to prepare a milk-based ice broth. Use boiled milk instead of the mint water in the classic recipe. Such ice will nourish thin, dry skin and at the same time have a tonic effect.

Note! If the skin is too sensitive, irritated, or affected by red, inflamed pimples, do not wipe it with ice. This will lead to irritation and sores. How to use mint for the face - watch the video:

The variety of mint cosmetic products is so wide that it allows you to choose the right product for every woman with a different condition and skin type.
