How to make sea buckthorn tea

How to make sea buckthorn tea
How to make sea buckthorn tea

Sea buckthorn tea, its medicinal properties and contraindications. Recipes for a "sunny" drink with various tasty additions. Sea buckthorn tea is a delicious drink that contains a large number of useful elements, quenches thirst well and improves immunity. It is easy to make such a "drink of longevity", and if you supplement it with various additives, you can get an unforgettable taste pleasure.

Description and purpose of sea buckthorn tea

Girl drinking sea buckthorn tea
Girl drinking sea buckthorn tea

Fresh sea buckthorn berries are suitable for preparing various preparations: jam, compote, oil, juice. But the simplest and most popular is tea made from these golden berries - a delicious, slightly tart and healthy drink.

The main indications for the use of this drink, in addition to its taste, include:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension);
  • Diabetes;
  • Colds, ARVI;
  • Problems with nerves, sleep and general condition (depression, nervous disorders).

Tea, which is brewed from berries and even the leaves of the golden tree, can get rid of extra pounds and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, the drink, due to the content of Omega-3 and 6 berries, helps women prolong their youth, improves the condition of the skin and hair. It will help strengthen your body and keep it in good shape, cure colds.

Longevity tea is considered the record holder among drinks in terms of the content of useful components in it:

  1. Vitamin C - boosts immunity, an excellent antioxidant;
  2. Vitamins of group B - strengthen various systems of the body (cardiovascular, circulatory and nervous), stabilize the thyroid gland;
  3. Vitamin P - helps to strengthen capillaries and reduce blood clotting;
  4. Vitamin A - protects against various infections (bacterial and fungal);
  5. Vitamin K - contributes to the normalization of metabolism.

If you follow the cooking sequence, you will get a healthy drink from the available ingredients. These orange berries of the sun have a lot of vitamin C, even more than citrus fruits, vitamin E - more than olive oil.

Properties of sea buckthorn tea

Sea buckthorn tea was drunk in Russia, and its name was "the drink of longevity." The medicinal properties of this golden berry have been discussed since the time of Alexander the Great. At first, the healing effect of the leaves of the tree on horses was noted (tightening wounds, improving the quality of wool), then the positive effect of berries on people was already noticed.

The benefits of sea buckthorn tea

Brewed sea buckthorn tea
Brewed sea buckthorn tea

This autumn berry of golden color, as well as its leaves and even the branches of the tree, contain many useful substances that can help in the treatment of various diseases.

Consider the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn tea:

  • Stabilization of the condition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract … Sea buckthorn tea, thanks to the substances contained in the berries, improves the functioning of the intestines, cleanses it of harmful substances, maintains and normalizes the microflora.
  • Reducing cholesterol … Regular intake of tea lowers blood cholesterol levels and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Treatment of joint diseases … Sun berry tea can deal with this problem if you regularly consume a drink made from sea buckthorn berries and leaves.
  • Boost immunity … Due to the production of antibodies, when this drink is taken, the body's defenses increase, respectively, the degree of resistance to the effects of various pathogenic microorganisms increases. This is very important in the off-season (spring, very). Sea buckthorn helps support the body and does not use medications.
  • Treatment of liver diseases … Regular intake of sea buckthorn leads to the restoration of damaged liver cells and eliminates inflammation or intoxication (after prolonged treatment with medications, after taking alcoholic beverages).
  • Improvement of the condition with diseases of the respiratory tract … In the absence of contraindications to the intake of berries, their daily use in the amount of 100 g during therapy can replace antibiotics. Beforehand, everything must be agreed with the doctor.
  • Fight against diseases of the heart and blood vessels … Thanks to the fatty acids contained in sea buckthorn, with regular intake of tea, blood vessels are strengthened.
  • Elimination of vitamin deficiency … Regular intake of berries (about 100 g daily) stabilizes metabolic processes and fills the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements.
  • Solving sleep problems and improving general condition … Drinking a berry drink will help with depression, nervous disorders.

Tea made from berries and leaves of the golden tree helps to get rid of extra pounds. This is because the fatty acids found in sea buckthorn berries prevent the absorption of fats.

Harm of sea buckthorn tea

Warming up sea buckthorn tea
Warming up sea buckthorn tea

If you have any kind of ailment, it is better to consult a doctor, deciding to regularly take Siberian pineapple tea. This is what the sea buckthorn was named because of its unusual taste and color of the berries themselves.

You should be careful if the body is prone to allergic manifestations, in which case it is better to test the tea several times and monitor your well-being.

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn tea

Gastritis in a girl
Gastritis in a girl

It should be taken into account, although the berry has many useful properties, there are some contraindications for taking:

  1. Gastritis, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer … Due to the high content of organic acids, the secretion of gastric juice increases. This tea should not be taken in the presence of hyperacid gastritis.
  2. Liver, pancreas, or kidney disease … There are many acids in the fruits, which can lead to an increase in the secretion of gastric juice, and this is contraindicated in these diseases.
  3. Urolithiasis disease … Sea buckthorn tea can increase the acidity of urine, which is contraindicated if a person has urolithiasis.

It's important to know! As with every product, there is an individual intolerance and allergy to berries. Take sea buckthorn in small doses, do not overdo it. Only through competent use can it cope with some diseases, keep it healthy, and you can enjoy a wonderful and unusual drink!

Homemade sea buckthorn tea recipes

Recently, hot and cold tea made from sunny berries can be found in the menu of many establishments; people have already appreciated its useful qualities. We will tell you how to make your own tea from the "golden berry" and diversify its flavors.

Sea buckthorn ginger tea recipes

Sea buckthorn tea with grated ginger
Sea buckthorn tea with grated ginger

Due to the specific taste and smell of ginger, sea buckthorn tea can be supplemented with new flavors.

Sea buckthorn and ginger tea recipes:

  • Basic recipe … Take fresh ginger (about 3 cm), grate. Wash and crush the berries (about 100 g). Add the prepared ginger and berry puree to the teapot. Pour the resulting composition with boiling water and leave for 7 minutes. Drink hot.
  • Sea buckthorn tea with ginger and lemon … Put the prepared ginger (strip 3 cm) into a teapot, pour the juice of one lemon there. Mash 150 g of sea buckthorn berries with the addition of a small amount of sugar and add to the ginger-lemon mixture. After being poured with boiling water, stand for 5-7 minutes and serve.

Important! If you want to fully enjoy all the shades of the drink, grate the ginger first, and then mix it with the berry puree and leave for 2-3 minutes.

Sea buckthorn tea with honey

Sea buckthorn tea with honey
Sea buckthorn tea with honey

The combination of the sweet honey taste with the tart taste of sea buckthorn creates an unforgettable tea drink.

Sea buckthorn tea recipes with added honey:

  1. Sea buckthorn tea with natural honey … Take 150 g of berries, crush most of them, it is better to use a mortar for these purposes. Pour the remaining berries and 2 tablespoons to the resulting puree. black (unflavored) tea, pour boiling water over everything and leave for 5-6 minutes. At high temperatures, honey loses its properties and will not be so useful, therefore it is recommended to use it at the end (before serving) or put it on the table in a bowl.
  2. Cold sea buckthorn tea with honey … In hot summer weather, tonic ice tea with sea buckthorn helps well. To prepare it, first boil 3 liters of water, into which add a handful of the following components: mint, sea buckthorn leaves, cherries, cherries, linden flowers. Then in a separate bowl, grind 1, 5-2 cups of sea buckthorn berries and add to the container. Such a herbal decoction with sea buckthorn should be infused for 1-2 hours. Then strain it, add honey to taste and refrigerate. The refreshing drink is ready!
  3. Sea buckthorn tea with cinnamon and honey … To prepare a drink, take 150 g of berries, crush them. Add mashed potatoes to a teapot, then cinnamon (1-1.5 tsp ground or 1 stick) and pour boiling water over. Infuse the tea for 10-12 minutes. Serve with runny honey.
  4. Iced tea with berries of the sun tree … Pour 2 tsp into the teapot. black tea without flavors and additives, a few leaves of mint and sea buckthorn. Pour boiling water over everything. Insist for 10-15 minutes. Cool the drink before serving, strain if desired.

Important! Do not forget that honey loses its properties under the influence of high temperatures, so add it at the end of cooking.

How to make sea buckthorn tea with rose hips

Sea buckthorn tea with rose hips
Sea buckthorn tea with rose hips

During colds, it is very useful to support the body with a "shock" dose of vitamin C, which is contained in these two components of sea buckthorn tea with rose hips.

Consider effective recipes:

  • Sea buckthorn rosehip tea … Take 1 tbsp. sea buckthorn berries and 0.5 cups of dry rose hips. Grind with a mortar and send to the teapot. Pour boiling water over the composition and wait 5-6 minutes. Serve hot, add honey or sugar if desired.
  • Rosehip with berries and sea buckthorn leaves … To prepare a drink, take 1 tbsp. berries and crush them. Pour 2 tablespoons into a teapot. chopped dry rose hips, add berry puree and 5-10 shrub leaves with young shoots. Pour the resulting composition with boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes, you can cover the teapot with a towel for a longer temperature maintenance. Serve with brown sugar or runny honey to taste.

Important! In order for the flavoring and beneficial properties of the tea components to be more fully revealed, they need to be crushed or crushed.

How to make sea buckthorn tea with fruits and berries

Sea buckthorn tea with orange
Sea buckthorn tea with orange

Sea buckthorn tea can be said with the addition of fruits and berries. Based on the season and your taste preferences, prepare the following: raspberries, strawberries, currants, orange, lemon.

Sea buckthorn tea recipes with fruits and berries:

  1. With oranges … Pour the sea buckthorn (100 g) into a suitable container and crush it. Cut half of the orange into small wedges. Squeeze the juice from the second half and pour it into a teapot, add the puree of berries and an orange, cut into small slices, to it. Pour the resulting composition with boiling water and leave for 6 minutes.
  2. Fruit tea … Cut the selected fruit into small slices to make 100 g. Grind the sea buckthorn with a little sugar and send it to the teapot along with the fruit, pour boiling water over it. You can add cinnamon, ginger (grated), cane sugar, or honey. Insist for 10-12 minutes. Serve hot.
  3. Pear tea … Pre-brew unflavored black tea (2 tablespoons), preferably large leaf, add 50 g of sea buckthorn, mashed in puree Cut a fresh pear into small cubes and add to the tea. Leave to steep for 10-12 minutes. Garnish the cups with pear slices when serving.

Important! To make the drink more aromatic, squeeze juice from part of the fruit and add it to the teapot.

How to make sea buckthorn herbal tea

Sea buckthorn tea with herbs
Sea buckthorn tea with herbs

How else can you reveal and complement the taste of tea? You can take fragrant and healthy dry herbs.

Consider the recipes for sea buckthorn tea with medicinal herbs:

  • Sea buckthorn and mint tea … To prepare it, take 1 cup of berries and a few sprigs of mint. Pre-grind the sea buckthorn in a mortar, and chop the mint. Add the mixture to a teapot and pour boiling water over, leave for 5-7 minutes. Add lemon or finely grated ginger if desired.
  • Sea buckthorn hour with linden … Take 3 tablespoons. dry linden blossom and place in a teapot. Mash the washed sea buckthorn (1 cup) and add to the teapot. Pour boiling water over the mixture, leave to infuse for 5 minutes. You can add a few slices of lemon, sugar, or honey to enhance the flavor.
  • Tea with lemon balm and sea buckthorn … Pour fresh or dry crushed lemon balm leaves (5-15 g) into the teapot, the amount depends on what shade of taste you want to get. Add sea buckthorn puree (100 g). Pour all components with boiling water and leave for 10-12 minutes. To enhance the taste, you can add honey, lemon, ginger or mint to the resulting drink.

Important! The result and taste of sea buckthorn tea largely depends on the observance of a clear sequence during brewing.

Sea buckthorn tea with ginger and additives

Sea buckthorn tea with ginger and cinnamon
Sea buckthorn tea with ginger and cinnamon

Do not forget about the benefits of tea from this miracle berry, add various ingredients that you like, experiment with taste sensations and at the same time heal.

You can make the following types of tea with golden berry and healthy additives:

  1. Sea buckthorn tea with ginger and spices … Prepare the ginger (you can taste it) and grate it on a fine grater. Crush washed berries (180-200 g) and put them together with ginger into a teapot for brewing. To the resulting composition, add your favorite spices to taste (cinnamon, cardamom or star anise). Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave to infuse for 7 minutes. Serve hot.
  2. Sea buckthorn tea with anise and ginger … To prepare a drink, prepare and crush 100-150 g of sea buckthorn, add grated ginger root to them. Send the resulting composition to the teapot, add a few stars of anise, cinnamon (ground or stick) to it and pour boiling water. Infuse sea buckthorn tea for 9-10 minutes. It should be drunk hot, with the addition of honey or cane sugar.

How to make sea buckthorn tea - watch the video:

You can taste and compare the tastes of hot and cold sea buckthorn tea to make your choice. Or enjoy a cool drink in hot weather, or warm up with a cup of aromatic sea buckthorn tea in winter!
