Pearl barley diet - rules, menus, results

Pearl barley diet - rules, menus, results
Pearl barley diet - rules, menus, results

The basic principles of the pearl barley diet. List of permitted and prohibited foods, food ration for the week. Real reviews and results.

The pearl barley diet is a budget mono diet that allows you to quickly normalize weight. Not suitable for people with gluten intolerance and nutritional deficiencies. Before starting to lose weight, it is recommended to consult with a nutritionist.

Features of the pearl barley diet

Barley porridge for weight loss
Barley porridge for weight loss

Barley diet for weight loss is a budget way to quickly normalize weight and improve overall well-being. The main product of this type of food is pearl barley combined with water and vegetables. This is not a very popular type of food: there is an opinion that barley is a high-calorie product that is difficult to digest. However, pearl barley porridge has a good composition and has a tonic and healing effect on the entire body as a whole.

Before proceeding with the diet, you must familiarize yourself with the rules for preparing barley. The groats are washed with plenty of water, soaked overnight, for at least 7 hours, and in the morning they are boiled until tender. In the process, it is necessary to observe the proportions: 1 glass of cereal to 3 glasses of water. After the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and leave the porridge for 30 minutes. Then turn off the burner and leave the pearl barley to stand warm for 15-25 minutes. The porridge is ready to eat, for the best result it is recommended to eat it in its pure form.

The main advantages of the pearl barley diet:

  • The composition of the cereal … It is a source of protein, vitamins (A, E, D, group B), minerals (calcium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, copper), amino acids (lysine) and dietary fiber (fiber). The rich multicomponent composition provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety, increases the protective properties of the body, helps to cope with constipation (provided that a person consumes a sufficient amount of water).
  • A varied menu … Barley porridge is suitable for preparing both first and second courses. Not only porridge is prepared from it, but also soups, salads, added to stuffed cabbage rolls. The diet can be diversified with new, unusual dishes, which may become favorites and remain in the usual diet for a long time. In addition, the pearl barley diet is great for people who are not used to spending a lot of time cooking.
  • Complex carbohydrates … Barley is rich in carbohydrates that do not provoke sudden surges in insulin, provide satiety, give energy and strength. Such food is not deposited in the form of fatty deposits on the sides, but is a real fuel for physical activity.
  • Pleasant taste, good tolerance … The product has a pleasant taste and is suitable for people with stomach disorders and allergy sufferers.
  • Wellness … A mono-diet of pearl barley does not lead to depletion of the body, but gives vigor, provides good health and mood.
  • External changes … The results of such a diet will not be long in coming, soon you can see the first positive external changes: swelling goes away, the skin is smoothed, the volume decreases

The disadvantages of a pearl barley diet for a week include the presence of gluten in the porridge, which is not suitable for people with intolerance to such protein and gluten. Long-term adherence to a mono-diet is fraught with a protein deficiency in the diet, decreased libido, and the risk of constipation.

A strict pearl barley diet is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with gastritis with high acidity, as well as impaired absorption of calcium.

See the features of the chocolate diet

Permitted and prohibited foods on a pearl barley diet

Permitted products on a pearl barley diet
Permitted products on a pearl barley diet

During fasting days, it is recommended to leave only porridge in the diet, without any other products. If you follow the pearl barley diet for 7 days, it is necessary to add other food products to the diet in order to ensure the supply of all the necessary micronutrients, proteins, and fats.

Barley can be combined with such low-calorie foods:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • dairy products made from goat milk with a low percentage of fat content;
  • nuts;
  • seafood.

In addition to the use of permitted products, during the diet on barley porridge, it is also necessary to observe the drinking regimen. The daily water intake can be calculated using an individual formula: multiply 30 ml of liquid by body weight. You can add lemon, lime, rosemary to the water.

The pearl barley diet for weight loss of 10 kg implies the rejection of such food products: sweet, smoked, alcoholic, confectionery, fatty meat and fish, dried fruits, too sweet fruits and berries. The ban includes purchased sweets, chips, crackers and any other "junk food", as well as carbonated drinks and fresh juices from sweet fruits.

Pearl barley diet menu

Barley with vegetables for weight loss
Barley with vegetables for weight loss

The pearl barley diet menu can be strict or soft. The first option involves the use of one pearl barley; you should not adhere to this diet for more than 3 days. They consume one pearl barley porridge in water, without adding oils and flavor enhancers. You can eat up to 750 grams of product per day, drink at least 1.5 liters of water.

The mild version is designed for a week with the inclusion of barley porridge in the menu, as well as vegetables, apples, seasonal berries and other permitted products. You can add spices (except for spicy ones) to pearl barley porridge, as well as vegetable oil, lemon juice, seeds. It is recommended to adhere to such a diet in order to ensure rapid weight loss and to consolidate the obtained result for a long time.


  • Breakfast: pearl barley porridge with crushed apple, cinnamon, a glass of green tea;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with barley, cucumber and arugula salad with sunflower and sesame seeds;
  • Dinner: barley porridge with a little salt and olive oil, a handful of seasonal berries with ground flax seeds.


  • Breakfast: pearl barley porridge on water with roasted nuts in the oven, a glass of rosehip tea;
  • Lunch: barley porridge with boiled fish, a portion of salad;
  • Dinner: a portion of pearl barley porridge with goat cheese, basil, tomato.


  • Breakfast: pearl barley porridge with the addition of carrots and roasted walnuts;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet, purple cabbage salad;
  • Dinner: low-fat goat cheese, a portion of barley porridge.


  • Breakfast: pearl barley porridge on water with seasonal berries, green tea;
  • Lunch: barley porridge, chicken fillet baked in the oven with vegetables;
  • Dinner: pearl barley porridge, a large portion of salad.


  • Breakfast: barley with apple, berry smoothie with spinach and flax seeds;
  • Lunch: pearl barley porridge, low-fat boiled fish;
  • Dinner: pearl barley porridge, ayran with bacterial sourdough.


  • Breakfast: pearl barley porridge with flax seeds, coconut flakes, chamomile decoction;
  • Lunch: seafood salad, boiled barley;
  • Dinner: a large portion of vegetable salad with pearl barley.


  • Breakfast: pearl barley on water with apple and cinnamon, ivan tea with dried berries;
  • Lunch: pearl barley porridge, a portion of fresh salad with herbs, carrots;
  • Dinner: goat curd with seasonal berries, a portion of barley porridge.

To consolidate the results obtained, it is important to get out of the diet correctly. For this, the daily diet is gradually enriched with new food products. On the first day after the end of the diet, you can eat a small amount of barley porridge for breakfast. Gradually add other foods to other meals.

Pearl barley diet results

Pearl barley diet results
Pearl barley diet results

The results of the pearl barley diet depend on the initial body weight and the fact how strictly the person followed all the recommendations for observing this type of diet. The first changes are noticeable after 4-5 days.

To consolidate the obtained result, it is recommended to completely revise the diet and established eating habits, give preference to moderate physical activity, and reduce sources of stress. Products that are classified as prohibited should be eliminated from the diet for good and try to adhere to the basic principles of a healthy diet.

You can adhere to fasting days on barley porridge 1-2 times a month, or follow a diet for 7 days or longer, if this does not harm your well-being. In 7 days, you can lose up to 5-7 kg. First, weight is reduced as a result of the body being cleansed in a natural way, then subcutaneous fat begins to be burned. The end result depends on what foods were present in the diet, in addition to pearl barley, as well as on the amount of food consumed and the speed of metabolic processes in the body.
