Rules and options for vegetable day

Rules and options for vegetable day
Rules and options for vegetable day

What is a vegetable day for unloading the body, the basic rules for conducting it. What products can be consumed, how to combine in the menu? Diet on vegetables for 10 days. The results of losing weight, real reviews.

Vegetable Day is a one-day diet in which only raw, stewed, or boiled vegetables are allowed. The choice of the product is determined by the preference of the person. The menu is based on both one vegetable and a combination of several fruits.

What is Vegetable Day?

Products for a vegetable day
Products for a vegetable day

In the photo, products for a vegetable day

Fasting days, during which vegetables are eaten, are considered an effective way to lose weight. Nutritionists call them "weekends for the body" or "bowel sweep."

During the day, it is allowed to eat raw or thermally processed vegetables, preferring one product or combining several types. In addition to plant foods, add oil, flax or sesame seeds.

A fasting day on vegetables is of great benefit to the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • heals and cleanses the internal organs;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional state;
  • reduces the level of glucose in the blood, "bad" cholesterol;
  • allows the digestive tract to cleanse and rest.

Vegetables are a source of vegetable fiber, which is represented by soluble and insoluble fiber. The substance is a "complex carbohydrate", the digestion of which the body spends a lot of energy.

Soluble fiber acts as a probiotic and creates a favorable environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. They prevent the absorption of light carbohydrates and fats, therefore they are simply indispensable for losing weight. The insoluble ones act as a scrub, cleansing the intestines and promoting the movement of food.

Important! Nutritionists advise spending 2 vegetable fasting days a week. On other days, eat 45-50 g of fiber.

Basic rules of a vegetable day

Vegetable fasting day
Vegetable fasting day

A fasting day on vegetables is useful after a holiday overeating, for the prevention of constipation, digestive problems, and disorders of water-salt metabolism. Nutritionists recommend unloading when losing weight during the "plateau" effect, when the body adapts to the proposed nutritional system, and the weight stops decreasing.

To benefit from unloading on vegetables, follow these rules:

  • A mono-diet with the use of one type of vegetables lasts 1 day. If there are different products, it is allowed to increase it up to 2-3 days.
  • Eat frequently, every 2-3 hours. The total volume of vegetables is 1-1.5 kg.
  • Drink water without gas in small sips. The daily rate is 2 liters.
  • In the morning on an empty stomach, eat 1 tsp. linseed oil.
  • In the evening, 1, 5-2 hours before bedtime, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • In addition to water, drink green tea, herbal teas, sugar-free berry fruit drinks.
  • Reduce the amount of salt. If unsalted vegetables are difficult to eat, season them with lemon juice, basil, cardamom, dry parsley, or celery.
  • If the product can be eaten raw, do not boil or dry it. Heat the rest of the vegetables to a minimum.
  • Eat solid plant foods, smoothies, and fresh juices.
  • During the fasting day, exclude physical activity. Better to spend the day at home and have a good rest.
  • Make sure that the daily calorie content of food does not exceed 1500 kcal.
  • Move the fasting day to another time if you feel unwell or tired.
  • Vegetable days are contraindicated during menstruation or problems with the monthly cycle, low blood pressure, stomach diseases.

Observing these rules, they lose from 1 to 3 kg of excess weight per day. If there are pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases associated with hematopoiesis or the cardiovascular system, consult your doctor first.
