How to eat properly in winter?

How to eat properly in winter?
How to eat properly in winter?

Learn how to properly manage your diet in winter to avoid excess fat accumulation. In winter, a person feels completely different than in summer. And the point here is not only the need to wear a lot of clothes. Sometimes we even envy those animals that hibernate and wake up in the spring when nature comes to life. However, even in animals, everything is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. In order to be able to fall asleep in winter, they are forced to eat abundantly throughout the fall, creating energy reserves.

This suggests that proper nutrition in winter is different from summer, but we often eat incorrectly at any time of the year. Due to the lack of free time, many people prefer to eat foods that can be quickly prepared. This leads to excess weight, deterioration of the quality of the skin and hair, as well as a decrease in overall well-being.

Only when we notice all these symptoms, we begin to look for ways to solve the problems that have arisen. However, isn't it easier to switch to proper nutrition in winter and not experience a lot of problems? It is the issues of organizing proper nutrition in winter that this article will be devoted to.

Features of proper nutrition in winter

Lentil soup in a plate
Lentil soup in a plate

To understand the principles of organizing proper nutrition in winter, you need to find out what the body needs during this period of time. Frost helps to dry the skin, the body needs to ensure proper heat exchange, the immune system must work with maximum dedication, and it is also necessary to maintain water balance at the cellular level.

As you can see, to meet all these needs, a large amount of energy must be expended. However, we must strive not to gain excess weight, providing the body with the necessary amount of "energy carriers". It is the solution of these problems that presupposes proper nutrition in winter.

Since immunity should work much more actively in winter than in summer, it weakens rather quickly. Improper nutrition and weak immunity are the main causes of frequent colds and infectious diseases. It should be remembered that metabolism also changes in winter, and the endocrine system begins to produce some hormones in smaller quantities. For example, melatonin is produced in minimal quantities, since the daylight hours are short and this negatively affects our mood.

When we talk about proper nutrition in winter, we do not at all imply restrictions on the use of certain foods. Often people, in their desire to lose excess weight, refuse fats, but in our climatic conditions this should not be done. Moreover, fats in your diet should be present not only of plant origin, but also of animals.

During the day, it is necessary to consume about 30 grams of this nutrient, and a third of their total amount should be of animal nature. For example, small amounts of salted bacon in winter will come in handy.

Protein compounds

Protein foods
Protein foods

Protein compounds are not only building materials for all body tissues. The body synthesizes various immune proteins from amines, which helps to strengthen the body's defenses in winter. By consuming enough of this nutrient, you will also be able to keep your muscles toned, and you will feel good throughout the winter.

We will not remind you of food products that are excellent sources of proteins, this question is well known to all people. Note that proper nutrition in winter involves the use of protein compounds in sufficient, not excessive amounts. This is due to the fact that excess proteins will be converted into adipose tissues. The amount of protein compounds that the body needs is influenced by various factors. On average, 70 to 100 grams of the nutrient should be consumed daily.


Foods for the winter diet with vitamins
Foods for the winter diet with vitamins

In winter, the body actively needs vitamins, but getting the required amount of these substances at this time, many people have problems. Vitamins help to improve health and normalize all processes. To ensure that your body is not deficient in vitamins, at least five fruits and vegetables should be present in your daily diet.

It is advisable to eat them raw, since after heat treatment, some of the nutrients are destroyed. You can also eat frozen vegetables, fruits and berries. Often, with this type of storage, all important substances are stored in them. Try to prepare the maximum amount of those berries that contain a large amount of vitamin C.

Many dried fruits are also a great source of vitamins. To increase the amount of nutrients, we recommend mixing dried fruits with honey and nuts. This step will also improve the functioning of the digestive system. Frozen berries and fruits can be used to make fruit drinks. This will preserve almost all vitamins. First, pour boiling water over the berries and leave them for six hours. After that add honey to the fruit drink. However, I would like to warn you that honey cannot be added immediately to boiling water, since the high temperature will destroy almost all the nutrients contained in this product.

In winter, you need to consume a lot of citrus fruits, as they are an excellent source of vitamin C. This substance is also found in sauerkraut. To get your daily intake of vitamin C, you only need to consume 150 grams of sauerkraut. Note that this product is also an excellent source of vitamin K and B group substances. Prepare a salad from sauerkraut with the addition of dried fruits, berries and vegetable oils.

We have already said that the skin in the cold dries quickly and vitamins E and A are needed to maintain water balance. An excellent source of the second substance is carrots, but it is best absorbed when consumed together with fats. You can prepare carrot salads and season them with vegetable oil or sour cream. Vitamin E is found in large quantities in unrefined vegetable oil. To meet the daily needs of the body for this substance, you should drink two tablespoons of vegetable oil.


The content of vitamins and minerals in foods
The content of vitamins and minerals in foods

Another type of micronutrient that the body badly needs during the cold season. Minerals are found in a lot of foods, but the best sources are green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, olives, nuts, cabbage, seeds, eggs, seaweed, etc.

Hot food

Hot food on the plate
Hot food on the plate

Proper nutrition in winter involves eating a lot of hot food. However, this does not mean that its temperature should be excessively high. The body processes food only at a certain temperature, which is about 40 or 50 degrees. When eating food that differs from the above values, the body needs to expend energy to cool or heat it. Eat more soups, cereals, compotes and herbal teas in the cold season.

Boiled vegetables

Boiled vegetables with spices
Boiled vegetables with spices

As such, you need to consume vegetables daily. They can be used to prepare various salads and vinaigrettes. Since we experience a shortage of fresh vegetables in winter, it is necessary to compensate for it. It is best to eat boiled or baked vegetables if it is not possible to use them in their original form.

Eastern medicine and proper nutrition in winter

Nuts, dried fruits, flakes
Nuts, dried fruits, flakes

Oriental medicine believes that a person needs to facilitate the work of the kidneys in winter. To do this, you should use proper nutrition in winter and stop drinking alcohol in large quantities. Many people believe that salty food is only harmful, but this is not entirely true. If you don't abuse it, you will also help your kidneys do their job.

It is interesting to note that it is European scientists who are convinced of the dangers of salty foods. As is most often the case during such discussions, the truth is in the middle. Small table salt can actually cause kidney stones, unlike rock salt. However, you should not abuse any of these products. Nutritionists from the East also advise eating meat in winter, but not in a cold state. At the same time, there is an excellent dish on the territory of our country - jelly. If you use it with horseradish, garlic or mustard, you will put a lot of calories in the body and strengthen the bones. Note that in the East, the best meat is considered to be offal. Nutritionists of this region of the planet are sure that it is in by-products that vitality is contained. By the way, the best choice for consumption in winter, in their opinion, are the kidneys.

Potatoes, fresh juices and cereals are also highly respected in the East. We have already said that oriental nutritionists recommend eating a moderate amount of salty food, supplementing it with hot spices. But they consider sugar to be harmful to the kidneys. In winter, you should limit the use of sweet foods and milk, which is also considered as such.

Oriental nutritionists have a negative attitude towards canned compotes with preserves. If we completely agree with the first point, then jam, when used correctly, is a very useful product. But in terms of the huge benefits of salted herring, we completely agree with our eastern colleagues.

You will learn the five rules of proper nutrition in winter from the video below: