The Five Tablespoon Diet is a weight loss technique based on reducing the portion size. Thanks to this, the size of the stomach decreases and after the cancellation of the diet, the kilograms do not return. Content:
Diet features
- Nutrition rules
- Diet preparation
Diet menu
- Allowed Products
- Prohibited foods
- Menu for the week
Diet results
- Reviews of those who have lost weight
- Advantages and disadvantages
The 5 tablespoon diet is very simple and does not require counting calories. Thanks to this, this technique has gained immense popularity among ladies with curvaceous forms. Weight loss is based on eating small meals at regular intervals.
Features of the "Five tablespoons" diet
At the 18th Congress of Nutritionists, more than one expert expressed their opinion on the beneficial effect of reducing portions on the amount of excess weight. It has been found that over 90% of obese patients have a huge stomach. It resembles the digestive organ of cattle. Ideally, the size of a person's stomach should not be larger than a fist. The stretched muscle walls of the organ lead to a constant feeling of hunger, because of this, a person is tied to the refrigerator. He is constantly eating something.
Nutrition rules for a diet "5 tablespoons"

This weight loss method is called the Healthy Weight Loss Diet. Weight loss with this technique is based on the correction of portion size without changing its composition. That is, you can eat what before, only in smaller portions.
Serving size is 150 g. This is five tablespoons or 15 teaspoons. Reducing the portion to 150 g gives positive results. Consistently eating small meals helps to reduce the size of your stomach.
When fighting obesity, adhere to the following nutritional rules:
- You can eat every 3 hours, no matter what it will be, the main thing is the serving size. It can be a banana or boiled chicken.
- For sandwiches and vegetables, it is impossible to measure them with spoons, so a mass is used. It is allowed to eat no more than 150 g. You will have to purchase a scale to measure the portion.
- The first 5 days, the body will rebuild in a new way. You may feel hungry all the time. This is quite normal, you need to be patient and wait. You will soon get used to eating this way.
- In order to reduce the stomach, do not drink food after each meal. It is necessary that the liquid enters the body an hour after eating.
Preparing for the "5 tablespoons" diet

There are many breakdowns on this diet, because the portions are small, and it is very difficult to quickly reduce the portion several times, so it is better to prepare for the diet.
To this end, it is advisable to reduce the amount of food gradually. It will take about 3 weeks to easily get used to the new nutritional method. For the first week, eat 10 tablespoons of food at a time. After a week, remove 3 tablespoons from the serving. Eat 7 tablespoons of food for another 7 days. Then go on a diet.
Gradually reducing your portion size will help you reschedule your diet more easily and keep you from getting rushed. The decrease in the size of the stomach occurs gradually, so you will not struggle with the constant feeling of hunger. After returning to a normal diet, you will eat less due to the correction of the size of the stomach.
At first, stool problems are possible. Sometimes there may be constipation. To prevent this from happening, eat 2 tablespoons of fiber a day. This is oat bran, which swells in the intestines and keeps you feeling full for a long time.
Diet menu "Five tablespoons"
Initially, nutritionists advised only to reduce portions, but experience has shown that excellent results can be achieved by eating low-calorie foods. In this case, you need to control not only what you eat, but also in what quantities.
Allowed Foods on the 5 Tbsp Diet

Low fat foods should be preferred. It also makes sense to consume foods with a low glycemic index. It gradually raises your blood glucose levels, so you don't feel like eating longer.
On the 5 tablespoons diet, you can also eat your favorite fried foods. Only in this case, you will have to reduce the number of servings to 3 per day, instead of 5. If you really want to eat, have fruit snacks.
Allowed Products:
- Fruits and vegetables … Despite the high fructose content, bananas and grapes are allowed. At one time, you can eat 150 g. This is a small banana or a small sprig of grapes. Vegetables can be stewed with a little oil, baked or steamed.
- Porridge … Do not eat "empty" cereals, including white rice and semolina. Nutritionists recommend introducing oat bran into the daily menu on the 5 tablespoons diet. It is a source of fiber that "scrapes" waste and old feces from the intestinal walls. Bran can be added to kefir or made into pancakes. Fry them in a dry non-stick pan.
- Lean meat … This is skinless chicken, lean beef and rabbit.
- Fats … There is no need to completely exclude vegetable oils from the menu. They can be used to dress salads. You should not use animal fats such as lard, lard, internal fat. It is allowed to flavor the porridge with a small amount of butter.
- Dairy products … Drink kefir, fermented baked milk or milk with a low percentage of fat. Use sour cream for salad dressing.
Prohibited foods on a 5 tablespoon diet

With a little excess weight, you will have to reduce not only the mass of the portion, but also remove some of the products from the diet. Following this diet, you need to exclude from your diet confectionery, fried food, fatty meat (you cannot eat pork, duck and lamb), sausages (in sausages up to 50% fat, which cannot but affect the figure), sugar (a source of empty calories). Avoid eating liquid calories in juices or sugary drinks.
If you really want something sweet, then you shouldn't deny yourself. You can afford to replace your regular meal with 150 g of cookies or sweets once a week. The calorie content of this meal will be high, but this way you will more easily tolerate the diet and not break down. This technique is called cheating. Once a week, preferably on a specific day of the week, allow yourself what you can't. But you have to control the serving size. You will lose weight more slowly, but in a good mood.
As practice shows, even the use of fatty foods and flour dishes will lead to weight loss with a significant reduction in portions.
Diet menu "5 tablespoons" for a week

The menu for the week is simple and balanced; if you wish, you can make your own adjustments to it. Most importantly, remember the portion size. You can adhere to this diet for longer than a week, until the goals are achieved.
Let's take a closer look at the menu by day:
- Monday … In the morning, cook the oatmeal in water and top it with apple or kiwi slices. Snack on one banana 2 hours after breakfast. For lunch, you will have a fruit salad dressed with yogurt. The afternoon snack consists of a vegetable stew. In the evening, eat a serving of yogurt with 5 pieces of dried apricots. If you feel hungry before bed, drink a glass of fresh orange.
- Tuesday … Prepare milk rice porridge for breakfast. You can add a lump of butter if you like. For lunch you have muesli with milk. Lunch consists of buckwheat porridge with beef cutlet. It is better to steam it. A little later, eat a mixture of cottage cheese and raw carrots. Eat a fruit salad for dinner. Before going to bed, you can satisfy your hunger with juice.
- Wednesday … In the morning, make an omelet with tomatoes and cheese. Drink a glass of kefir in an hour. Lunch consists of two sandwiches with salted red fish and herbs. Cook fish soup for lunch. For an afternoon snack you have seaweed with black bread. Dinner includes fish baked in foil with potatoes. Drink some carrot juice before going to bed.
- Thursday … In the morning, cook buckwheat with minced beef. For lunch you have a cabbage salad with apples. Treat yourself to stuffed bell peppers for lunch. The afternoon snack consists of dried apricots with raisins and a glass of kefir. For dinner, cook steamed vegetables without oil. Drink pomegranate juice before bed.
- Friday … Eat oatmeal in the water in the morning. Top it off with apple pancakes. For these purposes, you can use oat bran. For lunch you will have any salad. For lunch - cabbage soup with chicken broth. Afternoon snack - milkshake with banana. Dinner is quite satisfying. It consists of boiled chicken and mashed potatoes. Drink a glass of fresh juice before bed.
- Saturday … It's a sweet day. Today you will be eating sweets. Start your day with a slice of cake. For lunch you have a fruit salad with yogurt. For lunch, make a cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole. The afternoon snack consists of berry jelly. Eat a fruit salad for dinner. Drink a compote before bed.
- Sunday … In the morning, boil semolina in milk and add a spoonful of jam to it. For lunch, you have a banana and berry smoothie. Lunch consists of boiled shrimp with steamed vegetables. Afternoon snack - tomato stuffed with crab sticks and cheese. For dinner - seaweed salad. Drink a compote before going to bed.
In order not to break down and finish what you started, print out the menu for a week and hang it on the refrigerator. Purchase all the groceries you need from the store in advance. This way you will not be tempted to eat something forbidden.
Results of the "Five tablespoons" diet
The authors of the "5 tablespoons" diet claim that in just 7 days you can lose 4 kg. In fact, the amount of pounds lost depends on the initial weight. If you have only 3-5 extra pounds, then they will be extremely reluctant to part with you. Therefore, you will have to sit on a diet longer.
Reviews of those who have lost weight on the "5 tablespoons" diet

There is a lot of different information on the net about how much you managed to lose using this weight loss technique. Much depends on the products you choose, because the diet allows you to eat sweets and fried foods. Therefore, people who have not changed their taste preferences lose weight slowly. Those who have made a choice in favor of healthy food lose those extra pounds very quickly.
With a large initial weight, you can lose 20 kg in a month. This is quite a lot, but most nutritionists have approved this way of losing weight. Doctors consider the diet safe. This is the first step towards a healthy diet. After all, the goal of the diet is not to lose as many kilograms as possible, but to completely reconsider your attitude to food.
Most girls still manage to finish what they started, because, according to the reviews, they want to eat only for the first 5 days, then the body gets used to such small portions. Unlike low-calorie diets, this method of weight loss does not entail re-gaining weight. After all, the restriction in food is established not by reducing the calorie content of food, but by reducing the portion.
The stomach gradually decreases. After you return to your normal diet, the amount of food you eat will decrease. You will be satiated faster due to the reduction of the stomach.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the 5 Tbsp Diet

This weight loss technique can be considered one of the best. She changes eating habits and teaches not to overeat. You can go on a diet for a very long time, and you do not have to take vitamins. With the introduction of fresh fruits and juices into the diet, you will provide the body with everything it needs.
Diet Benefits: Affordable, sugary and fried, effective, stomach-shrinking, safe, nutritionally approved. Lost kilograms are not returned with proper nutrition.
As with any nutritional method, the "5 tablespoons" diet has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. This is a strong feeling of hunger for the first 5 days. In addition, it is difficult for an overeating person to reduce the portion size so much.
At first, stool problems are possible. Do not use a laxative, add 2 tablespoons of oat bran to the menu. They will solve your stool problems.
Among the disadvantages is the lack of a clear menu. That is, a person can choose what to eat. That is why people with a sweet tooth often include a lot of sweets in their diet, which leads to very slow weight loss. But, as you can see, there are more advantages to dieting than disadvantages.
Watch a video about the features of the "5 tablespoons" diet:

When choosing a diet for weight loss, do not bypass this method of correcting body weight. The results will not be long in coming, and the permitted sweets will make it easier to transfer the diet.