A simple recipe for viburnum jelly for the winter in jars: the rules for choosing ingredients, cooking technology. Video recipes.

Red viburnum jelly for the winter is a popular dessert that not only brings taste pleasure, but also carefully saturates the body with vitamins and tannins. Such a delicacy is used as a folk remedy for colds, diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Before making viburnum jelly for the winter, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing the main ingredient. Viburnum is a berry that, after ripening in August-September, remains hanging on the branches for several months and has a bitter taste before the first frost, therefore it is not used for harvesting. After the first frost, the pulp becomes more aromatic and sweet. It is at this time that the harvest begins, and the viburnum appears on the shelves.
We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simple recipe for viburnum jelly for the winter in jars.
See also how to make jam with apples and viburnum.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 184 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - 50 minutes

- Viburnum - 500 g
- Sugar - 500 g
- Water - 1 tbsp.
Step-by-step preparation of viburnum jelly for the winter in jars

1. The recipe for viburnum jelly for the winter provides for a special preliminary preparation of red berries. This allows you to achieve a delicate taste of the finished dish. We remove all the berries from the branches, place them in a deep plate and fill them with strong boiling water. We leave for 5 minutes. It is very important to withstand this amount of time, because insufficient duration of processing does not allow softening the outer shell, and a longer exposure neutralizes the enzymes that contribute to the solidification of the jelly. Also, this process allows you to kill unwanted microbes and removes the remnants of bitterness from the pulp. Next, drain the water and leave the berries in a colander or lay them out on a dry towel so that their surface dries slightly.

2. Further, in accordance with the recipe for viburnum jelly, the berries must be rubbed through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous mass without peels and seeds. The remaining cake can be placed in a gauze bag and additionally squeezed to remove the remaining pulp.

3. Sugar is used as a preservative and flavor enhancer in the recipe for viburnum jelly for the winter in jars. It allows you to increase the energy value of the finished product and maximize the benefits of fresh berries. After mixing in the granulated sugar, place the future jelly in a metal bowl and put on the smallest fire. Cooking time is 40 minutes. In this case, be sure to stir the mass with a whisk or spoon and remove the resulting foam.

4. Prepare glass jars - rinse and steam. Pour the viburnum jelly into the prepared dish and seal with a lid. When the food has cooled, you can place it in a cool, dark place or store it in the refrigerator. Subject to the described technology, the jelly hardens quickly enough, acquiring an interesting consistency.

5. Jelly from viburnum for the winter in jars is ready! For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, this product is recommended to be consumed in a volume of no more than 80 ml per day. Dessert can be added to tea or sandwiches with it. Sometimes this product is used as a filling for sweet baked goods.
See also video recipes:
1. Delicious viburnum for the winter

2. Jam from viburnum for the winter