Randia fitzalania - yellow mangosteen

Randia fitzalania - yellow mangosteen
Randia fitzalania - yellow mangosteen

Description of randii fitzalaniya. Composition and useful properties, possible harm from use. How yellow mangosteen is eaten, what dishes can be prepared from it. Is it possible to grow tropical fruits in a winter garden or on your own windowsill. Due to the high content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), randia fitzalania has a pronounced effect on immunity. Helps to avoid infection during the epidemic season, prevents the development of complications, and if already sick, does not allow organic diseases to worsen. Anyone who has the opportunity to feast on the fitzalaniya, no stress is terrible.

In addition, the beneficial effect of tropical fruits on the male reproductive system has been noted. After eating the fruits and infusions of seeds, libido increases, the condition of the prostate improves, and high-quality sperm is produced. One of the positive properties of yellow mangosteen is that it increases men's self-esteem.

Contraindications and harm to randia fitzalania

Bronchial asthma in a man
Bronchial asthma in a man

Familiarity with tropical fruits should be done with caution, especially for young children, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. You shouldn't risk it. Moreover, the fruits have a high amount of ascorbic acid, which has a pronounced effect on the immune system, which means it changes the metabolic rate. In babies, it is already high, and during pregnancy, the body's defenses are reduced. Any changes can negatively affect the general condition.

Pronounced harm to randia fitzalania can provoke when consumed, if a history of:

  • Bowel disease with a tendency to diarrhea … The large amount of dietary fiber that fruits contain accelerates peristalsis.
  • Pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer … One of the properties of tropical fruits is to stimulate the production of digestive enzymes.
  • Bronchial asthma, bronchial obstruction … May cause spasm of bronchial branches.
  • Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins … An increase in blood clotting can trigger the formation of blood clots.
  • Diabetes … Blood sugar rises rapidly.
  • With obesity … After eating sour pulp, appetite will increase, since digestive enzymes are produced, and in order to reduce the acidity of gastric juice, a snack is needed.

The introduction of a new product into the diet begins with 1-2 slices, analyzing the condition. The likelihood of developing an allergic reaction is high. Intolerance manifests itself in the form of food reactions: the amount of intestinal gases increases, intestinal spasms appear, and the secretion of bile increases. Symptoms of eating disorders may be accompanied by localized rashes, dizziness, nausea, and fever.

When overeating yellow mangosteen, along with an antihistamine, it is imperative to drink enterosorbent. As soon as the intestines are cleansed, the state of health will improve.

How to eat randia fitzalania

Curry with fish and yellow mangosteen
Curry with fish and yellow mangosteen

Locals prefer to eat sweet and sour fruits raw, dividing them into segments like tangerines, or cutting them in half with a knife. It is impossible to peel yellow mangosteen like citrus: the peel is hard, "wooden", it is impossible to cope with it without a knife or other sharp object.

The seeds are easily separated and simply spit out. When treating small children, it is better to pull out the seeds. But if you swallow a few pieces, there will be no harm to the body. By the way, they contain a high amount of ascorbic acid and xanthones, which have antioxidant properties.

The slices should be bitten carefully, avoiding the juice getting on the clothes. It is very difficult to clean.

How do you eat fitzalania randia, if you manage to harvest a large harvest, because you cannot store the fruits of the tropics for a long time - they quickly deteriorate? The women of South America and Australia do exactly the same as the mistresses of Russia or Ukraine - they make jam or jam, prepare marshmallow or marmalade, use it as a filling for pies, and add it to salads.

Yellow Mangosteen Recipes

Salad with yellow mangosteen and shrimps
Salad with yellow mangosteen and shrimps

In order to understand how ripe and high-quality the fruit is, you have to focus on the color of the peel. Brown spots or black spots on the yellow skin indicate the onset of decay. You should not buy brown fruits, even if the seller convinces that this is an indicator of special ripeness. Ripe fruit lightens the skin. But you don't need to press down on the yellow mangosteen - until the pulp inside rots, the shell will remain dense. Recipes with Randy Fitzalania:

  1. Jam … When making jam or jam, combine yellow mangosteen with sweet juicy fruits. Sour fruits go well with sweet apples or pears, and for beauty, you can add a few strawberries or currants. The fruits are cut into pieces, covered with sugar to give juice. By weight of sugar, take the same amount as chopped fruit. Slices of randia fitzalania are cut in half. Cover the fruits with brown sugar, wait until the juice is released. Then it is boiled. It is better to bring to a boil, reduce heat, leave for a few minutes, and then remove the container and wait until it cools completely. Boiling is repeated until the drops of jam begin to solidify on the spoon.
  2. Salad … White cabbage is chopped into strips, sugar is added and kneaded with your hands to make the juice stand out. Peel the yellow mangosteen and two oranges and cut the slices in half. Grate a sweet apple on a coarse grater. Mix all the ingredients, season with unsweetened yogurt.
  3. Seafood salad … The pulp of 1 pineapple is cut into cubes, the same is done with the pulp of half a large avocado. All this is poured into a salad bowl and a quarter of red sweet bell pepper, arugula salad, yellow mangosteen slices cut in half, and a shredded salad onion are added. Spices are added: curry, paprika, a little salt. Dressed with coconut milk. Mix well and spread on a platter in a ring. The middle is cleared for king prawns. Before placing them in boiling water, the esophagus should be removed. Seafood salad can be seasoned with ginger sauce. To prepare it, mix olive oil with lemon juice, add fresh ginger and grain mustard. Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Sweet and sour ice cream … The yolk of 2 eggs is beaten well with 1, 5 cups of sugar. Pour slices of yellow mangosteen, cut in half, into the blender bowl. Combine fruit puree with beaten eggs, pour in 2.5 cups of milk. Add vanillin and put the dishes over low heat. While stirring, bring to a boil, add cornstarch - a tablespoon. Cook for 7-8 minutes, without causing bubbles to appear. 1-2 minutes before turning off, add a few turmeric seeds to get a beautiful yellow color. Remove from heat, allow to cool so that you can touch the bowl without scalding, add half a bag of high-fat cream and mix everything with a whisk. The mixture is placed in an ice cream maker, then poured into a mold and allowed to stand for 2-3 hours in the freezer. Mix again, you can manually, put it back in the freezer to freeze again. This is done to avoid the inclusion of ice floes in the delicate substance. Serve after re-freezing.

The year is considered a harvest when the fruits grow in bunches. Then they are easy to collect: they put ladders under low trees and remove the entire brushes with special devices. If the yellow mangosteen ripens one at a time, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to make jam or prepare a salad. In lean years, they are not even sold on the market.

Interesting facts about randy fitzalania

How randia fitzalania grows
How randia fitzalania grows

The brown hydrangea was first described by Ferdinand von Müller, a German botanist. More detailed research was carried out by Christopher Quinn and Christopher Puttock from Australia. Several attempts have been made to introduce the fruit extract into slimming preparations, but since the harvest is small, the trials turned out to be unprofitable.

Moth larvae pollinate the flowers of randia fitzalania, although the natives claim that small birds carry the pollen. In fact, the birds peck out the seeds of the fruit, which begin to rot, expanding the plant's range. Due to the peculiarities of pollination, it is impossible to get the fruits of randia fitzalania when grown in an apartment or winter garden. But this does not stop flower growers. Beautiful fragrant flowers are enough for them.

The rest of the tree is not capricious. Outside tropical forests it grows up to 2 m, does not require special conditions. It is enough to maintain a stable microclimate with a temperature of 21-24 ° C, acidify the soil in the spring and ensure stable watering and drainage. 2-3 years after disembarkation, the tropical guest will bloom. If you want to try the fruits, you can go to China or Australia. And at the same time get acquainted with other plants of a hot climate.
