Endomorphs in fitness

Endomorphs in fitness
Endomorphs in fitness

Find out everything about this type of physique and, most importantly, what to do next if you are an endomorph and want to work out in the gym. The low metabolic rate inherent in such a somatotype as endomorph determines the characteristics of nutrition and training. Endomorph people from birth have a fairly large body mass, which is mainly fat. Most often they have a short stature, a wide body with a round shoulder girdle. The main emphasis in training for ectomorphs should be on the legs, abs and chest. It is in these places that most of the fat deposits accumulate. Let's find out if endomorphs are doomed in fitness.

Features of training endomorphs

Endomorphs train in the gym
Endomorphs train in the gym

Often, endomorphs use large weights of sports equipment with a minimum number of repetitions, and also focus on the base. This method of training is very good for increasing strength indicators, but it is not suitable for relief. Endomorphs are best at working with moderate weight and maintaining a high intensity of training. Try to make minimal pauses between sets and practice as many times as possible during the week. The duration of the training is from one and a half to two hours. This will speed up metabolic processes and give the muscles a relief. Also, do not limit yourself to just basic movements, and introduce isolated exercises into the training program.

You also need to connect and cardio, which you can do daily. Of course, in this case, you should also remember about muscle mass, trying not to overdo it with aerobic exercise. If the load you use is excessive, the catabolic background will increase, which is contraindicated for gaining mass. Strength and cardio training will increase the metabolism of endomorphs, and the results will be evident even during training. It is for this reason that it is necessary to practice as often as possible. To prevent overtraining, you can use a six-day split pattern, leaving one day of the week to rest. Also alternate between upper and lower body workouts. For strength training, use a rep range of 6 to 10 with pauses between sets of 60 to 90 seconds.

If it is possible to carry out two workouts during the day, then that will be just fine. In this case, the morning session can be devoted to working on fast fibers, and in the evening workout, use large weights. For each muscle group, it is enough to perform two or three movements, and one of them must be basic. To increase the effectiveness of the training, use special techniques to increase the intensity, for example, supersets.

Endomorph nutrition

Oatmeal with milk and fruit and milk
Oatmeal with milk and fruit and milk

As you know, in order to burn fat, you need an appropriate nutritional program. Your main task at the stage of its preparation will not be the selection of products, as it may seem at once, but the organization of a diet that can speed up metabolism. First of all, you need to start using a fractional feeding system. At least you need to eat six times a day, and preferably ten. Moreover, you need to eat on a schedule, without taking into account your desire and appetite.

Let's talk about food choices now. Feel free to reduce the content of fats in the diet to an acceptable minimum, and increase the amount of protein compounds. You should consume two to three grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight during the day. The fat content of the diet should not exceed 105, however, it is more important to maintain a balance between the different types of this nutrient. You should eat monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated fats in approximately equal amounts.

It is also worth remembering that protein compounds by the body of endomorphs are absorbed by about a third less efficiently in comparison with ectomorphs. From carbohydrates, you need to choose only slow ones, for example, cereals. Simple carbohydrates should be completely abandoned. Also, control the amount of this nutrient in the diet so as not to gain fat mass.

Replace sugary drinks with plain water, and you can use gainers only after training in order to speed up the body's recovery. The rest of the time, you need to control your carbohydrate intake. Fish oil will be very beneficial for you. This product has a wide range of positive properties and should be consumed by you in the amount of 1 gram for each percentage of fat mass. Lipolysis can also be accelerated with additional intake of minerals and vitamins. Eating lots of vegetables is also important.

Tips for endomorph girls

Girl sitting on a twine
Girl sitting on a twine

Girls with this body type need to be given a few separate tips. In terms of nutrition, there are no significant differences from men. You also need to tightly control carbohydrates in your diet, replacing them with protein compounds. It will also help reduce the feeling of hunger that will inevitably come to you during the diet.

Fiber, which is found in fresh, unsweetened fruits and vegetables, will also help satisfy hunger. But standard food supplements should be bypassed, since if they are not accepted by the body, malfunctions in the work of the main systems are possible, which can cause an increase in fat mass.

Water must be consumed in such an amount that you do not feel thirsty. It is important to maintain water balance, as it is a bad symptom to drift to either side. If you need to lose weight, then during the week you should do three to four cardio sessions. Walk more, and no matter how strange it may sound, sleep less. Sleep lowers your metabolic rate, which is already low. Until you manage to eliminate fat deposits in the abdominal area, you should not actively work on the abdominal muscles.

However, the main wish for you will be - do not be discouraged! Girls with a curvy figure are very popular, and through training you will make her even more attractive.

Denis Borisov tells in more detail about endomorph training:

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