Sustanon 250 - to increase testosterone

Sustanon 250 - to increase testosterone
Sustanon 250 - to increase testosterone

The article describes the advantages and disadvantages of one of the most popular anabolic drugs of our time - Sustanon 250. The anabolic steroid Sustanon is an excellent drug, after use, which almost never has side effects. And if they do happen, then only when the athlete takes too large doses during the course.

Sustanon 250: side effects

The negative consequences that any artificial testosterone has is that it can "transform" into estrogen. Estrogen is a female hormone, so if there is a lot of it in the male body, the male body will develop according to the female type, that is, acquire feminization. In order to avoid this, you need to simultaneously take drugs that suppress the production of estrogen. It can be Tamoxifen, Anastrozole and others.

In case of an overdose, men may stop producing their male hormone in the body, that is, addiction to this form appears. There have also been cases when the stronger sex experienced testicular atrophy. But all this can be easily avoided if the course of using Sustanon solo does not last more than two months. With longer use, it is necessary to drink drugs with an antiestrogenic effect.

There may also be androgenic side effects such as:

  • the appearance of blackheads or acne;
  • baldness;
  • prostate problems.

Some athletes had an increase in temperature while taking Sustanon.

But once again it is worth noting that all side effects appear when an overdose of the drug occurs, or when a large dose has been prescribed to an athlete. With the right approach to this matter, side effects can be avoided.

Since there is a risk that Sustanon will suppress the production of its testosterone in the body, it would be best to add Dinerik and HCG to your "diet" after a solo course. Female athletes can take testosterone, but not long-acting. Therefore, Sustanon is not suitable for them, as signs of virilization may appear. Some women are not afraid of this. On the contrary, they want to look impressive in bodybuilding competitions, which is why they take different forms of testosterone.

Sustanon in sports
Sustanon in sports

But if this concerns Sustanon, then in no case is it recommended to use it more than 250 mg per week. And the course itself should last no more than 6 weeks. These rules must be adhered to so that irreversible consequences do not occur in the female body.

Beginners should not take Sustanon solo or combine it with other substances. In general, for the first time it is better for them not to even think about anabolic steroids, since in the early stages of sports they are useless.

When using Sustanon, the liver is not damaged, although in cases of overdose, an increase in all indicators of this organ was noted. But as soon as the course ends, everything falls into place again. The liver does a great job with testosterone, and this is even mentioned in the book on prohibited substances (doping), which was written by Dirk Klazing and Manfred Donica. The book also states that a small rat liver (only 2 g) can handle 100 mg of the drug.

How to take Sustanon 250

The drug is intended exclusively for intramuscular administration. Dosages for the beginner solo course range from 250 mg to 500 mg over 7 days. As a rule, experienced athletes use 500 mg and more. It all depends on individual characteristics and goals.

The optimal course duration for beginners is up to three months. If the specified period is exceeded, gonadotropin and estrogen blockers should be included. These include Proviron and Letrozole.

Where to buy Sustanon

Nowadays, purchasing Sustanon is commonplace. You can buy it in many places, but it should be borne in mind that many of the drugs on offer are not real Sustanon. These are so-called fakes, which can be of high quality and not very good.

You should know that Sustanon ampoules must come with a paper label. If you are offered ampoules without it, then this is a fake drug. The most common fake drug is Omnadren. It's not a bad option, but it's not Sustanon either.

Sustanon injections
Sustanon injections

The first thing you need to pay attention to is which manufacturer is indicated on the packaging of the anabolic steroid. The company that makes Sustanon is called Organon, and nothing else. The original drug in our time is becoming increasingly difficult to find. But the black market offers as a replacement Sustanon 250 (Portugal), Sustanon 250 (Holland), Sustanon 250 (Russia) and a similar drug from India.

This remedy has a positive effect on the body, and is also well tolerated by athletes. This suggests that it is manufactured according to all the rules. Sustanon in Russia should be sold in plastic packaging, which will indicate the name of the drug, manufacturer, chemical composition. For text, foil or just white paper can be used. Each ampoule in a pack is packed separately.

Sustanon: price

The average price of one ampoule of Sustanon 250 in the CIS countries is from 3 to 4 dollars. If it is a 10 ml / 300 mg keg, you will have to pay $ 30 or $ 40. The exact numbers depend on the manufacturer and the amount of active ingredient per ml.

Video on the use of Sustanon 250: