Learn the causes and signs of hair dye allergies. What folk remedies and medications will help solve this problem. The main reason that can provoke the appearance of an allergy to hair dye is the presence of an individual intolerance to certain chemicals (allergens) that are in its composition.
As a rule, the coloring agent is distributed along the entire length of the hair, and the scalp is often affected. The manifestation of an allergic reaction occurs as a result of exceeding the threshold of sensitivity to allergens contained in the paint.
It must be remembered that even if a paint of a certain shade is used for a rather long period of time, an allergic reaction may occur after a color change. The main ingredients of the paint can provoke severe allergies, which include:
- aminophenol;
- isatin;
- gyrooxindole;
- parphenylenediamine, which is responsible for the color fastness.
The components listed above are in a complex with each other, but in the presence of their increased concentration, a feeling of a rather strong itching of the scalp may appear. There is also the likelihood of developing edema in the décolleté and face.
Among the main symptoms of paint allergy is a sharp cough, which does not stop for a long time, as well as dermatitis of the scalp and areas that have been exposed to paint, and the onset of increased lacrimation. The strength of the allergic reaction will depend on the level of these chemical ingredients in the paint.
Signs of a hair dye allergy

If even a strong allergic reaction occurs, the use of hair dye, as the cause that provoked this problem, is considered the very last thing. At the same time, various drinks and food products often fall under suspicion. Many simply limit themselves to the use of some favorite delicacies, believing that it was they who caused the allergy. As a result, the use of various tablets and drops designed to combat the signs of allergies begins, but the exact cause of this problem has not been established.
Pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding are at risk of allergy to hair dye. Such cosmetic procedures are most dangerous during the first trimester of pregnancy, when the female body gradually gets used to the new condition.
During this period, the vital organs of the fetus are formed, so it is worth abandoning the use of hair dye. There is also a possibility that as a result of sudden surges in hormones, the result may not be obtained as expected. But in the most severe cases, a rather strong allergic reaction develops.
It is not recommended to experiment with hair dyes in cases where there are any diseases occurring in the chronic stage, as well as while taking strong medications. In this case, an allergy is provoked as a result of dye getting on the hair roots and absorbing it by the scalp, which can cause a chemical reaction with the medications taken.
To quickly establish the presence of an allergy to hair dye, you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with its main signs, which may appear a few days after dyeing:
- swelling;
- blood pressure rises;
- rhinitis develops;
- increased tearing of the eyes begins for several days;
- dropsy or blisters may appear on the area where paint has gotten;
- peeling of the scalp begins;
- a strong burning sensation in the area of the hair roots;
- ugly red spots or persistent itching appear on places where paint has come into contact with the skin.
In some cases, hair dye allergy is manifested by symptoms such as:
- hives;
- contact dermatitis;
- eczema.
Depending on the concentration of allergens in the composition of the paint, the brightness of the symptoms shown will also be determined. At the same time, the signs of allergy begin to bother most strongly in the area where the paint has come into contact with the skin. Equally important is the presence of individual intolerance to a particular chemical that is part of the paint.
Someone has an allergy manifested in the form of severe and persistent itching, coughing or sneezing, while someone suffers from swelling of the neck, face, décolleté. Most importantly, before using hair dye, you must carefully study the attached instructions. At the same time, you need to try to stop the choice on those products that contain the minimum amount of harmful ingredients. If the first signs of an allergy to hair dye began to appear, you must follow these steps:
- First of all, the dye from the hair is immediately washed off with a large amount of warm water, while this procedure must be repeated several times.
- It is necessary to brew a simple solution that helps to resist various inflammatory processes occurring on the scalp. To prepare it, take a pharmacy chamomile (2 tbsp. L. Or 2 chamomile tea bags) and pour boiling water (3 tbsp.), Then leave it for a while until it cools down. After 30 minutes, the hair and scalp are rinsed with a filtered solution.
- If you are concerned about complex and pronounced signs of allergies, it is necessary to use cortisone creams and corticosteroids, which are dispensed in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
If the signs of allergy do not disappear and become brighter, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor so as not to aggravate your own condition.
Hair dye allergy testing

When dyeing eyebrows, hair and eyelashes, be sure to carefully read the instructions attached to the paint. Do not exceed the established dosage of the dye, and of course, the time of its exposure. You also need to use only high-quality paint, the shelf life of which has not expired.
As a rule, the instructions attached to the paint indicate the following recommendations:
- The dye should be applied only to dry hair, while the last shampooing should be no later than 3 days before dyeing. Thanks to this approach, the sebaceous glands produce a sufficient amount of fat, which acts as a natural protector for the application of the coloring agent.
- The test should not be carried out if the hair has a styling fixing agent (for example, gel, varnish or foam). Since a chemical reaction may begin, which will cause an unpleasant burning sensation.
Even if an expensive hair dye is purchased, this does not mean that it does not contain high concentrations of harmful chemicals that can provoke a strong allergic reaction.
With the right approach, hair dye allergies can be prevented, but this requires a small sensitivity test:
- A small amount of paint is applied to the brush (you can use a cotton swab) and the skin near the hair roots is smeared, it is best to do this on the back of the head.
- After 48 hours, the result will be obtained - if the hair has acquired the desired shade, while there are no signs of allergy, you can safely use the paint. If there is a burning sensation, itching or redness, you should stop using this remedy.
Such a test must be carried out every time before applying a new shade of paint, even if this company has already been used before, since it may contain other allergens or they will have a higher concentration.
How to get rid of hair dye allergies?

With proper and timely treatment of hair dye allergy, all unpleasant symptoms can be easily and quickly eliminated. For this purpose, both simple folk methods and medications can be used.
Rinsing with kefir

If, after dyeing, an allergy to hair dye appears (peeling, inflammation, red spots, irritation), it is necessary to rinse the strands with kefir every evening.
This fermented milk product has a really healing effect and helps to quickly get rid of even a strong burning sensation and itching of the scalp.
Boric acid lotions

Quite often, during hair dyeing, an allergic reaction appears in the form of reddening of small areas of the scalp. In this case, it is useful to use lotions from a boric acid solution. To prepare such a product, you need to take 0.5 tsp. a weak solution of boric acid and dilute in a glass of clean water. This remedy helps to quickly relieve the signs of inflammation.
Rinsing with herbal decoctions

To quickly relieve the signs of hair dye allergy, rinse clean, damp hair with herbal tea once a week, which has a healing and soothing effect.
For this purpose, it is recommended to use a decoction of calendula, chamomile, oak bark, mint, plantain and string. To prepare them, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. herbal and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Then the solution is left for half an hour to infuse well.
For rinsing, you need to use a warm and filtered broth. This procedure can also be used to prevent hair dye allergies. And also be used in combination with drug treatment.
Other means

Special therapeutic shampoos that reduce itching and promote accelerated healing of injured areas of the scalp will help to quickly get rid of the signs of allergies.
When choosing such a therapeutic shampoo (sold in pharmacies), you need to take into account the degree of individual predisposition to various types of allergic reactions. As a rule, such funds are prescribed by a doctor, since it can be problematic to choose them yourself.
Home treatments for allergies are only beneficial if they are used almost immediately after symptoms begin. With more severe and serious attacks of allergies, it will not be possible to do without the help of a doctor. Provided that the ailment has struck a sufficiently large area of the scalp or severe edema has appeared, you need to immediately contact allergists, as well as dermatologists, so that it will be possible to stop the ailment in time.
In the most severe cases, it is necessary to pass special tests to determine the level of sensitivity to various elements-allergens of the dye. It is also recommended in the future to use products that have a more gentle effect for dyeing hair.
Learn how to test for hair dye allergy and how to use a safe product from this story: