Benefits of Thai massage

Benefits of Thai massage
Benefits of Thai massage

Learn about the health and beauty benefits of Thai massage. Features and subtleties of the procedure. Massage benefits both children and adults. Today, a wide variety of techniques have been developed that are designed to solve a specific problem. The most popular type is Thai massage, which should only be performed by an experienced master.

Thai massage: what is it?

Performing Thai massage
Performing Thai massage

There are certain elements in Thai massage that came to us from China and India. This type has much in common with Indian, Ayurvedic and Japanese, this technique resembles Indian yoga.

Recently, Thai massage has started to be associated with erotic services, but in reality it has nothing to do with it. During the performance of the classic Thai massage, the patient wears loose clothing made of natural cotton, and the feet should remain naked.

At the heart of Thai massage is a teaching that claims that the human body is penetrated by invisible energy lines, of which there are 72 thousand. During the massage, only 10 main lines are important. Performing a massage, the master affects not only these energy channels, but also the areas of their intersection.

Thanks to the performance of such manipulations, the energy of a person is brought into the correct state. As a result, all factors and causes that provoke the development of various diseases are removed. Direct attention is paid to the process of working out the muscles, but not as much as when performing European types of massage.

During traditional Thai massage, as a rule, no cosmetic creams or essential oils are used. In some cases, special herbal extracts are used, but only in order to enhance the positive effect of the procedure.

Today, beauty salons can offer a Thai spa massage, which is a softer version of the traditional session. However, it is worth considering the fact that this option does not have so pronounced healing properties, but at the same time it helps to relax and relieve tension.

The duration of one Thai massage session is several hours, since it is during this procedure that all points must be carefully worked out. At the same time, the emotional contact of the patient with the master is also important, which takes a lot of time.

It is not always possible to conduct a full-fledged Thai massage session, therefore, it is quite acceptable to study specific parts of the body.

Thai massage: benefits

Performing Thai herbal massage
Performing Thai herbal massage

This type of massage is very useful not only for women, but also for men. Thanks to this procedure, it becomes possible to achieve deep relaxation, relieve nervous tension and stress, relax muscles, improve the circulation of lymph and blood, increase the flexibility of joints, while a variety of painful sensations are significantly reduced, and there is a stimulating effect on the work of all systems and organs of the human body.

Most believe that in order to give flexibility to the body and maintain their own health, it is necessary to do only yoga. This opinion is most popular among Europeans, while few people know that the same effect is achieved through regular Thai massage procedures. Among its advantages is the fact that almost nothing will be required from the patient during the session.

During aging, the human body gradually loses flexibility and mobility, but thanks to Thai massage, youth and vigor are preserved.

At the heart of Thai massage are the special touches of the master. This procedure has been used to treat various ailments over a fairly long period of time.

Thanks to the Thai massage procedure, you can relieve muscle tension, stress is more easily tolerated, and there is a relaxing and calming effect. This procedure allows you to restore the integrity of not only the physiological, but also the emotional and spiritual state.

During the touch of the master, the process of production of unique substances is activated, due to which the signs of soreness are eliminated, and a surge of energy, strength and vigor is felt.

Contraindications for Thai massage

Kneading before massage
Kneading before massage

Like any other type of massage, Thai has certain contraindications, which include:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • recent surgery;
  • the presence of a variety of infectious diseases;
  • limb injuries;
  • pathology, as well as diseases of the nervous system.

Thai massage technique

A man in a Thai massage session
A man in a Thai massage session

Typically, Thai massage begins with gentle and relaxing pressure on the foot on special points that are responsible for the overall emotional state and helps to relax.

With the help of soft, gentle, deep and smooth movements, the electrical activity of the brain changes. As a result, he begins to work in a slower mode, but this is all temporary and soon returns to his usual pace.

It is important to remember that the points located on the foot have a big impact during Thai massage. All the changes taking place at this time in the human body make it possible to calm down, relieve tension, relax and it is much easier to endure all the impressions of life that have been received recently. If the massage is done by an experienced master, from the outside, the process itself may resemble a beautiful and smooth dance, since each movement is quite slow and soft. During the procedure, flexion and extension of the body is performed, due to which the effect is also exerted on those muscle groups that lie deeper. While performing a classic massage, this effect is not achieved. All these manipulations help to gradually relieve muscle tension and relax.

During a Thai massage session, the master gradually kneads the entire human body from tops to heels, with special attention to the most tense areas.

An additional healing effect is achieved due to the fact that the master presses on certain reflexogenic points that have a direct impact on the functioning of a particular organ. During the massage, activation of energy channels begins, as a result of which the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems changes. Consequently, there is an increase in lymph flow and blood flow, muscles are effectively relaxed.

During a Thai massage session, it is the upper body that will receive the greatest benefit, since the movements of the master, as a rule, are performed in the direction from the legs and towards the head.

While the massage is being performed, the upper part of the body is completely relaxed. Typically, at the end of the procedure, a facial massage is performed, which relieves stress residues. For one hour, the patient rests in the same way as when spending three days in nature and in the fresh air.

How is Thai massage performed?

Thai massage schemes
Thai massage schemes

Today, there are several main principles of the technique of performing Thai massage, which must be remembered constantly:

  • The massage begins with working out the limbs, after which the master gradually moves to the body. Then massage movements are performed in the opposite direction. These movements are explained by the presence of connections of energy flows and the principles of vascular activation. It is important to remember that the general direction of movement should be strictly from the legs to the head. First of all, the masseur performs techniques along the energy lines, then certain elements of yoga are used.
  • The main feature of Thai massage is that the master will work with almost the whole body, while all movements will have to be repeated on the symmetrical side. First, the patient lies on his back, after which the position of the body will gradually change. The patient can lie on his stomach, side or sit while certain exercises will be performed.
  • With regard to breathing, it can be absolutely anything, but the only exceptions are exercises in which the body rises. In this case, the masseur will have to say that a breath is taken before lifting, and a slow exhalation during lifting.
  • At the beginning of the Thai massage, the body is warmed up with gentle kneading and pressing movements. These manipulations are done with the pads of the thumbs. At the end of the massage, the same actions are performed, but in this case they are done in order to quickly relax the stretched muscles. This type of pressure is considered to be the main method for massaging soft tissues. During Thai massage, pressure is applied with the pads of the index and thumbs, as well as with the palms, elbows, and the upper part of the forearm.
  • For intensive kneading of the limbs, the master uses the shaking method. It is important that the patient's arms and legs move rhythmically up and down. At this point, the masseur should fix the hand or foot. The shaking method helps to relax the limbs before stretching. To make this technique more effective, it is recommended to simultaneously shake and start pulling the patient's body towards the master.

It is important that while performing Thai massage, all movements of the master are as smooth and accurate as possible, as there is a risk of harm. Therefore, only an experienced specialist should perform this type of massage.

Erotic Thai massage

Thai foot massage
Thai foot massage

Recently, this type of Thai massage has become increasingly popular, since it has the following effect:

  • all parts of the body are well worked out, excess stress is relieved;
  • the patient receives an unforgettable pleasure in an erotic body massage.

Before the beginning of the erotic Thai massage, first the whole body of the patient is covered with oil, so that you can relax as much as possible. Then a deep kneading is performed, which in some cases is much tougher than any warm-up during a sports massage.

During kneading, not too long pauses are made, during which light sliding movements are performed over the patient's body. It is important that each massage movement strengthens the previous one, but at the same time prepares the body for the next.

Thai massage helps to quickly relieve nervous tension and fatigue, relax muscles and eliminate unpleasant painful sensations in the joints. An effective wellness course for the whole organism is carried out, the body is filled with energy and vigor. And this effect is achieved in just one session.

Learn more about the beneficial properties of Thai massage from this video:
