How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale - step by step photos

How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale - step by step photos
How to draw an illustration for a fairy tale - step by step photos

See how to draw an illustration for the fairy tale "Silver Hoof", "Gingerbread Man", "Goat Dereza", "Golden Key" and others. Learn how to draw Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga.

Thanks to parents, educators, fairy tales become the first books of kids. It will be interesting for children to learn how to portray the characters of their favorite fairy tale or scenes from a magical story by themselves.

How to draw an illustration for the fairy tale "Silver Hoof"?

Illustration for the fairy tale Silver Hoof
Illustration for the fairy tale Silver Hoof

If you are looking for winter fairy tales, Silver Hoof is perfect. See how to draw a scene from this interesting story of Bazhov.

Draw a house first. Draw two parallel vertical lines that will soon become the corners of the house. At the top, draw two lines that will turn into a roof.

House image
House image

Since the fairy tale "Silver Hoof" is winter, draw a roof and snow on it. Then depict the walls, windows. One will have shutters. Explain to the children why these elements are needed.

Draw a wavy line around the bottom of the house to show the presence of snow.

We depict snow near the house
We depict snow near the house

On the roof of the house there will be a silver hoof goat. First, you need to depict it schematically. To do this, draw three slightly uneven circles. The upper one will soon become the head, the second will turn into the front, and the third into the back of the animal. Connect the details and then trace around this diagram to define the character more clearly.

We depict a goat on a house
We depict a goat on a house

Draw the missing details. Erase construction lines. Remember to depict one of the front hooves so that it is raised. Draw horns, eyes, ears, nose, legs with hooves. Draw some points on the roof of the house. They will soon turn into gems.

Add missing details to the image
Add missing details to the image

Now we need to draw the trees. After all, the house is in the forest. Draw some lines to show how fluffy the snow is. Draw the stars and the moon in the sky.

Finishing the trees to the image
Finishing the trees to the image

Here's how to draw the fairy tale "Silver Hoof" with a pencil. If you wish, then color your masterpiece. Draw snowdrifts and snow on spruces using white, blue, gray paint. Then you will see where the shadow is. Behind one of the snowdrifts, you can draw a girl watching such a miracle. Brighten up the house and characters, and add color to the surroundings. The painting is complete.

Illustrations for the fairy tale "Kolobok" in stages

Show your child how to draw the characters in this story.

Drawing of a bun and a bunny
Drawing of a bun and a bunny
  1. First you need to draw a circle in the lower left corner. Inside it, draw the eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose. This is the main character of the fairy tale "Kolobok".
  2. Draw a hare on the right, but first - its schematic representation. To do this, draw a large oval that will become the body.
  3. The head is pear-shaped, as it is located in profile. Ears, hind legs, oval tail. And the front paw consists of two small ovals, so it can be seen that it is bent.
  4. In the next step, extra lines are removed. Then put strokes on the hare to show what kind of fur coat he has. In some places, leave lighter spots so that you can see, here the shadow falls less.
  5. The gingerbread man is yellow. Color it in this way, make the mouth red, and mark the blush with orange. You can draw the grass and the forest landscape.
  6. For the next illustration for the fairy tale "Kolobok" you will first need to depict two details. The upper one is pear-shaped with a snub nose, and the lower one is oval.
  7. Now draw two round ears at the top and four legs below. At the third stage, outline the features of the face, claws, erase the excess. At the end, draw the Bear in brown pencil, and his tummy and the inside of his ear in yellow.
Teddy bear drawing
Teddy bear drawing

The following illustration for the fairy tale "Kolobok" is visible in the picture.

Chanterelle drawing
Chanterelle drawing

The image begins by drawing geometric shapes. This is an oval that will soon become a body. Place it horizontally. A little higher and to the left, draw a slightly elongated circle, which will turn into a muzzle. To do this, add a pointed nose and two triangular ears.

Then sketch out the tail and paws. In the third step, outline the breast, tummy, eyes and the tip of the tail. Don't forget to erase the extra lines. Then it remains to paint the fox red, leaving a little white in the area of the chest, abdomen and tip of the tail. And make the bottom of some paws darker.

"Gray neck" - illustrations for a fairy tale

Introduce the children to this tale. After all, this story awakens the best feelings, brings up kindness in children. Drawing a duck is easy, especially since this skill will certainly come in handy for kids in the future. After all, sometimes they will need to portray this bird.

Bird drawing
Bird drawing

It's easy to draw in stages. First you need to draw a small circle and a shape that looks like a horizontally located drop. Now add the beak to the head, which is shown to the left. The winglet almost repeats the shape of the body. Draw an openwork edge on it, as well as on the tail, to show that these are feathers. Then draw the nostrils, eyes, make the feathers on the breast more grooved.

At the next stage, this will allow you to color this part so that you can see it is a gray neck duck. The breast and wing are the same color. Draw the orange beak and legs, and light brown the head and body of the bird.

Illustration for the fairy tale "Goat Dereza"

This skill will also come in handy when you need to draw a mother from the magical story "The Seven Kids". As you can see, the head of this character is oval and slightly turned down. An elongated triangle with a sloping top emerges from it.

Since the hands are on the chest, at this stage you need to make them oval. On the next one, you will add brushes and define the sleeves. Draw an underskirt, an upper skirt and an apron. Then draw the horns, ears and the base of the headdress. Don't forget to draw the hooves.

Further, this illustration for the fairy tale takes on color. Let the child dream up and dress the goat the way he wants it, but you will show him how to draw a wreath, beads, and color elements of clothing.

Drawing of the Goat Dereza
Drawing of the Goat Dereza

How to make crafts on the theme "The fairy tale grew up in the garden"

How to draw the Little Mermaid - phased illustrations for a fairy tale

This skill will definitely come in handy when you start reading a fairy tale of the same name to your child. To draw the Little Mermaid, use the presented step-by-step photos.

Little Mermaid Drawing
Little Mermaid Drawing

Draw a rounded head first. To then maintain symmetry when drawing facial features, draw a vertical strip, but not all the way. In this step, sketch out the neck and body up to the waist. On the next - using the previously drawn line, depict symmetrical eyes, and below - the nose and mouth. Draw the tail. Then remove the extra lines and make the face more expressive. Draw hair and scales on the tail. Show your child how to color the mermaid to make it look so bright.

How to draw a fairy tale "Golden Key"?

This is also easy to do. Draw a round head, in the place where the shoulder will be located - a small circle. Add guidelines for the body. This curve will help create a back and a leg that sits slightly behind. Draw the second at a short distance.

Draw the cap for this character. To draw Pinocchio further, draw his eye and ear. Draw hair that looks like shavings. Dress this character in shorts and a jacket. Give him the golden key. It remains to add colors, after which the painting is complete.

Drawing of Pinocchio
Drawing of Pinocchio

The second character of the tale The Golden Key is Karabas Barabas. To draw it, first draw a round head, just below is a powerful body. We do not draw the neck, then the figure of Karabas Barabas will seem even more massive.

Draw a semicircular line around the belly to show where the shirt ends and the pants begin.

Draw the arms, legs, then the beard and face of this negative character. It remains to decorate it.

Drawing by Karabas Barabas
Drawing by Karabas Barabas

Here's how to draw the fairy tale "The Golden Key".

How to draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in stages?

On the eve of the New Year holidays, this skill will be very relevant. After all, children at school will probably be given such a task. They can depict Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to make a postcard and present to parents or friends.

Santa Claus drawing
Santa Claus drawing
  1. Let's start with Santa Claus. Draw a narrow triangle that will soon turn into his fur coat.
  2. At the top, instead of a point, draw a semicircle that will soon become a face. Draw a vertical line in the middle of it so that the facial features are symmetrical. On top, draw the edge of the cap and itself. Draw the collar, sleeves, staff, and beard.
  3. To draw Santa Claus further, at the second stage add facial features, mittens, and make his beard more fluffy. Mark the places where the boots and the belt will be.
  4. In the third drawing, this character becomes more and more realistic. Show that the edge of the fur coat is fluffy. To do this, you need to make the lines more discontinuous in these places. Modify your beard in the same way. It remains to paint the clothes of Santa Claus, draw his pink cheeks. Now we turn to the image of his granddaughter.
  5. To draw the Snow Maiden, first also draw a triangle, but at the top, instead of an acute angle, draw a neck, a head and sketch a hat. Since the face of the granddaughter of Santa Claus is turned to the left, move the vertical line here, which will help to make it more symmetrical.
  6. Then draw a horizontal line to see where the eyes will be. Draw the nose and mouth below. Draw the girl's hands and muff. Make this accessory more fluffy, as well as the edging on the fur coat and hat.
  7. Draw a hairstyle, facial features. To draw the Snow Maiden further, all that remains is to decorate it. Usually this girl sports a blue fur coat and hat.
Snow Maiden drawing
Snow Maiden drawing

How to draw Baba Yaga?

When a child draws an illustration for a fairy tale, it may be necessary to depict this character as well.

Drawing by Baba Yaga
Drawing by Baba Yaga
  1. First sketch out this granny. The circle will become the head, the oval will become the hunched back. Draw a long skirt just below it, and draw a hooked nose at the top.
  2. Grandma's chin is elongated. This will be seen in the second figure. Draw her hand, slippers, eyes, this will need to be done in the second stage.
  3. On the third, draw the hair, a scarf with ties at the top. Mark where the apron and sleeves are. In the next step, draw the bottom tooth of Babe Yaga, apply the pattern to the slippers, outline the fingers of the hand.
  4. It remains to decorate this character. You can draw a stupa with a broom, as well as a stick and a wooden plate.

How to draw a knight, a princess - phased illustrations for a fairy tale

  • There are magical stories where these characters appear. To draw a fairy tale with their participation, let's start with a picture of a girl.
  • Draw her round head, slender neck, body, and a bell-like skirt. To depict the features of the face, first draw the guide lines.
  • Draw the arms and hair. In the next step, add a pattern to the dress. You can steal it with bows. Make your hair thicker and your eyes more expressive.

If a child draws, then he can "dress" the princess at his own discretion. After all, girls are very fond of coming up with outfits.

Princess Drawing
Princess Drawing

It remains to depict a crown, a fan and you can start drawing a knight.

Draw two figures that will become his ammunition. The top rectangle is the helmet. In the next picture, you can see that you need to finish drawing the arm and legs. Gradually add more and more new touches. Draw protectors for the knees and elbows. It remains to decorate this hero and rejoice at how quickly you were able to draw a knight.

Knight Drawing
Knight Drawing

Cartoons are often made based on fairy tales. This also applies to the next hero.

How to draw Winnie the Pooh in stages?

Winnie the Pooh Drawing
Winnie the Pooh Drawing

Draw an oval. He will repeat the figure of this character. Divide it in half with a horizontal line. Draw a semicircle at the top, draw two eyes and a nose directly below it. Also draw a characteristic pattern here, which you then use to mark the places around the eyes. Draw ears, paws.

This is how to draw an illustration for this fairy tale with a pencil in stages. You can see what needs to be highlighted with a simple pencil, and which areas should be left white.

It is very interesting to do this kind of creative work. You can add other features to the drawings, draw the heroes of magical stories against the background of a forest, a palace.

See how to draw an illustration for the fairy tale "The Frog Princess".

And if you need to draw the heroes of the "Turnip" fairy tale, then watch the second master class.
