Painting the concrete floor

Painting the concrete floor
Painting the concrete floor

Painting a floor made of concrete, types of paints used, the preparatory stage of work, preparation of tools, a description of the technological process of applying and drying the paint and varnish coating.

Concrete floor painting technology

How to paint a concrete floor
How to paint a concrete floor

If you decide how to paint the concrete floor, it's time to decide on the tool for applying the finishing material. Choose from brushes, roller and spray gun. Which one to use for work depends on the type of coloring composition.

After diluting it to a liquid consistency, it is convenient to use a pneumatic spray gun. In terms of time consumption, this process is more productive than painting large areas of the floor with a roller and even more so with a brush. With the help of a spray gun, the main area of the concrete floor is usually processed, and its hard-to-reach areas still have to be painted with a brush. The spray paint thickness is about 0.2 mm. The number of layers required is 3.

With the help of a roller, one or two layers of paint can be applied instead of three, since their thickness is much greater. Acrylic paints are suitable for working with this tool. The roller should be wide and have a short nap. This will allow the compound to be applied to the floor surface quickly and evenly. For ease of use, the tool can be mounted on a telescopic long handle, sold in any hardware store.

The concrete floor should be painted at an overlap temperature of at least 5 ° C, and indoor air at + 10 ° C. Its moisture content should not be more than 80%. Before use, the paint must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the floor with a brush or roller in 1-2 layers, and with a spray gun in 2-3 layers, each previous layer must dry for at least 20 hours before applying the next one.

Paint consumption is usually 80-120 ml / m2 for one layer. After the end of the painting, the coating stops sticking after 2-3 hours, after another 5 hours you can walk on it, however, the complete polymerization of the applied layers occurs only after 96 hours. After this time, the concrete floor can be fully exploited.

Important: when priming, impregnating and painting the concrete floor, it is necessary to provide ventilation in the room.

Features of drying a concrete floor

Drying the concrete floor
Drying the concrete floor

After painting the concrete floor with your own hands, you need to dry its topcoat. In this case, the humidity should be 70-80%, and the temperature - plus 18-20 ° C. If these parameters are observed, mechanical loads can be applied to the floor after three days. If these conditions are violated, the drying process may be delayed or ended earlier, both of these options are undesirable.

The duration of the polymerization of the coating largely depends on the conditions of the work. If the paint has been applied to freshly laid concrete, the drying time will also increase. The final polymerization of the coating, which will gain maximum chemical and mechanical resistance, takes place under normal conditions around the seventh day. Therefore, it is not recommended to rush to the operation of the floor earlier than this period - its surface must obtain the necessary durability.

How to paint a concrete floor - watch the video:

Monolithic floor paint is able to create a durable coating on its surface, which increases the waterproofing properties of the structure, protects the base from dust and looks beautiful. To get such a result, you need to choose the right material and follow the technology of painting the concrete floor, consistently going through all its stages.
