Mustard powder

Mustard powder
Mustard powder

Caloric content and composition of mustard powder. Its positive and negative impact on health, possible harm. Recipes for dishes with seasoning and all the most interesting about her. Mustard powder cleanses the body of toxins, stimulates hematopoiesis, increases hemoglobin levels and strengthens the immune system. It improves memory and intelligence, saturates cells with moisture and prevents the skin from drying out.

Harm and contraindications to the use of mustard powder

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding your baby

You cannot eat the product in its pure form, without other ingredients, as it turns out to be too concentrated, which can lead to a burn of the mucous membrane of the throat. There is also a risk of ulcers and reddened areas appearing on its walls. After that, it almost always bakes strongly in the mouth, with such a problem, it is recommended to immediately drink a large amount of clean water.

Strict contraindications to mustard powder are relevant in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance … It is manifested by a runny nose when the smell of the product is inhaled, reddening of the skin and itching. This is not very common and mostly among children. An allergic reaction can also occur in pregnant women.
  • Lactation … When breastfeeding a baby, milk will certainly taste bitter, which will increase the likelihood of your baby abandoning it.
  • Kidney disease … Emphasis should be placed on neoplasms and stones in this organ, its inflammation.
  • Tuberculosis … With this disease, the lungs should not be irritated with aggressive food, therefore, everything spicy from the menu should be strictly excluded.
  • Increased acidity in the stomach … This spice only worsens these indicators and leads to nausea, abdominal pain and even bouts of vomiting.

With reduced pressure, the use of the product is not prohibited, but its amount should be reduced as much as possible.

Mustard Powder Recipes

Mustard sauce
Mustard sauce

In its pure form, this ingredient is almost never used for a wide variety of dishes. A seasoning is prepared from it by mixing the base (6 tablespoons) with boiling water (4 tablespoons), vinegar (1 tsp), salt (pinch) and honey (1 tsp). It is whipped with a whisk until a homogeneous gruel is obtained and insisted for a day in a closed jar. Further, this mixture can already be used to emphasize the taste of sandwiches, potatoes, okroshka, soups, baked goods.

Ways to use mustard powder

  1. Mayonnaise … Sift wheat flour (60 g), cover it with water (15 ml) and rub the mixture well so that there are no lumps left. Next, put it on low heat and, when it boils, add lemon juice (1 tbsp. L.), Olive oil (3 tbsp. L.), Sugar (1 tsp.), Salt and mustard powder, 1 tbsp. … l. Wait for the mass to thicken and turn it off. Then cool the mayonnaise and pour it into the jar.
  2. Seasoning … This recipe for mustard powder involves mixing it with cucumber pickle at the rate of 20 g of the first and 120 ml of the second ingredient. Then the mass is rubbed well to remove all the lumps.
  3. Egg oil … Boil 5 eggs, peel them and mash with a fork into a gruel. Then salt the mass, mix with grated cheese (1 pc.), Butter (2 tbsp. L.) And mustard powder (1 tsp.). Then you just have to spread it on a loaf and serve it to the table. For those who like everything sharper, you can also use black pepper.
  4. Marinade for meat … This recipe is perfect for both pork and beef or chicken. It requires dilution of mustard powder (10 g) in 300 ml of water. Here you need to add soy sauce (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (20 drops), salt (1 tsp) and honey (30 g). Stir this composition well and soak the meat in it for 1-2 hours.
  5. Cucumbers … Wash them (1 kg), preferably using gherkins. Then prepare the brine: mix cooled boiled water (5 L), salt (6 tablespoons) and sugar (1 tablespoon). Then chop the garlic (10 cloves) and parsley (1 bunch). Spread all this evenly over 6 half-liter jars. Then fill them with cucumbers to be covered with brine. After that, add 1 tsp each. mustard and cover the vegetables with a nylon lid. Store them in the refrigerator.
  6. Sauce … To prepare it, carefully add orange juice (1 pc.) And the pulp of twisted lemon without peel (1 pc.) Into red wine (125 ml). Then grind one onion, ginger root and a quarter of hot pepper in a meat grinder. Add all this to the liquid ingredients and put the mixture on fire. When it boils, add mustard powder, salt (1 tsp) and gelatin (20 g). Stir well and leave on low heat for 10 minutes.

Mustard powder is an indispensable ingredient for various sauces, mayonnaise, dressings, and preservation. It goes well with bacon, meat, fish. Note! The tastiest mustard is made from whole grains. To do this, they need to be crushed or grinded with a blender to a powder state.

Interesting facts about mustard

How mustard grows
How mustard grows

The benefits of mustard were known as early as 3000 BC. It was actively used as an antiviral agent for the treatment of colds and the elimination of fever. This was mentioned in the ancient texts of the Sumerians (the population of Southern Mesopotamia). This product is very popular in the East - in Turkey, UAE, Morocco, Egypt. Here it is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine as an aphrodisiac. It is added to meat, fish, vegetable dishes. In Russia, this supplement is also quite common, it is one of the most inexpensive.

Mustard can be prepared not only from powder, but also from grains, grinding them yourself. But neither one nor the other method has entered the constant practice of the population of Europe. This is due to the fact that a finished product is sold in stores and on the market, diluted in the right proportions. True, buyers do not take into account that most often it contains a variety of preservatives. In cooking, mustard powder is also used for breading cutlets to spice them up. In Latin, its name sounds like "Sinapis", this word means "harm to sight." This is due to the fact that when the seeds are rubbed, tears begin to drip from the eyes. Mustard as an important product is spoken of in three main sacred books - the Bible, the Koran, and the Torah. The grains from which the powder is made do not exceed 1 mm in diameter, they are considered one of the smallest. But at the same time, the concentration of nutrients in one piece is much higher than, for example, in a pea of black pepper. The bush on which they grow usually has a height of up to 3 m.

Mustard is steeped in mysticism, it is said that witches used it to impose curses on people. Obviously, it was a favorite product of the Egyptian pharaohs, as it was found inside sarcophagi more than once. The fact is that the kings considered the seeds of this plant a symbol of good luck.

Pope John XXII also loved them. It is said that every meal he added this ingredient to all dishes on the table, except for sweets.

The powder is obtained by processing three types of mustard - Sarepta, white and black, for some reason the former is more in demand in the CIS.

The largest suppliers of this spice are India and China.

Mustard is so popular that a museum of the same name was even created in the United States. It is located in the state of Wisconsin, and every first Saturday of the month in the morning there is a parade in her honor. Russia also has similar traditions: in 2015, mustard day was celebrated here and 166 kg of seasoning was prepared in public. Watch the video about mustard:

The existing recipes for mustard powder free the hands of cooks, because it can be used in completely different ways. This is one of those versatile condiments that are always relevant in the kitchen. She brings something new and interesting to the dishes, making them simply unforgettable.