Dumbbell Rows

Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell Rows

A basic exercise for developing the thickness of the latissimus dorsi. Learn the technique and nuances of execution for maximum muscle growth.

What is a bent-over dumbbell row and what muscles does it swing?

The athlete performs a dumbbell row in an incline
The athlete performs a dumbbell row in an incline

The main purpose of this type of traction is the intensive development of the main large muscles of the back, increasing its thickness and density. As a result of systematic execution, this muscle hypertrophy occurs with the formation of a courageous V-shaped torso in the back. There are two main options for the execution of dumbbell traction and several derivatives. In classic bodybuilding, it is performed in the following ways:

  1. Starting position: the athlete puts one of the knees (for example, the left one) on a horizontal bench, at the same time resting on the support with the same hand. The elbow must be slightly bent, achieving a parallel position of the body with the bench. The right leg is slightly behind to the side. With your free hand, hold the dumbbell strictly under the shoulder perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Starting position: Only one hand rests on the bench (for example, the left). The leg of the same name, bent at the knee, is located behind the support. The right leg, almost fully extended, is set back and to the side. Keep your torso flat with your back parallel to the floor.

Along with a high anabolic response, this exercise has a number of other important benefits:

  • Execution safety;
  • Volumetric load on many muscles at the same time;
  • Does not require special equipment and simulators;
  • Multivariance of execution;
  • Improving posture, additional strengthening of the lumbar spine.

These and many other advantages make the dumbbell deadlift one of the most versatile exercises aimed at high-quality study of the muscles of the upper body.

What muscle groups does the bent-over row train train?

Muscles involved in the bent-over row
Muscles involved in the bent-over row

During the execution of this traction, several important large muscles of the back are simultaneously strained, which form its shape:

  • The widest;
  • Large and small round;
  • Trapezoidal;
  • Rear deltas;
  • Rhomboid muscle.

In addition to the back, the biceps, forearm and shoulder girdle are also actively involved in the work. With the correct technique, all of the above muscles contract at the same time, increasing in volume and acquiring power and strength.

Correct Bent Over Row Technique

Bent over deadlift technique
Bent over deadlift technique

The effectiveness of this exercise depends on the correctness of the starting position. Therefore, before starting to pull, it is necessary to make sure that the arms, legs and torso are correctly placed.

When performing the first version of the classic dumbbell row, you need to rest on the bench with one knee. At the same time, the foot should hang from its edge and be in a free position. With the hand of the same name, we also lean on the bench, keeping the elbow slightly bent. In this stable position, the body is parallel to the support. The other leg is on the floor, slightly back and to the side. With our free hand we take a dumbbell, and grasping its handle tightly, we make vertical movements. At the top point of the amplitude, it is recommended to fix the position of the hand for a few seconds, while contracting the back muscles and connecting the shoulder blades.

Correct traction is performed with the elbows pressed as close to the body as possible. The movement should end when the dumbbell is brought to the lower abdomen. Many beginners make the big mistake of craving for breast mice. In this case, the back will not be properly used and the load on it will be reduced. Breathing when performed is classic, with effort, exhale, while relaxing - inhale. After working out the planned number of repetitions with one hand, repeat the same with the other. The number of sets in the exercise depends on the level of the athlete's training, the goals pursued (muscle growth or fat burning) and the weight of the projectile. On average, athletes perform 3-5 approaches with each arm with the working weight necessary to complete 8-12 repetitions to "failure".

Recommendations and nuances for performing bent-over rows

A girl performs a dumbbell row in an incline
A girl performs a dumbbell row in an incline

You can get the expected result from this multifunctional exercise only if you follow the basic rules for its implementation:

  1. The elbow should protrude above shoulder level when lifting. To do this, you need to make a powerful initial dash.
  2. If it is not possible to raise the elbow to the required height in the deadlift (more than shoulder level), then it is better to take a lighter dumbbell. Otherwise, all large back muscles will not be involved in the work, and the effectiveness of the exercise will dramatically decrease.
  3. Raising the working hand with a dumbbell up, you cannot lower the opposite shoulder. The body must be strictly parallel to the floor and motionlessly fixed during all hand movements.
  4. It is imperative to always stay parallel with the floor in the back area and to control the erect position of the spine. In this case, the risk of injury to this part of the body disappears.
  5. Having tried both of the proposed options for the classic traction (with two feet on the floor or one knee on the bench), you can choose the one that, when performed, feels the load on the spinal muscles more. A combination of both methods in approaches will also be effective.
  6. To eliminate the load on the biceps, in this type of traction, it is important to perform all movements exclusively with the help of the back muscles and by bringing the shoulder blades together. This technique will be as effective as possible.
  7. In the process of performing a dumbbell row, it is necessary to completely eliminate the effect of inertia. Each movement must be controlled and laborious.

Throughout the entire movement, it is important to keep the shoulder blades flat and the chest straight. The pelvis must be kept in a neutral position, the abdomen tucked up, and the back flat along its entire length, with a slight natural deflection in the lower back. In no case should it be rounded - it is traumatic!

In order to perform this important exercise perfectly correctly, it is necessary to avoid common mistakes - slight displacement of the lower back, withdrawal of the elbow from the body, or the presence of inertia in movements.

Denis Borisov talks about bent-over dumbbell rows in this video:
