Today there is a unique opportunity to achieve instant rejuvenation of the facial skin with the help of "biorevitalization" of the skin. Biorevitalization of hyaluronic acid today is a relatively new, but at the same time quite popular method for instant cosmetic rejuvenation, as well as restoration of epidermal tissues. Thousands of women around the world were able to appreciate the unique qualities of this procedure and leave only positive reviews about it, which are based on amazing results - the skin rejuvenates, tightens, the epidermis returns firmness and elasticity.
Biorevitalization of the skin: features of the procedure

During this cosmetic procedure, the cells of the epidermis are saturated with hyaluronic acid using a laser or a thin needle. After hyaluronic acid enters the middle and deep layers of the skin, the process of regeneration and hydration of the skin is activated.
Thanks to the use of hyaluronic acid, it becomes possible to get rid of even deep wrinkles. Translated biorevitalization means "natural return to life." The process of cellular regeneration has no seasonal contraindications, therefore, this cosmetic procedure can be carried out at any time of the year.
The biorevitalization procedure can be performed on the skin of the hands, face, thighs, abdomen and décolleté. But it is most often used to treat the skin around the eyes, since it is these areas that are highly sensitive to the action of ultraviolet rays, so there is a need for regular natural renewal.
This cosmetic procedure can only be performed by an experienced cosmetologist who must undergo special training courses and receive a special certificate. The doctor independently selects not only the technique, but also the most effective drug, and also draws up a plan for rejuvenation sessions - all this is done strictly on an individual basis.
The resulting effect after biorevitalization

The procedure for biorevitalization of the skin has a lot of positive qualities and helps to achieve the following result:
- In a relatively short period of time, even deep wrinkles are reduced, medium and small folds are almost completely smoothed out.
- The effect obtained after the procedure lasts for quite a long time.
- The deepest possible moisturizing of the skin is carried out.
- If biorevitalization of the lips is carried out, they acquire additional volume and become more plump.
- There is a narrowing of the enlarged pores, the tone of the skin is evened out.
- The skin will look much fresher, it becomes velvety to the touch, and a healthy glow appears.
- The elasticity of the skin increases several times, the tone increases.
- If there are postoperative or traumatic scars on the treated skin area, the healing process is accelerated.
The action of hyaluronic acid in the biorevitalization of the skin

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of epithelial tissue, while it is directly involved in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, and retains moisture inside skin cells for a long time. This substance maintains the elasticity and youth of the skin.
With age, there is a noticeable slowdown in the production of hyaluronic acid by the human body, as a result of which the first signs of aging begin to appear - the skin loses its elasticity, becomes thin, and the problem of dehydration develops. Soon, fine lines of wrinkles form on the skin, which will become deeper over time.
To maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, after about 30 years, it is necessary to perform additional nourishment of the deep layers of the epidermis with the introduction of hyaluronic acid.
Types of biorevitalization of facial skin

Today, there are several varieties of this cosmetic procedure, which will be selected taking into account the existing problem and the individual characteristics of the facial skin.
It is recommended to carry out this cosmetic procedure at the age of 28–34 years. The main goal of biorevitalization is to deeply moisturize the cells of the epidermis, eliminate the problem of increased dryness and smooth the skin surface after acne. The pores are narrowed, the healing of scars is accelerated, age spots and freckles are removed.
The procedure has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face, especially if there is a tendency to allergic reactions. At this age, during biorevitalization, preparations based on pure hyaluronic acid with a minimum percentage of its content will be used.
The prophylactic course includes 1-2 procedures, depending on the condition of the skin, with a short break of 3-4 weeks. As a result, the complexion improves, the skin begins to glow from the inside, the elasticity of the epidermis returns and the balance of nutrients is restored.
In this case, biorevitalization is aimed directly at combating pronounced aging problems. During therapy, the deeper layers of the epidermis are influenced. The full course consists of 3-5 procedures, between which there is a break of 3-5 weeks.
The procedure is performed at the age of 33–40 years to eliminate the pronounced signs of aging and wilting of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, deeply moisturize and nourish. It has a stimulating effect on the production of elastin and collagen. Hyaluronic acid helps to restore the vitality of the skin after laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures.
Biorevitalization is prescribed and at the age of over 40 years, in order to increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, the face contour is corrected, even deep wrinkles are smoothed, hematomas and bags under the eyes are eliminated, skin cells are effectively moisturized.
After the first session, there is a decrease in puffiness, redness is removed, the skin returns to a healthy natural shade. For women over 40 years old, during the procedure, drugs are used, which include auxiliary components to stimulate metabolic processes in skin cells and ensure adequate nutrition. Certain drugs also have fat burning properties.
Benefits of the biorevitalization procedure

Biorevitalization of the facial skin has a large number of positive qualities, which include:
- Hyaluronic acid is a completely natural substance that is compatible with human skin, so there is no rejection. The manifestation of side effects is extremely rare.
- There is no need for special training or a long rehabilitation period.
- Hyaluronic acid is a hypoallergenic product.
- The biorevitalization procedure does not cause any painful sensations and the whole process does not take much time.
- The cosmetic effect is obtained almost instantly, and the achieved result lasts for 6 months. If preventive measures are taken, the effect obtained will last much longer.
- The cost of the procedure is not high in comparison with other anti-aging cosmetic procedures for the skin of the face.
Side effects and contraindications of biorevitalization

In the event that this cosmetic procedure is performed for the first time, it is imperative to consult with a cosmetologist to prevent the likelihood of side effects.
Biorevitalization has the following contraindications:
- the presence of individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
- various autoimmune diseases;
- inflammatory processes on the skin, acne, dermatitis, etc.;
- during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- in the presence of oncological diseases;
- if you have a herpes infection;
- with infectious diseases occurring in the acute stage;
- if serious chronic diseases have been diagnosed (for example, heart failure, diabetes, blood clotting disorders, etc.);
- while taking medications that thin the blood (anticoagulants);
- it is forbidden to carry out the procedure of laser biorevitalization in the area of the thyroid gland and eyelids.
If there are no contraindications and, in general, the state of health allows for the procedure of biorevitalization of the skin of the face, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the possible side effects:
- inflammation of the area where the drug was injected, papules and hematomas may appear;
- swelling of the skin, which is the first sign of allergy to the injected drug.
Such side effects can occur when the procedure is performed by an inexperienced cosmetologist.
Features of carrying out injection biorevitalization of the skin

- First, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic.
- Local anesthesia is given to relieve unpleasant pain during the injections.
- Injections of the drug are carried out in minimal doses, while injections are performed at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.
- At the end of the procedure, a moisturizing mask is applied.
The duration of one session takes about 60 minutes. Literally after the first session, an immediate result will be noticeable - all wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin acquires a healthy and rested appearance.
For several days, after the biorevitalization of the skin, slight swelling or swelling in the puncture sites may bother you, but soon they disappear on their own.
How to care for skin after biorevitalization?

In order to consolidate the result obtained after the procedure, you need to know several subtleties and features of skin care:
- Any cosmetic products can be applied to the skin no earlier than 6 hours after the procedure.
- It is necessary to use cosmetics with UV filters to protect the skin from the effects of various negative factors.
- At the puncture sites, directly in the area of drug administration, small hematomas may appear, for the removal of which it is recommended to use a special ointment or cream.
- It is worth temporarily refusing to visit the solarium, swimming pool, sauna and gym (the break must be at least 14 days).
- It is necessary to consume more plain water - at least 2 liters per day.
- It is necessary to reliably protect the skin from cold wind and frost if the biorevitalization procedure was carried out in winter.
- Chemical and laser peeling can be done no earlier than 14 days after biorevitalization.
Beauty injections are necessarily carried out in courses, since only in this case it will be possible to notice a positive result. The required number of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist strictly on an individual basis, taking into account the age and condition of the skin. As a rule, 2–6 sessions are prescribed, and between each session there is necessarily a break of several days.
For more information on biorevitalization of the skin, see this video: