Air pancakes on kefir

Air pancakes on kefir
Air pancakes on kefir

Do you want to get soft, crispy and fluffy pancakes with a golden crust, so that they do not fall off after taking them out of the pan? Use kefir and soda for the dough. Then the result will be amazing. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Ready-made puffed pancakes on kefir
Ready-made puffed pancakes on kefir

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Pancakes are a convenient and tasty dish. Learning how to bake them delicious, lush and airy is the dream of many housewives. Since some pancake recipes are not at all successful, but there are simply excellent ones, where the pancakes turn out to be simply wonderful. An example of one of the successful recipes is airy kefir pancakes. Of course, yeast cousins are taller and fuller, but they take much longer to cook. Therefore, not everyone loves them. And kefir pancakes are good for the speed and ease of preparation. In addition, they turn out to be airy and rise well. And what is especially pleasant is that the next day it remains soft and light.

Such pancakes on kefir are a great idea for a quick breakfast, dinner and takeaway food. Of course, the recipe hides in itself some subtleties, on which the final result of the dish depends. The main secret of lush pancakes is the kefir temperature. It needs to be warmed up a little or taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it reaches room temperature. Then the pancakes will turn out to be tender, porous and fluffy. And thanks to their spongy texture, they perfectly absorb all kinds of syrups, honey and other additives with which you would prefer to eat them. And when frying pancakes, a minimum of oil is used, from which they are not very greasy.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 210 kcal.
  • Servings - 15-18
  • Cooking time - 45 minutes


  • Kefir - 1 tbsp.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 3-4 tablespoons or to taste
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step preparation of air pancakes on kefir, recipe with photo:

Kefir is poured into a bowl
Kefir is poured into a bowl

1. Pour kefir at room temperature into a container for kneading dough. This is important, otherwise the soda will not enter into the correct reaction with the fermented milk environment, and the pancakes will not turn out tender.

Soda added to kefir
Soda added to kefir

2. Add baking soda to kefir and stir. Bubbles will appear on the surface of the liquid and kefir will increase in volume several times.

Eggs added to kefir
Eggs added to kefir

3. Add eggs to kefir.

Mixed products
Mixed products

4. Whisk the dough to dissolve the egg completely. The eggs should also be at room temperature, otherwise they will cool the temperature of the kefir.

Flour is poured
Flour is poured

5. Pour flour into the liquid base. It is desirable to sift it through a fine sieve to enrich it with oxygen. Then the pancakes will be fluffy and airy.

The dough is kneaded
The dough is kneaded

6. Add sugar with a pinch of salt to the dough and mix well to make the dough without a single lump, smooth and tender consistency. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream, i.e. it should flow, but not like water. Then the pancakes will be tender and airy. If you want them to be high, then add more flour to the dough. But then the pancakes will be more high-calorie.

Fritters are fried
Fritters are fried

7. Pour some vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it well. Spoon the dough with a tablespoon and fry them over medium heat until golden brown.

Fritters are fried
Fritters are fried

8. Turn the pancakes over and cook for the same amount of time until golden brown. Use them warm with any toppinks.

See also a video recipe on how to cook fluffy and fluffy kefir pancakes.
